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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 7
2014/01/05 10:04:28瀏覽222|回應0|推薦5
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 7
Car il y avait autour de Combray deux « côtés » pour les promenades, et si opposés qu’on ne sortait pas en effet de chez nous par la même porte, quand on voulait aller d’un côté ou de l’autre : le côté de Méséglise-la-Vineuse, qu’on appelait aussi le côté de chez Swann parce qu’on passait devant la propriété de M. Swann pour aller par là, et le côté de Guermantes. …Quant à Guermantes je devais un jour en connaître davantage, mais bien plus tard seulement ; et pendant toute mon adolescence, si Méséglise était pour moi quelque chose d’inaccessible comme l’horizon, dérobé à la vue, si loin qu’on allât, par les plis d’un terrain qui ne ressemblait déjà plus à celui de Combray, Guermantes, lui, ne m’est apparu que comme le terme plutôt idéal que réel de son propre « côté », une sorte d’expression géographique abstraite comme la ligne de l’équateur, comme le pôle, comme l’orient.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

For there were, in the environs of Combray, two ‘ways’ which we used to take for our walks, and so diametrically opposed that we would actually leave the house by a different door, according to the way we had chosen: the way towards Méséglise-la-Vineuse, which we called also ‘Swann’s way,’ because, to get there, one had to pass along the boundary of M. Swann’s estate, and the ‘Guermantes way.’
As for Guermantes, I was to know it well enough one day, but that day had still to come; and, during the whole of my boyhood, if Méséglise was to me something as inaccessible as the horizon, which remained hidden from sight, however far one went, by the folds of a country which no longer bore the least resemblance to the country round Combray; Guermantes, on the other hand, meant no more than the ultimate goal, ideal rather than real, of the ‘Guermantes way,’ a sort of abstract geographical term like the North Pole or the Equator.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

For in the environs or Combray there were two “ways” which one could go for a walk, in such opposite directions that in fact we left our house by different doors when we wanted to go one way or the other: the Méséglise-la-Vineuse way, which we also called the way by Swann’s because we passed in front of M. Swann’s estate when we went in that direction, and the Guermantes way.
As for Guermantes, I was to know more about it one day, but only much later; and during the whole of n adolescence, If for me Méséglise was something as inaccessible as the horizon, concealed from view, however far we went, by the folds of a landscape that already no longer resembled the landscape of Combray, Guermantes, on the other hand, appeared to me only as the terminus, more ideal than real, of its own way, a sort of abstract geographical expression like the line of the equators like the pole, like the Orient.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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