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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 10
2014/01/13 07:53:38瀏覽150|回應0|推薦7
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 10
Aussi le côté de Méséglise et le côté de Guermantes restent-ils pour moi liés à bien des petits événements de celle de toutes les diverses vies que nous menons parallèlement, qui est la plus pleine de péripéties, la plus riche en épisodes, je veux dire la vie intellectuelle. Sans doute elle progresse en nous insensiblement et les vérités qui en ont changé pour nous le sens et l’aspect, qui nous ont ouvert de nouveaux chemins, nous en préparions depuis longtemps la découverte ; mais c’était sans le savoir ; et elles ne datent pour nous que du jour, de la minute où elles nous sont devenues visibles. Les fleurs qui jouaient alors sur l’herbe, l’eau qui passait au soleil, tout le paysage qui environna leur apparition continue à accompagner leur souvenir de son visage inconscient ou distrait ; et certes quand ils étaient longuement contemplés par cet humble passant, par cet enfant qui rêvait – comme l’est un roi, par un mémorialiste perdu dans la foule – ce coin de nature, ce bout de jardin n’eussent pu penser que ce serait grâce à lui qu’ils seraient appelés à survivre en leurs particularités les plus éphémères ; et pourtant ce parfum d’aubépine qui butine le long de la haie où les églantiers le remplaceront bientôt, un bruit de pas sans écho sur le gravier d’une allée, une bulle formée contre une plante aquatique par l’eau de la rivière et qui crève aussitôt, mon exaltation les a portés et a réussi à leur faire traverser tant d’années successives, tandis qu’alentour les chemins se sont effacés et que sont morts ceux qui les foulèrent et le souvenir de ceux qui les foulèrent.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

So the ‘Méséglise way’ and the ‘Guermantes way’ remain for me linked with many of the little incidents of that one of all the divers lives along whose parallel lines we are moved, which is the most abundant in sudden reverses of fortune, the richest in episodes; I mean the life of the mind. Doubtless it makes in us an imperceptible progress, and the truths which have changed for us its meaning and its aspect, which have opened new paths before our feet, we had for long been preparing for their discovery; but that preparation was unconscious; and for us those truths date only from the day, from the minute when they became apparent. The flowers which played then among the grass, the water which rippled past in the sunshine, the whole landscape which served as environment to their apparition lingers around the memory of them still with its unconscious or unheeding air; and, certainly, when they were slowly scrutinised by this humble passer-by, by this dreaming child—as the face of a king is scrutinised by a petitioner lost in the crowd—that scrap of nature, that corner of a garden could never suppose that it would be thanks to him that they would be elected to survive in all their most ephemeral details; and yet the scent of hawthorn which strays plundering along the hedge from which, in a little while, the dog-roses will have banished it, a sound of footsteps followed by no echo, upon a gravel path, a bubble formed at the side of a waterplant by the current, and formed only to burst—my exaltation of mind has borne them with it, and has succeeded in making them traverse all these successive years, while all around them the one-trodden ways have vanished, while those who thronged those ways, and even the memory of those who thronged those trodden ways, are dead.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

And so the Méséglise way and the Guermantes way remain for me linked to many of the little events of that life which, of all the various lives we lead concurrently, is the most abundant in vicissitudes, the richest in episodes, I mean our intellectual life. No doubt it progresses within us imperceptibly, and (lie truths that have changed its meaning and its appearance for us, that have opened new paths to us, we had been preparing to discover for a long time; but we did so without knowing it; and for us they date only from the day, from the minute in which they became visible. The flowers that played on the grass then, the water that flowed past in the sunlight, the whole landscape that surrounded their appearance continues to accompany the cry of them with its unconscious or abstracted face; and certain when they were slowly studied by that humble passerby, that child dreaming
as a king is studied by a memorialist lost in the crowdthat corner of nature, that hit of garden could not have believed it be thanks to him that they would be elected to survive in all their most ephemeral derails; and yet the fragrance of hawthorn that forages along the hedge where the sweetbriers will soon replace a sound of echoless steps on the gravel of a path, a bubble formed against a water plant by the current of the stream and bursting immediatelymy exaltation has borne them along with it and managed to carry them across so many years in succession, while the paths round about have disappeared and those who walked on them have died, and the memory of those who walked on them.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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