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【書摘】在少女們身旁—遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 3
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【書摘】在少女們身旁遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 3
Malgré cela, tandis que les innombrables images que m’a présentées dans la suite la brune joueuse de golf, si différentes qu’elles soient les unes des autres, se superposent (parce que je sais qu’elles lui appartiennent toutes), et que si je remonte le fil de mes souvenirs, je peux, sous le couvert de cette identité et comme dans un chemin de communication intérieure, repasser par toutes ces images sans sortir d’une même personne, en revanche, si je veux remonter jusqu’à la jeune fille que je croisai le jour où j’étais avec ma grand-mère, il me faut ressortir à l’air libre. Je suis persuadé que c’est Albertine que je retrouve, la même que celle qui s’arrêtait souvent, au milieu de ses amies, dans sa promenade, dépassant l’horizon de la mer ; mais toutes ces images restent séparées de cette autre parce que je ne peux pas lui conférer rétrospectivement une identité qu’elle n’avait pas pour moi au moment où elle a frappé mes yeux ; quoi que puisse m’assurer le calcul des probabilités, cette jeune fille aux grosses joues qui me regarda si hardiment au coin de la petite rue et de la plage et par qui je crois que j’aurais pu être aimé, au sens strict du mot revoir, je ne l’ai jamais revue.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

儘管如此,那個棕髮高爾夫球手此後在我心目中呈現的無數形象,無論彼此有多麼不同,全都重疊了起來 (因為我知道它們都屬於她),如果我沿著回憶之線上溯,那麼在這個同一性質的掩護下,猶如行走在一條內部通道之中,我可以穿越所有這些形象,而仍然留在這同一個人裡面,反過來,倘若我要追溯到那天我和外婆一起遇到的少女,我就必須從那裡而鑽出來,回到現實中來。我對自己說,我又見到了阿爾貝蒂娜,她就是行走在大海之上的那群少女中常常停下腳步的那個;然而所有這些形象依然是跟這另一個形象分離的,因為當時這個一見之下使我威到震驚的少女,跟這些形象並不是同一的,我沒法在事後再把它們合在一起;無論機率的計算會是怎樣的,這個腮幫胖乎乎,在海灘小街拐角處目光熱辣辣地看著我,讓我感到我可能被她愛上的女孩。在那以後我就沒再見到 (在「再見到」的確切意義上) 過她。
追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

In spite of which, whereas the countless images that have since been furnished me by the dark young golfer, however different they may have been from one another, have overlaid one another (because I now know that they all belong to her), and if I retrace the thread of my memories I can, under cover of that identity, and as though along a tunnelled passage, pass through all those images in turn without losing my consciousness of the same person behind them all, if, on the other hand, I wish to revert to the girl whom I passed that day when I was with my grandmother, I must escape first into freer air. I am convinced that it is Albertine whom I find there, the same girl as her who would often stop dead among her moving comrades, in her walk along the foreground of the sea; but all those more recent images remain separate from that earlier one because I am unable to confer on her retrospectively an identity which she had not for me at the moment in which she caught my eye; whatever assurance I may derive from the law of probabilities, that girl with plump cheeks who stared at me so boldly from the angle of the little street and the beach, and by whom I believe that I might have been loved, I have never, in the strict sense of the words, seen again.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

And yet, although the innumerable images that the dark-haired golfing girl showed mc at later times, however dissimilar they are, can be superimposed on one another, because I know she was the model of them all, and though, if I wind in the clew of my memories of her, I can follow the same identity from one to the other, find my way through the labyrinth, and come back always to the same person, on the other hand, if I try to find my way back to the girl I passed when I was with my grandmother, I lose my way. I am sure it must be Albertine, the same girl who used to come to a standstill among her friends as they walked, profiled against the horizon of sea. But all the other images remain separate from this one, because I cannot give it in retrospect an identity it did not have for me at the moment when it impinged on my sight. In the strictest sense of the term “to see again,” whatever the theory of probabilities has to say on the matter, that particular girl with full cheeks, who looked at me so boldly at the junction of the side street with the seafront, and who I think could have fallen in love with me, I was never to see again.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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