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【書摘】在少女們身旁—遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 5-5
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【書摘】在少女們身旁遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 5-5
Et il reprit, comme en vertu d’une force élastique, toute sa hauteur, quand il cessa de subir l’étreinte de cette certitude, au moment où m’étant décidé à tourner la tête, je vis Elstir, arrêté quelques pas plus loin avec les jeunes filles, leur dire au revoir. La figure de celle qui était le plus près de lui, grosse et éclairée par ses regards, avait l’air d’un gâteau où on eût réservé de la place pour un peu de ciel. Ses yeux, même fixes, donnaient l’impression de la mobilité comme il arrive par ces jours de grand vent où l’air, quoique invisible, laisse percevoir la vitesse avec laquelle il passe sur le fond de l’azur. Un instant ses regards croisèrent les miens, comme ces ciels voyageurs des jours d’orage qui approchent d’une nuée moins rapide, la côtoient, la touchent, la dépassent. Mais ils ne se connaissent pas et s’en vont loin l’un de l’autre.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

And it resumed, as though by some latent elasticity in itself, its whole extent when it ceased to be subjected to the pressure of that certainty, at the moment when, having decided to turn my head, I saw Elstir, standing where he had stopped a few feet away with the girls, bidding them good-bye. The face of the girl who stood nearest to him, round and plump and glittering with the light in her eyes, reminded me of a cake on the top of which a place has been kept for a morsel of blue sky. Her eyes, even when fixed on an object, gave one the impression of motion, just as on days of high wind the air, although invisible, lets us perceive the speed with which it courses between us and the unchanging azure. For a moment her gaze intersected mine, like those travelling skies on stormy days which hurry after a rain-cloud that moves less rapidly than they, overtake, touch, cover, pass it and are gone; but they do not know one another, and are soon driven far apart.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

It only went back to its previous dimensions, as though by the working of an elastic force, when that knowledge ceased to constrain it; and that occurred at the moment when, happening to glance around, I saw Elstir just a few feet away, taking his leave of the group of girls. Something in the face of the one standing closest to him, plump and illuminated by the bright look in her eyes, made me think of a cake with a bit of sky in it: her eyes, even when motionless, gave an impression of mobility, as happens on blowy days when the air, though invisible, shows the rate at which it is skimming over the sky-blue surface. For an instant her eyes passed across mine, like those flowing skies on stormy days when clouds moving at different speeds come close, touch, then part: they do not meet or ever become one.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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