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【書摘】女囚—關於阿爾貝蒂娜 (About Albertine) 5
2018/04/24 05:39:09瀏覽815|回應0|推薦14
【書摘】女囚關於阿爾貝蒂娜 (About Albertine) 5
J’écoutais cette murmurante émanation mystérieuse, douce comme un zéphir marin, féerique comme ce clair de lune, qu’était son sommeil. Tant qu’il persistait, je pouvais rêver à elle, et pourtant la regarder, et quand ce sommeil devenait plus profond, la toucher, l’embrasser. Ce que j’éprouvais alors, c’était un amour devant quelque chose d’aussi pur, d’aussi immatériel dans sa sensibilité, d’aussi mystérieux que si j’avais été devant les créatures inanimées que sont les beautés de la nature. Et, en effet, dès qu’elle dormait un peu profondément, elle cessait seulement d’être la plante qu’elle avait été ; son sommeil, au bord duquel je rêvais, avec une fraîche volupté dont je ne me fusse jamais lassé et que j’eusse pu goûter indéfiniment, c’était pour moi tout un paysage. Son sommeil mettait à mes côtés quelque chose d’aussi calme, d’aussi sensuellement délicieux que ces nuits de pleine lune dans la baie de Balbec devenue douce comme un lac, où les branches bougent à peine, où, étendu sur le sable, l’on écouterait sans fin se briser le reflux.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.71 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

I listened to this murmuring, mysterious emanation, soft as a breeze from the sea, fairylike as that moonlight which was her sleep. So long as it lasted, I was free to think about her and at the same time to look at her, and, when her sleep grew deeper, to touch, to kiss her. What I felt then was love in the presence of something as pure, as immaterial in its feelings, as mysterious, as if I had been in the presence of those inanimate creatures which are the beauties of nature. And indeed, as soon as her sleep became at all heavy, she ceased to be merely the plant that she had been; her sleep, on the margin of which I remained musing, with a fresh delight of which I never tired, but could have gone on enjoying indefinitely, was to me an undiscovered country. Her sleep brought within my reach something as calm, as sensually delicious as those nights of full moon on the bay of Balbec, turned quiet as a lake over which the branches barely stir, where stretched out upon the sand one could listen for hours on end to the waves breaking and receding.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

I listened to that mysterious, murmuring emanation, gentle as a soft breeze over the sea, fairylike as the moonlight: the sound of her sleep. So long as it continued I could dream of her and look at her at the same time, and when her sleep became deeper, touch her and kiss her. What I experienced then was a love for something as pure, as immaterial, as mysterious as if I had been before those inanimate creatures that we call the beauties of nature. And indeed, once she had fallen into a deeper sleep, she was no longer just a plant; her slumber, on the edge of which I dreamed, experiencing a new, limpid pleasure of which I would never have tired and which I could have gone on enjoying indefinitely, had become for me a whole landscape. Having her asleep at my side offered something as sensually delicious as my moonlit nights on the bay at Balbec, when the water was calm as a lake amid scarcely moving branches, and one could lie on the beach forever, listening to the sound of the sea.
(Translated by Carol Clark)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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