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2010/05/30 10:22:19瀏覽458|回應1|推薦3
(p.211 追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

All this creates, in front of the sensitive and intelligent man, a universe all depth which his jealousy would fain plumb and which is not without interest to his intelligence. Albeit I was not exactly a man of that category, I was going perhaps, now that Albertine was dead, to learn the secret of her life. Here again, do not these indiscretions which occur only after a person’s life on earth is ended, prove that nobody believes, really, in a future state. If these indiscretions are true, we ought to fear the resentment of her whose actions we are revealing fully as much on the day when we shall meet her in heaven, as we feared it so long as she was alive, when we felt ourselves bound to keep her secret. And if these indiscretions are false, invented because she is no longer present to contradict them, we ought to be even more afraid of the dead woman’s wrath if we believed in heaven. But no one does believe in it.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Tout cela crée, en face de l’intellectuel sensible, un univers tout en profondeurs que sa jalousie voudrait sonder et qui n’est pas sans intéresser son intelligence. Sans être précisément de ceux-là j’allais peut-être, maintenant qu’Albertine était morte, savoir le secret de sa vie. Mais cela, ces indiscrétions qui ne se produisent qu’après que la vie terrestre d’une personne est finie, ne prouvent-elles pas que personne ne croit, au fond, à une vie futurei? Si ces indiscrétions sont vraies, on devrait redouter le ressentiment de celle dont on dévoile les actions, autant pour le jour où on la rencontrera au ciel, qu’on le redoutait tant qu’elle vivait, lorsqu’on se croyait tenu à cacher son secret. Et si ces indiscrétions sont fausses, inventées parce qu’elle n’est plus là pour démentir, on devrait craindre plus encore la colère de la morte si on croyait au ciel. Mais personne n’y croit.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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typo ? mistranslate ?
2010/05/30 10:26

All this creates, in front of the sensitive and intelligent man, a universe all depth which his jealousy would fain plumb and which is not without interest to his intelligence.

" his jealousy " should be " her jealousy"