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【書摘】女囚—關於阿爾貝蒂娜 (About Albertine) 7
2018/04/28 05:15:00瀏覽869|回應2|推薦11
【書摘】女囚關於阿爾貝蒂娜 (About Albertine) 7
Peut-être faut-il que les êtres soient capables de vous faire beaucoup souffrir pour que, dans les heures de rémission, ils vous procurent ce même calme apaisant que la nature. Je n’avais pas à lui répondre comme quand nous causions, et même eussé-je pu me taire, comme je faisais aussi quand elle parlait, qu’en l’entendant parler je ne descendais pas tout de même aussi avant en elle. Continuant à entendre, à recueillir, d’instant en instant, le murmure, apaisant comme une imperceptible brise, de sa pure haleine, c’était toute une existence physiologique qui était devant moi, à moi ; aussi longtemps que je restais jadis couché sur la plage, au clair de lune, je serais resté là à la regarder, à l’écouter. Quelquefois on eût dit que la mer devenait grosse, que la tempête se faisait sentir jusque dans la baie, et je me mettais comme elle à écouter le grondement de son souffle qui ronflait.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.74 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

Perhaps it is laid down that people must be capable of making us suffer intensely before, in the hours of respite, they can procure for us the same soothing calm as Nature. I had not to answer her as when we were engaged in conversation, and even if I could have remained silent, as for that matter I did when it was she that was talking, still while listening to her voice I did not penetrate so far into herself. As I continued to hear, to gather from moment to moment the murmur, soothing as a barely perceptible breeze, of her breath, it was a whole physiological existence that was spread out before me, for me; as I used to remain for hours lying on the beach, in the moonlight, so long could I have remained there gazing at her, listening to her. Sometimes one would have said that the sea was becoming rough, that the storm was making itself felt even inside the bay, and like the bay I lay listening to the gathering roar of her breath.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Perhaps it is only people who can make us suffer a great deal who can offer us, in our hours of remission, that same, pacifying calm that nature can give. I did not have to answer her, as I did when we talked, and even had I been able to keep silent, as I did when she was speaking, listening to her did not allow me to enter so deeply into her as I did now. As I went on listening, collecting up from moment to moment the murmur, calming as an imperceptible breeze, of her sweet breath, a whole physiological existence was laid before me, was mine; the hours that I had once spent lying on the beach in the moonlight, I would now gladly have spent looking at her, listening to her. Sometimes it seemed that the sea was beginning to swell, that the coming storm could be sensed even in the bay, and 1 listened to the gentle rumble of her breathing as it turned into a snore.
(Translated by Carol Clark)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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RA™ ♉
2018/04/30 00:00
OK 期待的

RA™ ♉
2018/04/29 22:48

有個小小感想 ; 等您整篇介紹完後 , 再請教

Thanks for sharing

le14nov(le14nov) 於 2018-04-29 23:32 回覆:

