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淺介 William C. Carter's Proust in Love-- PART1
2009/12/08 13:58:35瀏覽910|回應0|推薦5


約莫在同一時間買了 William C. Carter 所寫的兩本有關 Proust 的書,其中一本是2002年出版厚達1000頁的傳記 Marcel Proust A LIFE另一本則是相對嬌小的精裝本 Proust in Love
想當然耳,經過這一陣子的苦讀,我終究也只能先把 Proust in Love 唸過一遍,至於 A LIFE 只好先跟另一本 Jean-Yves Tadié A LIFE George D. Painter Marcel Proust: A Biography 在書架上作伴排排站好,靜待我下一次的閒暇時光。

Proust in Love (Hardcover) William C. Carter (Author)

Product Details
Hardcover: 280 pages
Publisher: Yale University Press (May 11, 2006)

Language: English
ISBN-10: 0300108125
ISBN-13: 978-0300108125
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.7 x 1.1 inches

Amazon 網站的 Editorial Reviews ,或許可以先得到這本書一個概貌, Carter 想討論的正是所謂 Proust  "amorous adventures and misadventures"

From Booklist
In spite of the depth of his magnificent biography, Marcel Proust (2000), Carter had more to say about Proust's "amorous adventures-and misadventures" and so wrote Proust in Love, a moving chronicle of the comic and tragic aspects of Proust's sexual escapades. "The dark side of passion both attracted and repulsed him," writes Carter as he insightfully considers Proust's fascination with androgyny and photographs, affairs with handsome waiters and chauffeurs, and some rather strange proclivities. Although Proust "never had a sexually fulfilling relationship with a companion whom he loved," he did discover profound truths about love's subjectivity and pain. Proust emerges from these well-wrought pages as a man of courage, defiance, curiosity, and moral and artistic conviction, and a writer who confronted anti-Semitism and prejudice against homosexuals with radical candor.


My Heart Beats Only for You
Carter 恰如其分地在每個章節安排一些和 Proust 感情糾葛的人物一一登場,首先是 Reynaldo Hahn ,基本上他是個音樂神童,最初他們是在名媛 Madeleine Lemaire 的大型宴會上認識,當時小 Proust 3歲、年紀僅19歲的 Hahn 已經是名作曲家,也在不少社交場合中表演過,之後兩人過從甚密,我們可以從 Hahn 送給 Proust 的一張照片背面的題詩 -- 一首魏侖 (Verlaine) ”Green” 明顯地看出這兩個人的交情:
“Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches.
Et puis voici mon Coeur qui ne bat que pour vous.
(Here are fruits, flowers, leaves and branches.
And here is my heart which beats only for you.) “

經由 Reynaldo Hahn 的介紹, Proust 初遇 Lucien Daudet (當時的文豪 Alphonse Daudet 之子 )  這一位 only sixteen, a fine olive complexion, and soft dream eyes 的美男子深深吸引了 Proust ,之後,這兩人日漸親密的情誼確實讓 Reynaldo Hahn 萌生妒意,從而與 Proust有過一些爭執、道歉及和解甚至讓一名記者 Jean Lorrain 暗諷 Proust Lucien Daudet ,認為這兩個人有著同性戀的的曖昧關係,沒想到 Proust 憤而提出兩人決鬥 (duel) 的要求:
“The day of the duel dawned cold and rainy…After stepping off twenty-five paces, Proust and Lorrain each fired one shot at the other, neither scoring a hit…. “


Carter 提到了在出版 Swann’s Way 之際 Proust 寫給 Lucien Daudet 的一封信,其中深厚真摯的情感明顯地溢於言表:
“you are absent from this book
you are too much a part of my heart for me to ever be able to depict you objectivelyyou will never be a ‘character’, you are the best part of the author. But when I think that so many years of my life have been spent on ‘Lucien’s Way’…”

A Nun of Speed

其實這個標題蠻有趣的,指的是後來成為 Proust 的司機兼秘書 Agostinelli 的服裝打扮:
“his motoring attire, consisting of boots, a long hooded coat, and goggles—all of which nearly covered Agostinelli’s body—made him look like a woman”

1907 Proust 走出兩年前母喪的悲慟前往海邊的旅遊聖地卡堡 Cabourg (也就是《追憶似水年華》一書中的巴爾貝克 Balbec )度假,在那個年代就有人動燭機先成立租車公司提供隨車司機及導遊的服務, Agostinelli 恰巧被 Proust 僱用, Agostinelli 的父親是義大利人,他從小在摩納哥長大,有著陽光男孩般健壯、黝黑的外表, Proust 除了欣賞他高超的開車技巧也認為他是一個足智多謀的聰明人,但 Agostinelli 真正入住 Proust 的家中成為秘書已經是六年後的事了

Where Fair Strangers Abound
一開始 Carter 引用了《追憶似水年華》中的一段文字作為這個章節的題詞,描述的正是書中主角 Marcel 前往巴爾貝克度假住在旅館的情景
“I knew that I was going to find myself in one of those very places where fair strangers most abound; a beach offers them in no less profusion than a ball-room, and I looked forward to strolling up and down outside the hotel (Sodom and Gomorrah 4:209.) “

其實在這段文字之後,書中主角 Marcel 還不禁感嘆:
“To make female acquaintances at Balbec would be as easy for me now as it had been difficult before, for I was now as well supplied with friends and resources there as I had been destitute of them on my former visit.“

而在 Proust 真正的現實生活中,往來無白丁應該是蠻貼切的形容,因而,一些貴婦、名人以及各個家族都是他交遊來往及觀察的對象,在 1908年他曾要求友人 Albufera 提供有關 Mlle de Goyon 的家族相片,因為 Proust 正在研擬他的寫作計畫,他寫作的主題包含了:

a study on the nobility
a Parisian novel
an essay on Sainte-Beuve and Flaubert
an essay on women
an essay on pederasty (not easy to publish)
a study on stained-glass windows
a study on tombstones
a study on the novel

就這樣在這前後一、兩年的期間內, Proust 寫作計畫已然成型,最終 a Parisian novel 吸收合併了其他主題,也就是現在我們看到的《追憶似水年華》 

Lovesick/Grieving and Forgetting
這兩個章節談的都是 Alfred Agostinelli 1913年春, Agostinelli 帶著他太太 Anna 投靠 Proust 擔任他的秘書一職,然而就像《追憶似水年華》中〈女囚〉的場景, Agostinelli 化身為 Albertine 阿爾貝蒂娜,以近乎軟禁的方式被 Marcel 限制及猜疑,事實上一年不到,在1913年的12月, Agostinelli 就從沉悶的打字及校稿的工作環境中逃離,和 Anna 回到 Monte Carlo 他父親家。
試了很多方法想去找回 Agostinelli ,不乏各種威脅(找偵探跟蹤)及利誘,包括在1914年的5月預訂了一架 27000法郎的飛機給喜好飛行的他
然而,530 Proust 接獲 Anna 的電報通知, Agostinelli 在學習駕駛飛機時竟然不幸發生墜機意外身亡,就像《追憶似水年華》中 Marcel 被通知 Albertine 從馬背上摔死一樣的突兀

Agostinelli 死後的一封信裡, Proust 如此寫道:
“I really loved Alfred. It isn’t enough to say I loved him, I adored him. And I don’t know why I write that in the past tense, for I love him still… ”

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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