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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 13
2014/01/20 08:03:22瀏覽169|回應1|推薦11

【書摘】在斯萬家那邊貢布雷的風光 (Combray) 13
Certes quand approchait le matin, il y avait bien longtemps qu’était dissipée la brève incertitude de mon réveil. Je savais dans quelle chambre je me trouvais effectivement, je l’avais reconstruite autour de moi dans l’obscurité, et – soit en m’orientant par la seule mémoire, soit en m’aidant, comme indication, d’une faible lueur aperçue, au pied de laquelle je plaçais les rideaux de la croisée – je l’avais reconstruite tout entière et meublée comme un architecte et un tapissier qui gardent leur ouverture primitive aux fenêtres et aux portes, j’avais reposé les glaces et remis la commode à sa place habituelle. Mais à peine le jour – et non plus le reflet d’une dernière braise sur une tringle de cuivre que j’avais pris pour lui – traçait-il dans l’obscurité, et comme à la craie, sa première raie blanche et rectificative, que la fenêtre avec ses rideaux quittait le cadre de la porte où je l’avais située par erreur, tandis que pour lui faire place, le bureau que ma mémoire avait maladroitement installé là se sauvait à toute vitesse, poussant devant lui la cheminée et écartant le mur mitoyen du couloir ; une courette régnait à l’endroit où il y a un instant encore s’étendait le cabinet de toilette, et la demeure que j’avais rebâtie dans les ténèbres était allée rejoindre les demeures entrevues dans le tourbillon du réveil, mise en fuite par ce pâle signe qu’avait tracé au-dessus des rideaux le doigt levé du jour.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)


追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

It is true that, when morning drew near, I would long have settled the brief uncertainty of my waking dream, I would know in what room I was actually lying, would have reconstructed it round about me in the darkness, and—fixing my orientation by memory alone, or with the assistance of a feeble glimmer of light at the foot of which I placed the curtains and the window—would have reconstructed it complete and with its furniture, as an architect and an upholsterer might do, working upon an original, discarded plan of the doors and windows; would have replaced the mirrors and set the chest-of-drawers on its accustomed site. ‘But scarcely had daylight itself—and no longer the gleam from a last, dying ember on a brass curtain-rod, which I had mistaken for daylight—traced across the darkness, as with a stroke of chalk across a blackboard, its first white correcting ray, when the window, with its curtains, would leave the frame of the doorway, in which I had erroneously placed it, while, to make room for it, the writing-table, which my memory had clumsily fixed where the window ought to be, would hurry off at full speed, thrusting before it the mantelpiece, and sweeping aside the wall of the passage; the well of the courtyard would be enthroned on the spot where, a moment earlier, my dressing-room had lain, and the dwelling-place which I had built up for myself in the darkness would have gone to join all those other dwellings of which I had caught glimpses from the whirlpool of awakening; put to flight by that pale sign traced above my window-curtains by the uplifted forefinger of day.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

Of course by the time morning approached, the brief uncertainty of my waking would long since have dissipated. I knew which room I was actually in, I had reconstructed it around me in the darkness and–either by orienting myself with memory alone, or by making use, as a clue, of a faint glimmer that I perceived, under which I placed the casement curtains–I had reconstructed it entirely and furnished it like an architect and a decorator who retain the original openings of the windows and doors, I had put back the mirrors arid restored the chest of drawers to its usual place. But scarcely bad the daylight–and no longer the reflection of a last ember on the brass curtain rod which I had mistaken for it–traced on the darkness, as though in chalk, its first white, correcting ray, than the window along with its curtains would leave the doorframe in which I had mistakenly placed it, while, to make room for it, the desk which my memory had clumsily moved there would fly off at top speed, pushing the fireplace before it and thrusting aside the wall of the passageway; a small courtyard would extend in the spot where only a moment before the dressing room had been, and the dwelling I had rebuilt in the darkness 0uld have gone off to join the dwellings glimpsed in the maelstrom 0f my awakening, put o flight by the pale sign traced above the curtains by the raised finger of the dawn.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2014/01/21 22:57
