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【書摘】在少女們身旁—遇見阿爾貝蒂娜 (Encounter Albertine) 4-1 Mon hésitation entre les diverses jeunes filles de la petite bande, lesquelles gardaient toutes un peu du charme collectif qui m’avait d’abord troublé, s’ajouta-t-il aussi à ces causes pour me laisser plus tard, même au temps de mon plus grand – de mon second – amour pour Albertine, une sorte de liberté intermittente, et bien brève, de ne l’aimer pas ? Pour avoir erré entre toutes ses amies avant de se porter définitivement sur elle, mon amour garda parfois entre lui et l’image d’Albertine certain « jeu » qui lui permettait, comme un éclairage mal adapté, de se poser sur d’autres avant de revenir s’appliquer à elles ; le rapport entre le mal que je ressentais au coeur et le souvenir d’Albertine ne me semblait pas nécessaire, j’aurais peut-être pu le coordonner avec l’image d’une autre personne. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47) 我在這一小幫子的各個少女之間猶疑不定,她們每個人都保留了一點首先使我心蕩神馳的集體魅力。這種猶疑是不是又給上述的原因增加了一條,給我後來,即使在我最熱戀阿爾貝蒂娜——是我第二次談戀愛——的期間,留下一種間歇的而且短暫的不愛她的自由呢?由於先在她的所有女友之間遊蕩,後來才固定在她身上,我的愛情有時在愛與阿爾貝蒂娜的形象之間保留著某種「遊戲」性質,這種遊戲,像沒有對準的光束一樣,使愛情先落在別人身上,然後才回來施加在她的身上。我心中感到不自在與對阿爾貝蒂娜的回憶之間,似乎並沒有什麼必要的聯繫,說不定與另一個人的形象也能聯繫在一起。 (p.451 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992) 我在這一小幫少女中間猶豫不決,當初使我心馳神往的那種集體的魅力,她們每個人身上都有一點,也許正是這種猶豫又讓我多了幾分理由,在日後即便是我熱戀 (這在我是第二次) 阿爾貝蒂娜的時候,也給自己保留一種間歇的、很短暫的不愛她的自由?我的愛情,在最終落實在她身上之前,先是在她的這些女友之問遊蕩,有時在愛情與阿爾貝蒂娜的形象之間保留著一種間隙,使愛情就像沒有對準的光束一樣,先是落在別人身上,然後才回轉來打在她身上;我心中感到的不快,跟我對阿爾貝蒂娜的回憶之間,好像並沒有必然的聯繫,換了另外一個人的形象,說不定也會這樣。 (p.228 追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004) My hesitation between the different girls of the little band, all of whom retained something of the collective charm which had at first disturbed me, combined with the reasons already given to allow me later on, even at the time of my greater—mysecond—passion for Albertine, a sort of intermittent and very brief liberty to abstain from loving her. From having strayed among all her friends before it finally concentrated itself on her, my love kept, now and then, between itself and the image of Albertine a certain ‘play’ of light and shade which enabled it, like a badly fitted lamp, to flit over the surface of each of the others before settling its focus upon her; the connexion between the pain which I felt in my heart and the memory of Albertine did not seem to me necessary; I might perhaps have managed to co-ordinate it with the image of another person. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff) Was it my initial hesitancy, my inability to choose among the different girls of the little gang, in each of whom was preserved something of the collective attractiveness that had first excited me, which added to the other causes and, at the time of my greater love for Albertine, my later, second love for her, gave me, albeit intermittently and very briefly, the freedom not to love her? Because it had wandered about among all her friends, before opting definitively for her, my love kept some “slack?” between it and the image of Albertine, enabling it, like a badly adjusted beam of light, to settle briefly on others before returning to focus on her; the relation between the pain in my heart and the memory of Albertine did not seem a necessary one; I could perhaps have made it match the image of another person. (Translated by James Grieve) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |