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【書摘】女囚—關於阿爾貝蒂娜 (About Albertine) 6
2018/04/26 05:28:47瀏覽735|回應0|推薦9
【書摘】女囚關於阿爾貝蒂娜 (About Albertine) 6
Moi qui connaissais plusieurs Albertine en une seule, il me semblait en voir bien d’autres encore reposer auprès de moi. Ses sourcils, arqués comme je ne les avais jamais vus, entouraient les globes de ses paupières comme un doux nid d’alcyon. Des races, des atavismes, des vices reposaient sur son visage. Chaque fois qu’elle déplaçait sa tête, elle créait une femme nouvelle, souvent insoupçonnée de moi. Il me semblait posséder non pas une, mais d’innombrables jeunes filles. Sa respiration, peu à peu plus profonde, soulevait maintenant régulièrement sa poitrine et, par-dessus elle, ses mains croisées, ses perles, déplacées d’une manière différente par le même mouvement, comme ces barques, ces chaînes d’amarre que fait osciller le mouvement du flot. Alors, sentant que son sommeil était dans son plein, que je ne me heurterais pas à des écueils de conscience recouverts maintenant par la pleine mer du sommeil profond, délibérément, je sautais sans bruit sur le lit, je me couchais au long d’elle, je prenais sa taille d’un de mes bras, je posais mes lèvres sur sa joue et sur son coeur ; puis, sur toutes les parties de son corps, posais ma seule main restée libre et qui était soulevée aussi, comme les perles, par la respiration d’Albertine ; moi-même, j’étais déplacé légèrement par son mouvement régulier : je m’étais embarqué sur le sommeil d’Albertine.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.72~73 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

I, who was acquainted with many Albertines in one person, seemed now to see many more again, reposing by my side. Her eyebrows, arched as I had never seen them, enclosed the globes of her eyelids like a halcyon’s downy nest. Races, atavisms, vices reposed upon her face. Whenever she moved her head, she created a fresh woman, often one whose existence I had never suspected. I seemed to possess not one, but innumerable girls. Her breathing, as it became gradually deeper, was now regularly stirring her bosom and, through it, her folded hands, her pearls, displaced in a different way by the same movement, like the boats, the anchor chains that are set swaying by the movement of the tide. Then, feeling that the tide of her sleep was full, that I should not ground upon reefs of consciousness covered now by the high water of profound slumber, deliberately, I crept without a sound upon the bed, lay down by her side, clasped her waist in one arm, placed my lips upon her cheek and heart, then upon every part of her body in turn laid my free hand, which also was raised, like the pearls, by Albertine’s breathing; I myself was gently rocked by its regular motion: I had embarked upon the tide of Albertine’s sleep.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

I already knew several Albertines in one; now I felt I was seeing many more at rest beside me. Her eyebrows, arched as I had never known them, surrounded the globes of her lids like a halcyon’s downy nest. Whole races, atavisms, vices slept in her face. Every time she moved her head she created a new woman, often undreamed of by me. I felt that I possessed not one, but innumerable young girls. Her breathing, growing deeper, raised and lowered her breast, and on it, her folded hands and her pearls, which moved differently under the same impulse, like boats and their mooring-chains oscillating in the ebb and flow of the waves. Then, realizing she was in a deep sleep, and that I would not go aground on reefs of consciousness now covered by the waters of oblivion, I carefully, noiselessly moved up on to the bed; I lay down alongside her, put one of my arms around her waist, touched my lips to her cheek and her heart, and then rested my free hand on every part of her body in turn. My hand, too, was raised and lowered, like the pearls, by Albertine’s breathing: my whole body was gently rocked by its regular movement. I had set sail on Albertine’s sleep.
(Translated by Carol Clark)
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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