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Glossary of Abhidhammatthasagaha   (Chapter IV)






Abbocchinna: (adj) unbroken

Abhinīhāra: (m) earnest wish or aspiration

Abhiññā: (f) higher knowledge, transcendent or supernatural knowledge or faculty, super-intellect consciousness  神通;證智

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Āgacchati: to come, approach; to arrive, return     pp. āgata

Ahetuka: (adj) without a cause, rootless  無因的

Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful; unskilled, unable  不善

Ālambana, -a : (n) support; an object of sense  所緣,(感官)目標

Anāgāmi: (m) one who does not return, one who has entered the third path to Nirvāa  阿那含

Anantara: (adj) immediately following, next; adjoining

Aññatara: (adj) one, a certain, some; some other, another

Antarayati: to go or step in between    pp. antarita: intercepted

Anubandha: (m) uninterrupted succession, consequence

Anuloma: (n) adaptation; direct order  隨順

Apara: (adj) other; subsequent, following; western   pl. apare

Āpātha: (n) sphere, range, focus, field (of consciousness or perception), appearance

Āpātham āgacchati: to come into focus, become clear, appear

Appanā: (f) absorption (of mind), ecstasy, fixing of thought on an object  安止

Appanāvīthi: (f) the process of absorption  安止心路過程

Appeti: to move forward, rush on; fit in, insert; deliver, hand over, assign

Ārabhati: to begin; undertake; attempt; exert oneself; obtain by exertion     ger. ārabbha     pp. āraddha

Arahatta: (n) state of being an Arahā, Arhatship  阿羅漢的境界,阿羅漢道

Arahattaphala: (n) the fruit of Arhatship  阿羅漢果

Ārammaa: (n) that on which anything rests or dwells, a support, stay, basis, ground, cause, material; an object of sense; a thought, an idea  所緣

Ariya: (m) a venerable or holy man, a saint; one who has entered on the Four Paths; one who has attained final sanctification, an Arhat

     (adj) honorable, venerable, noble, eminent, holy, sanctified

Arūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Formlessness  無色界

Āruppa: (adj) formless, incorporeal, belonging to Arūpabrahmaloka  無色

Āsanna: (pp./adj) near

Asaññasatta: (m/adj) an unconscious being; unconscious  無想有情

Āsava: (m) oozing, scum; human passion, sin, corruption, depravity 

Asīti: (num) 80, eighty

Ati: (adv/prep) over; beyond; exceedingly; too much

Atimahanta: (adj) very great

Atiparitta: (adj) very small, very slight

Atīta: (pp. acceti) past, elapsed; passed; having transgressed  過去

Atiṭṭha: (adj/pp) extremely desirable  極可喜的

Aṭṭha: (num) eight     gen./dat. aṭṭhanna

Atthi: to be, exist    neg. natthi: there is (are) not, not exist    pres. 3rd pl. santi

Āvajjana: (n) turning to, paying attention, apprehending, adverting the mind  轉向

Āvajjati: to reflect upon, notice, take in, advert to

Avasāna, osāna: (n) end, conclusion    loc. avasāne: in the end, finally

Avasesa: (adj) remaing, the rest

Avibhūta: (adj) not clear, obscure  不清晰

Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this

Āyu: (n) life  壽命

Āyuka: (adj) living


Bahu: (adj) much, many; large; ample

Bhagavā: (m) worshipful, venerable, blessed, holy; generally used as an epithet or name of a Buddha    dat./gen. bhagavato  世尊;薄伽梵

Bhavaga: (n) life-continuum; factor of existence  有分

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā

Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind  分別

Bhūmi: (f) the earth; place; stage; state; the ground; story of a house 

Bhūta: (pp. bhavati) been, become, being; gone, past, former; real, true, right


Cakkhu: (m/n) the eye; insight; supernatural insight or knowledge 

Cakkhuviññāa: (n) eye consciousness  眼識

Calana: (n) vibration, trembling, shaking  波動

Calita: (pp. calati) trembling, shaking, vibrating

Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso     gen./dat. catunnaṃ

Catucattāḷīsa: (num) 44, forty-four

Catuddasa, cuddasa, coddasa: (num) 14, fourteen

Catudhā: (adv) in four ways, fourfold

Catukkhattu: (adv) four times

Catupaññāsa: (num) 54, fifty-four

Catusaṭṭhi: (num) 64, sixty-four

Catuttha: (adj) fourth  第四

Cha: (num) six

Chabbīsati: (num) 26, twenty-six

Chadhā: (adv) six-fold, in six ways

Chakka: (n) set of six

Chakkhattuṃ: (adv) six times

Chapaññāsa: (num) 56, fifty-six

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Cittakkhaṇa: (n) thought-moment, mind-moment  心識剎那

Cittuppāda: (m) genesis of consciousness; (= citta) consciousness

Cittappavatti: thought procedure, cognitive processes  心路過程


Dasa: (num) 10, ten

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Diṭṭhigata: (adj) connected with wrong view  有邪見的

Domanassa: (n) dejection, gloom, melancholy, grief 

Duggati: (f) a woeful plane, state of punishment; distress, suffering  惡趣

Dvādasa: (num) twelve

Dvāra: (n) a door, gate; an entrance, an aperture 

Dvārika: (adj) with door

Dvattikkhattuṃ: (adv) two or three times

Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Dvecattāḷīsa: (num) 42, forty-two

Dvikkhattuṃ: (adv) twice


Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique

Ekacattāḷīsa: (num) 41, forty-one

Ekūnatiṃsa: (num) 29, twenty-nine

Eso, esa: (pron) this; that   (n) etaṃ, (before a vowel) etad   pl. etāni

Eti: to come, go; reach, attain   aor. agā   ppr. enta   pp. ita   ger. itvā

Ettāvatā: (adv) thus, so far, to that extent, thereabouts

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Evaṃ: (adv) thus  如是


Gati: (f) going, journey; resting-place, abode; result; state of existence, future state, destiny; rebirth; direction

Gatinimitta: (n) a sign of the state of rebirth  趣相

Ghāna: (n) the nose, the organ of smell 

Gocara: (m) pasture, abode, sphere, resort; an object of sense as form, sound, etc.  所在;所緣,(感官)目標

Gotrabhū: (m) one who is in a fit state to receive sanctification; a priest; sublimation; change of lineage  (更改)種姓;聖化


Hasana: (n) laughter

Heṭṭhima: (adj) lower; lowest; last

Hetu: (m) cause, reason, motive; origin, root  因,根    (abl.) hetuto

Hetuka: (adj) having a cause; causing, instrumental  有因的

Hi: (part.) for, because; certainly, indeed; alas!


Icchati: to wish, desire, like; approve; endeavor to obtain, seek    ppr. icchaṃ, icchamāna     pp. iṭṭha, icchita   aniṭṭha: undesirable

Īrita: (pp. īreti) uttered, spoken, said; thrown    [ a+ī > e ]

Iti, ti, icc (before a vowel): (adv) thus; generally placed at the end of a book, or of a chapter or section, to introduce the title


Javana: (adj) quick, fleet   (lit.) running swiftly  速行

Javati: to hasten, hurry, run

Jivhā: (f) the tongue 


Kāla: (m) time; right time, due season; meal time; death     The loc. kāle at the end of a compound may often be rendered by “when.”

Kāma: (m) desire, desired object; sensual pleasures, passion, lust 

Kāmāvacara: (m/adj) Sense-Sphere; within the domain of sensual pleasure, belonging to the Kāmaloka  欲界

Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, business; a religious act, karma 

Kammanimitta: (n) a sign of Kamma  業相

Karoti: to act, do, cause, cause to become, render, make, perform   ger. katvā      opt. kayirā, kayirātha, kubbetha, kare, kareyya

Katha: (adv) how

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude 

Khaṇa: (m/n) a moment; a brief measure of time; leisure; right moment, opportunity  剎那

Khīṇa: (pp. khīyati) decreased, decayed, come to an end, ceased, died out

Khīāsava: (m) corruption-freed, an Arhat

Kriyā, kiriyā, kiriya: (f,n) action, performance; work, deed; function  唯作

Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious, wholesome 

Kusalākusala: (adj) wholesome and unwholesome, moral and immoral


Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted

Labhati: to obtain, get, acquire; meet with, find; receive; take; be allowed; get a chance, be able     pp. laddha

Laddhappaccaya: (adj) causally conditioned  具足因緣

Lahuka: (adj) light; trifling

Lokuttara: (adj) transcending the world, supramundane, spiritual  出世間


Magga: (m) path, road; trace, track; course, passage 

Mahaggata: (adj) enlarged, extensive, great, lofty, sublime  廣大的

Mahanta, maha, mahā: (adj) great, large, big; eminent, excellent

Mahāvipāka: (m) great resultant  大果報心

Mana: (m/n) the mind, the intellect, the thoughts, the heart  意,心

Manda: (adj) slow; low, slight, weak; stupid, dull; small

Maññati: to think, suppose, imagine, consider, esteem, know, believe, understand  理解,認為

Manodvāra: (n) the mind-door  意門

Manodvārāvajjana: (n) mind-door adverting  意門轉向

Maraa: (n) dying, death

Mata: (pp. maññati) thought, considered, believed, understood, known

Mogha: (adj) vain, useless; foolish

Mutta: (pp. muñcati) released; delivered; free, free from; discharged, shot  解脫,除去


Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed  名為;著實

Nāma: (n) a name; a noun     ins. nāmena: by name

Ñāa: (n) knowledge 

Ñāasampayutta: (adj) accompanied by knowledge  智相應

Ñāavippayutta: (adj) dissociated with knowledge  智不相應

Naya: (m) leading, guidance; conduct; prudent conduct, prudence; policy; way, manner, means, mode, method; inference, logical deduction  -naya  理,方法

Nimitta: (n) a sign, mark, token, symbol; omen; cause, reason 

Nirodha: (m) cessation, annihilation; Nirvāṇa; obstruction, impeding 

Nirujjhati: to cease, perish, be destroyed or annihilated    pp. niruddha  壞滅

Niyama: (m) ascertainment, certainty; restraint; a self-imposed religious observance, voluntary performance of a meritorious act  法則,規定,限制

Niyāmeti: to restrain, control, govern, guide, determine     pp. niyāmita


Otarati, avatarati: to descend; disembark; depart; go to, enter    pp. otiṇṇa


Paccavekkhaa: (n) contemplation, looking at, consideration  省察

Paccaya: (m) belief, conviction, trust, faith; ground, motive; cause; a requisite or necessary  緣,資具

Pahoti: to be able, competent, useful; to suffice, be sufficient; be effectual    neg. appahoti

Pāka: (m/n) cooking; ripeness, maturity; result, fulfillment, accomplishment  果報

Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Pañca: (num) five

Pañcadvāra: (n) the five sense-doors  五(根)門

Pañcadvārāvajjana: (n) five-door apprehending / adverting  五門轉向

Pañcama: (adj) the fifth  第五

Para: (adj) other, different, adverse; distant, further, opposite

Paraṃ: (adv) beyond, after    [+abl.]

Paricita: (pp. paricināti) acquainted or familiar with; accumulated, gathered

Parikamma: (n) preparation, preparatory proceedings or ceremony; getting ready by clearing, cleansing, etc.  遍作,預作

Paripūreti: to fill, complete

Paritta: (adj) small, brief, limited, slight

Pasāda: (m) brightness, clearness, purity; joy, serenity of mind; faith; in function of sense agency, sensitive surface; sensory receptive substance in the five sense organs  淨,淨色

Pasādarahita: (m/adj) one who is devoid of particular sense-organs

Passati: to see, look at, behold; observe; learn, know, understand, meet with

Pāta: (m) falling, fall; a cast, throw; discharge

Pahama: (adj) first, foremost; earliest, previous; principal, chief, best  第一

Pahamaka: (adj) first, previous

Paigha: (m/n) anger, hatred  瞋恚

ihāriya, pāihera, pāihīra: (n) a miracle, portent

Paikakhati: to expect, await, desire     pfp. pāikakhitabba

Paisandhi: (m) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking  結生   (Paṭisandhi here refers to the initial thought-process that occurs at the moment of conception in a new birth.)

Patta: (pp. pāpuāti) attained, reached; obtained, got

Pavakkhati: (fut.) he will tell, declare, recite     1st sing. pavakkhāmi

Pavatta: (pp. pavattati) fixed, settled; starting, setting out; kept going, going on; being, existing

Pavattati: to arise, begin, take place; start, set out; roll or flow onwards; become, be, exist; go on, proceed, be kept up    pp. pavatta

Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being (Here pavatti refers to all thought-processes that occur during the course of one’s lifetime.)  轉起

Phala: (n) fruit, grain, crop, produce; result, consequence; reward, profit 

Phalacitta: (n) fruition consciousness  果心

Phusati: to touch, contact, reach     pfp. phoṭṭhabba     pp. phuṭṭha

Pubba: (adj) before; first, foremost; eastern; earlier; former, preceding; ancient, customary; at the end of a compound sometimes means “preceded by, attended by, accompanied by”

Pubbe: (adv) previously, formerly; at first; in a previous existence

Puggala: (m) an individual or person; a creature, being, man  個人

Puñña: (n) goodness, good work, merit   (adj) good, virtuous, meritorious  善,福

Puthujjana: (m) a man of the lower classes, or of lower character; a common or ordinary man, one who is yet unconverted as opposed to one who has entered the paths; a worldling  凡夫


Rahita: (pp) deprived of, without

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Rūpadhamma: (m/n) material things, material phenomena  色法

Rūpārammaṇa: (n) a visible object  色所緣


Sabba: (adj) all, every, whole, entire

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly  全部

Sahagata: (adj) accompanying or associated with, joined to; connected with, based upon, imbued with, characterized by 

Saki: (adv) once; at once; simultaneously

Samāsa: (m) an abridgement     samāsena: briefly

Sambhava: (m) production, birth; origin, cause; union 

Sambhavati, sambhoti: to arise, be produced, spring from [+abl.]; meet with    ppr. sambhavaṃ     pp. sambhūta

Sampaicchana: (n) assent, acceptance, agreement; receiving  領受

Sampaṭicchanacitta: (n) receiving consciousness  領受心

Sampaṭicchati: to accept, receive, take; assent, agree

Sampayutta: (pp. sampayuñjati) connected with, dependent on, resulting from  相應

Samuppajjati: to arise, be produced     pp. samuppanna

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝

Sakhāta: (pp. sakhāti) reckoned, numbered; considered, called, named; weighed, estimated, learned

Santa: (ppr. atthi) being     loc. sati

Santīraa: (n) investigation, decision; as technical term denoting a stage in the act of sense-cognition, judging an impression; investigating  推度

Santīraṇacitta: (n) investigating consciousness  推度心

Santīreti: to decide, investigate

Satta: (m) a being, creature, animal, sentient being, man

Satta: (num) seven

Sattakkhattuṃ: (adv) seven times

Sattarasa: (num) 17, seventeen

Sekha, sekkha: (m) one who is under training, applied to the first seven Ariyapuggalas, the eighth or Arhat being asekha  有學聖者

Somanassa: (n) joy, enjoyment, satisfaction  悅,喜

Sota: (n) the ear, organ of hearing 

Sota: (m/n) stream, flood, torrent 

Sugati: (f) a happy state, being reborn in heaven; heaven  善趣

Sukha: (n) happiness; welfare; ease, comfort    (adj) blest; happy, delightful, pleasant; easy 

Sukhita: (adj) happy, blest; pleased, contented; healthy


Tadā: (adv) at that time, then

Tadanantaraṃ: (adv) immediately after that

Tadārammaa: (n) having that object; registration, retention  彼所緣

Taṃ: (pron. n.) it; him     ta ta- repeated to convey the idea of multiplicity or variety

Tāni: (pron. n. pl.) they, them

Tasmā: (adv) therefore, thereby, accordingly

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Tato: (adv) hence, subsequently, thereafter; from that place or time; further

Tato paraṃ: (adv) afterwards

Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Tayo: (num. m.) three   loc. tīsu     (f) tisso     (n) tīṇi     Frequently at the end of a compound, the whole forming a neut. noun.  -ttaya

Tihetuka: (adj) of three roots, triple-rooted  三因的

Tikkhattuṃ: (adv) thrice, three times

Tividhā: (adv) threefold, in three ways


Uddisati: to point out, explain; determine, appoint; recite; specify   opt. uddise pp. uddiṭṭha     ger. uddissa, uddisitvā

Upacāra: (m) access, approach, approximation, entrance; attention; practice, conduct  近行

Upalabbhati: to be found, received, obtained    pp. upaladdha    pfp. upalabbhanīya

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 

Uppāda: (m) springing up, producing, appearance; birth; an omen 

Uppajjati: to arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear  生起

Uttara: (adj) higher, high, superior, upper; northern; subsequent  上,優於;殊勝;北方的


Vā: (conj) or

Vadati, vadeti: to speak, say; declare, proclaim

Vajjita: (pp. vajjeti) without, except, be removed, excluding

Vāra: (m) time, occasion; turn; section; day of the week  時分

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative; base  依處

Vatti: to speak, say; speak to, address   pp. vutta, utta    aor. avoca 

Vavatthapeti: to determine, fix, settle, define, designate     pp. vavatthita

Vibhāga: (m) division, analysis  分析,分別

Vibhāveti: to understand clearly; to explain, make clear     opt. vibhāvaye

Vibhūta: (adj) splendid, clear  清晰

Vicikicchā: (f) doubt, uncertainty 

Vidati: to know, ascertain    p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Vipāka: (m) result, resultant, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報(心)

Vippayutta: (adj) disconnected with, dissociated with  不相應

Visaya: (m) an object of sense; realm, domain, range, sphere, scope; district, region, country

Visayappavatti: (f) presentation of objects  所緣的呈現

Vītarāga: (adj) free from human passion    (m) an Arhat

Vīthi: (f) a road, street, bazaar; a row, line

Vīthicitta: (n) thought-process, mind-process, cognitive process  心路過程

Vīthicittuppāda: (m) thought-arising, process of consciousness  心路過程

Vīthimutta: (adj) process-freed  離心路過程

Vitthāra: (m) width, breadth; extension, amplification, detail

Viya, iva, va: (part.) like, as

Vocchindati: to cut off, cut down, stop, arrest     ger. vocchinditvā

Votthapana: (n) establishing; determination, determining  確定

Votthapanacitta: determining consciousness  確定心


Yadi: (indecl) if

Yamaka: (adj) double, twin

Yamakapāihāriya: (n) a double miracle  雙神變

Yaṃ kiñci: (pron) whatsoever, anyone, anything

Yathā: (adv) as, like; how, when

Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively  依序

Yathārahaṃ: (adv) according to worth; properly, satisfactorily, correctly, appropriately, duly

Yathāsaka: (adj) each his own, respective

Yathāsaka: (adv) individually, each for himself

Yathāsambhava: (adv) according to birth or arising

Yāva, yāva: (adv) until, while, as long as, in order that

Yāvatā: (adv) as long as, as far as, inasmuch as; because

Yāvatāyukaṃ: (adv) as long as life lasts

Yebhuyya: (adj) abundant, numerous, most

Yebhuyyena: (ins. used as adv) generally, mostly, as a general rule, frequently, numerously, entirely; almost all, altogether

Yojeti: (caus. yuñjati) to fix, apply, devote; unite, mix; try, adopt, use, prepare; yoke, harness; appoint, commission, employ; furnish, provide; urge, induce   pfp. yojetabba    pp. yojita






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