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淺介 William C. Carter's Proust in Love —PART2
2009/12/08 14:02:55瀏覽714|回應1|推薦5

The Night Prowler
Proust 女管家 Céleste Albaret 的回憶錄中,其實可以清楚知道 Proust 晝伏夜出、日夜顛倒的一些生活習慣,所以,與其說他是暗夜的徘徊者,倒不如說他像極了某種夜行動物
在《追憶似水年華》一書中,同性戀是一個極重要的軸線,不管是男同性戀或女同性戀,甚至是雙性戀,據聞 Proust 為此寫作題材也不得不出入一些風花雪月場所,書裡頭有提到1870年巴黎合法登記的妓院有145家,可以說是盛極一時,但到了1892年則銳減到59家,主要原因就是私娼人數已經至於多到15000人,至於那些秘密且非法設立的 Male brothel ,則無法確認何時開始流行?

而有關 Proust 的性向,時至今日似乎也沒有必要多加揣測,信者恆信,假如只參考 Céleste Albaret 的一些說法, Proust 的同性戀傾向可以說是毫無可跡象可循,但一般的傳記作家可不這麼認為,至於 Carter 的看法呢?似乎也沒有一個明確的定論
“Looking back over his love life, it seems fair to say that Proust never had a sexually fulfilling relationship with a companion whom he loved. If he did, one finds no definite trace of such affection in his letters and writings. It seems unlikely that he could have found a partner capable of satisfying his great longings or with sufficient patience to endure his endless and unreasonable demands. In the end, he became disillusioned about erotic love.”

The Boys from the Ritz
巴黎的麗池酒店在1898年開始營業,是世界最著名及最豪華的旅館之一,同時也是世界上最早經營的第一家麗池酒店。它就位在巴黎市中心的旺多姆廣場 (Place Vendôme)
曾經和麗池酒店相關的名人包含了 Ernest Hemingway F. Scott Fitzgerald Rudolph Valentino Charlie Chaplin Jean-Paul Sartre Elton John Coco Chanel ,當然也不可能遺漏
因為外交官好友 Paul Morand 及其夫人同時也是羅馬尼亞公主 Soutzo 的關係,經常出入麗池酒店,而慷慨大方給小費的習慣,讓服務生對 Proust特別禮遇,或許他也想藉機從中得到一些小道消息,做為他寫作題材的參考
有這麼一段傳聞, Proust 的好友 Henri Bardac 曾經告訴 Paul Morand 有關 Proust 引誘男服務生的伎倆 favorite stratagem for enticing bellhops
Proust would ring for the bellboy and then begin washing his hands. When the boy entered the room, Proust, who was leaning over the sink, would say to him, ‘My friend, I have a tip for you, but I can’t give it to you because my hands are wet; please get it out of my pants pocket.’ ”

Love Is Divine
最後這一個章節主要談的是《追憶似水年華》的最後一冊 〈重現的時光〉 (Time Regained) 的最終啟示,關於時間、關於回憶、關於遺忘 也關於愛情

 (以下是 Stephen Hudson 之譯文,與 Carter 書中所引用的不同)
But principally because if our love is not only for a Gilberte, what gives us so much pain is not that it is also the love of an Albertine but because it is a more durable part of our soul than the various selves which successively die in us, each of which would selfishly retain it, a part of our soul which must, whatever the pain, detach itself from those beings so that we should understand and constitute their generality and impart the meaning of that love to all men, to the universal consciousness and not to one woman, then to another with which first one, then another of our successive selves has desired to unite. “

Once I left Gilberte early and in the middle of the night, while still half-asleep, I called Albertine. I had not been thinking or dreaming of her, nor had I mistaken her for Gilberte. My memory had lost its love for Albertine but it seems there must be an involuntary memory of the limbs, pale and sterile imitation of the other, which lives longer as certain mindless animals or plants live longer than man. The legs, the arms are full of blunted memories; a reminiscence germinating in my arm had made me seek the bell behind my back, as I used to in my room in Paris and I had called Albertine, imagining my dead friend lying beside me as she so often did at evening when we fell asleep together, counting the time it would take Françoise to reach us, so that Albertine might without imprudence pull the bell I could not find.”

真正的愛情必須是脫離具體的人而成為一種普遍價值嗎?然而它代表的究竟是 Proust 的愛情觀,還是小說中主角的愛情觀?

敘述者終日恓恓惶惶,始終無法讓自己寫作的才華得到肯定,追逐的愛情也因為女友香銷玉殞而無法實現,在一般讀者看來,這應該算是一本悲劇性的小說吧?  Carter 卻不這麼認為:
Time Regained contains a high moral message that points the way to “happiness” and the creation of something “whose value” is “eternal”. The right path or way (cote) lies in the opposite direction from that of egotistical pleasure. The Narrator sees that the lessons learned, at the expense of pain and waste of time, can be converted into altruistic, transcendent art worthy of being called great and universal because it endows us with a treasury that enriches each succeeding generation as it draws from and contributes to the accumulated wealth of human achievements. “

書末, Carter 下了這樣一個結論:

In Search of Lost Time is, to my mind, comedy of the highest order that amuses, delights, and frequently dazzles as we follow the Narrator on his quest. After many ups and downs and wrong turns, the story has a happy ending in which the myriad themes—major and minor—beautiful orchestrated throughout, are gloriously resolved in the grand finale. “



然而,對於我最終的反應並不是意味這一部大河小說 Roman-Fleuve 內容的煩悶與艱澀,或是自己早已在其載浮載沉失去目標,相反地,我認為在每一回合的閱讀時光中,每一次真正的激情或感受早已經內化、深植在我心中,我相信這不是終點,而是另一個閱讀階段的起點

 Edmund WhiteMary Ann Caws 的傳記、 Shattuck Proust’s Way: A Field Guide to in Search of Lost Time、一直到 Carter 的這本 Proust in Love,我一直不斷地想要驗證及提昇自己在《追憶似水年華》中得到的有限的、淺薄的閱讀經驗如何可以伸展以及變得厚實

很喜歡〈重現的時光〉裡的這句話:"un livre est un grand cimetière où sur la plupart des tombes on ne peut plus lire les noms effacés." (一部作品便是一片廣闊的墓地,大多數墓碑上的名字已被磨去,無法再辨認)
Proust 認為「既然我們最強烈的感情經過幾年後我們已不再有所感受既然它們已經只是我們一個不理解的詞那麽如果還有什麽能使我們學會理解那些被遺忘的詞的方法如果我們能做到把它解釋清楚的話我們的短處不又變成一種新的力量了嗎
是的,儘管 Proust 意圖建立的墓碑難以辨認,但我仍然會持續努力讓自己有所感受、讓自己遲鈍而荒蕪的心田不停地尋找到一次又一次的感動

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2010/01/06 15:57


不過據說Proust很害羞?  這方式很像是他以夏呂為藍本擬的場景, 或是吹牛

同意Carter看法, 我讀來常感美麗中有噴飯或殘酷的哀愁

不知你覺得 ?