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2016/01/16 07:25:36瀏覽190|回應0|推薦13 | |
【書摘】在少女們身旁—遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 5-2 Sentant qu’il était inévitable que la rencontre entre elles et nous se produisît, et qu’Elstir allait m’appeler, je tournai le dos comme un baigneur qui va recevoir la lame ; je m’arrêtai net et laissant mon illustre compagnon poursuivre son chemin, je restai en arrière, penché, comme si j’étais subitement intéressé par elle, vers la vitrine du marchand d’antiquités devant lequel nous passions en ce moment ; je n’étais pas fâché d’avoir l’air de pouvoir penser à autre chose qu’à ces jeunes filles, et je savais déjà obscurément que quand Elstir m’appellerait pour me présenter, j’aurais la sorte de regard interrogateur qui décèle non la surprise, mais le désir d’avoir l’air surpris – tant chacun est un mauvais acteur ou le prochain un bon physiognomoniste, – que j’irais même jusqu’à indiquer ma poitrine avec mon doigt pour demander : « C’est bien moi que vous appelez » et accourir vite, la tête courbée par l’obéissance et la docilité, le visage dissimulant froidement l’ennui d’être arraché à la contemplation de vieilles faïences pour être présenté à des personnes que je ne souhaitais pas de connaître. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47) 我感覺到她們與我們勢必相遇,不可避免,也感到埃爾斯蒂爾就要叫我,便像一個泳者看到浪峰即將襲來那樣轉過身去。我驟然停步,任憑我那位鼎鼎大名的同伴繼續向前,我則留在後頭。當時我們正走過一家古玩店前,我朝古董商的櫥窗俯下身去,似乎這櫥窗突然吸引了我。我裝作不在想這些少女,而能夠想別的事,頗為得意。而且我已經隱約知道,待埃爾斯蒂爾呼喚我以便將我介紹給她們時,我會露出詢問的目光。那目光流露出的不是驚異,而是希望裝出的驚異——每個人都是蹩腳的演員,或者說,每個人身邊的人都是善於根據外表判斷性格的人——我甚至會用手指指著胸脯問:「您是叫我嗎?」並且一溜小跑奔過去,乖乖地低著頭,臉上冷冷地掩藏起煩躁,因為我正在聚精會神欣賞古老的瓷器而被打斷,要把我介紹給我並不希望認識的人。 (p.461~462 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992) 我感到這次勢所必然的會見迫在眉睫,意識到埃爾斯蒂爾馬上就要喊我,不由自主地側轉身去,猶如游泳的人看見海浪蓋頭撲來時那樣;我停住不動,讓我這位顯赫的同伴兀自往前走去,我則站在他身後,向 (當時我們正好路過一家古董店) 古董店的櫥窗俯下身去,彷彿我突然對這櫥窗很感興趣似的;能做出沒在想這些少女,而是在想別的什麼事情的樣子,我還覺得挺得意的,我已經隱隱約約地想像到,待會兒埃爾斯蒂爾喊我過去為我介紹的時候,我會用一種探詢的目光去看他,其中流露的不是驚訝,而是佯作驚訝的神情——我們每個人都是蹩腳的演員,或者說都是看懂旁人臉部表情的高手——,我甚至會用手指著胸脯問:「是叫我嗎?」然後乖乖地低下頭,趕忙往前跑去,但臉色是冷冷的,看古董彩陶剛看到興頭上,讓人一下子叫出來,去介紹給我並不想認識的人,我心裡正惱著呢,我只是不讓慍色在臉上露出來罷了。 (p.238 追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004) Feeling that a collision between them and us was now inevitable, and that Elstir would be certain to call me, I turned my back, like a bather preparing to meet the shock of a wave; I stopped dead and, leaving my eminent companion to pursue his way, remained where I was, stooping, as if I had suddenly become engrossed in it, towards the window of the curiosity shop which we happened to be passing at the moment. I was not sorry to give the appearance of being able to think of something other than these girls, and I was already dimly aware that when Elstir did call me up to introduce me to them I should wear that sort of challenging expression which betokens not surprise but the wish to appear as though one were surprised—so far is every one of us a bad actor, or everyone else a good thought-reader;—that I should even go so far as to point a finger to my breast, as who should ask “It is me, really, that you want?” and then run to join him, my head lowered in compliance and docility and my face coldly masking my annoyance at being torn from the study of old pottery in order to be introduced to people whom I had no wish to know. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff) Seeing that a meeting between them and us was inevitable, and knowing that Elstir would call me over, I turned my back, like a bather as a large wave comes in: I stopped, letting my illustrious companion walk on without me, and stood outside the antique shop we happened to be passing, stooping toward its window as though fascinated by something. I was nor sorry to be able to appear to have something other than the girls to think about, and I could vaguely foresee already that, when Elstir called me over to introduce me, I would put on the interrogative look that reveals not so much surprise as the desire to appear surprised—each of us being as bad at acting as our witness is good at reading faces—that I would even go so far as to point at my own chest as though asking, “Who? Me?” and then walk quickly over to them, my head bent in docile obedience, and my expression a cold mask hiding annoyance at being dragged away from my study of old china merely to be introduced to people whom I had no desire to know. (Translated by James Grieve) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |