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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 8
2014/01/06 07:59:10瀏覽143|回應0|推薦5
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 8
Ils étaient semés des restes, à demi enfouis dans l’herbe, du château des anciens comtes de Combray qui au moyen âge avait de ce côté le cours de la Vivonne comme défense contre les attaques des sires de Guermantes et des abbés de Martinville. Ce n’étaient plus que quelques fragments de tours bossuant la prairie, à peine apparents, quelques créneaux d’où jadis l’arbalétrier lançait des pierres, d’où le guetteur surveillait Novepont, Clairefontaine, Martinville-le-Sec, Bailleau-l’Exempt, toutes terres vassales de Guermantes entre lesquelles Combray était enclavé, aujourd’hui au ras de l’herbe, dominés par les enfants de l’école des frères qui venaient là apprendre leurs leçons ou jouer aux récréations – passé presque descendu dans la terre, couché au bord de l’eau comme un promeneur qui prend le frais, mais me donnant fort à songer, me faisant ajouter dans le nom de Combray à la petite ville d’aujourd’hui une cité très différente, retenant mes pensées par son visage incompréhensible et d’autrefois qu’il cachait à demi sous les boutons d’or.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Over these were strewn the remains, half-buried in the long grass, of the castle of the old Counts of Combray, who, during the Middle Ages, had had on this side the course of the Vivonne as a barrier and defence against attack from the Lords of Guermantes and Abbots of Martinville. Nothing was left now but a few stumps of towers, hummocks upon the broad surface of the fields, hardly visible, broken battlements over which, in their day, the bowmen had hurled down stones, the watchmen had gazed out over Novepont, Clairefontaine, Martinville-le-Sec, Bailleau-l’Exempt, fiefs all of them of Guermantes, a ring in which Combray was locked; but fallen among the grass now, levelled with the ground, climbed and commanded by boys from the Christian Brothers’ school, who came there in their playtime, or with lesson-books to be conned; emblems of a past that had sunk down and well-nigh vanished under the earth, that lay by the water’s edge now, like an idler taking the air, yet giving me strong food for thought, making the name of Combray connote to me not the little town of to-day only, but an historic city vastly different, seizing and holding my imagination by the remote, incomprehensible features which it half-concealed beneath a spangled veil of buttercups.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

They were strewn with the remains, half buried in the grass, of the château of the old counts of Combray, who during the Middle Ages had had the stream of the Vivonne as defense on this side against the attacks of the lords of Guermantes and the abbots of Martinville. These remains were now no more than a few fragments of towers embossing the grassland, barely apparent, a few battlements from which in the old days the crossbowman would burl stones, from which the watchman would keep an eye on Novepont, Clairefontaine, Martinville-le-Sec, Bailleau-l’Exempt, all of them vassal lands of Guermantes among which Combray was enclosed, today level with the grass, gazed down upon by the children of the friars’ school, who came here to learn their lessons or play at recreation time–a past that had almost descended into the earth, lying by the edge of the water like some hiker enjoying the cool air, but giving me a great deal to think about, making mc add to the little town of today, under the name of Combray, a very different town, captivating my thoughts with its incomprehensible face of long ago, which it half concealed under the buttercups.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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