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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—斯萬的愛情 (Swann in love) 2
2014/02/26 21:25:27瀏覽172|回應0|推薦10
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊斯萬的愛情 (Swann in love) 2
Et sans doute, en se rappelant ainsi leurs entretiens, en pensant ainsi à elle quand il était seul, il faisait seulement jouer son image entre beaucoup d’autres images de femmes dans des rêveries romanesques ; mais si, grâce à une circonstance quelconque (ou même peut-être sans que ce fût grâce à elle, la circonstance qui se présente au moment où un état, latent jusque-là, se déclare, pouvant n’avoir influé en rien sur lui) l’image d’Odette de Crécy venait à absorber toutes ces rêveries, si celles-ci n’étaient plus séparables de son souvenir, alors l’imperfection de son corps ne garderait plus aucune importance, ni qu’il eût été, plus ou moins qu’un autre corps, selon le goût de Swann, puisque devenu le corps de celle qu’il aimait, il serait désormais le seul qui fût capable de lui causer des joies et des tourments.
(p.196, Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

不用說,每當他像這樣回憶他倆的談話,像這樣想起她的時候,他只不過是在自己羅曼蒂克遐想裡那許許多多別的女人的形象中間,添進了她的形象而已;然而一旦由於某種環境 (甚至也許連這一點都不需要,某種一直潛伏著的情緒得以宣泄之際的周邊環境,可能對這種情緒並無絲毫影響) 的緣故,奧黛特克雷西的形象佔據了他的腦海,一旦這種遐想跟對她的回憶已經融合起來,那麼她形體上的缺點,以及跟別的女人相比,她的形體是否更合他的口味,就都變得無關緊要了,既然這個形體屬於他所愛的女人,從今以後就只有它才能給他帶來歡樂和痛苦了。
追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

No doubt, in thus remembering their conversations, in thinking about her thus when he was alone, he did no more than call her image into being among those of countless other women in his romantic dreams; but if, thanks to some accidental circumstance (or even perhaps without that assistance, for the circumstance which presents itself at the moment when a mental state, hitherto latent, makes itself felt, may well have had no influence whatsoever upon that state), the image of Odette de Crécy came to absorb the whole of his dreams, if from those dreams the memory of her could no longer be eliminated, then her bodily imperfections would no longer be of the least importance, nor would the conformity of her body, more or less than any other, to the requirements of Swann’s taste; since, having become the body of her whom he loved, it must henceforth be the only one capable of causing him joy or anguish.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )

And as he recalled their conversations this way, as he thought of her this way when he was alone, he was no doubt merely turning over her image among those of many other women in his romantic daydreams; but if, due to some circumstance (or even perhaps not due to it, since a circumstance that presents itself at the moment when a state of mind, latent until then, comes out into the open may possibly not have influenced it in any way) the image of Odette de Crécy came to absorb all these daydreams, if these daydreams were no longer separable from the memory of her, then the imperfection of her body would no longer have any importance, nor would the fact that it might be, more or less than some other body, to Swann’s taste, since, now that it had become the body of the woman he loved, it would be the only one capable of filling him with joy and torment.
(Translated by Lydia Davis)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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