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5.2 四生存地(Bhūmicatukkaṃ)
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Chapter V   Vīthimuttasagahavibhāgo(離心路過程之概要)



5.2 四生存地(Bhūmicatukkaṃ


5.2.1 綜覽


Tattha apāyabhūmi, kāmasugatibhūmi, rūpāvacarabhūmi, arūpāvacarabhūmi cā ti catasso bhūmiyo nāma.



Of these, the four planes of life are:

1. the woeful plane;

2. the sensuous blissful plane;

3. the fine-material-sphere plane;

4. the immaterial-sphere plane.













Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Apāya: (m) going away, departure; disappearance, loss; misfortune, ruin; state of suffering or punishment  惡趣

Bhūmi: (f) the earth; place; stage; state; the ground; story of a house 

Kāma: (m) desire, desired object; sensual pleasures, passion, lust  欲(界)

Sugati: (f) happy condition; being reborn in heaven; heaven  善趣

Rūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Form, Form-Sphere  色界

Arūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Formlessness  無色界

Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed  名為;著實





5.2.2 惡趣地(Apāyabhūmi


Tāsu nirayo, tiracchānayoni, pettivisayo, asurakāyo cā ti apāyabhūmi catubbidhā hoti.



Among these the woeful plane is fourfold; namely, (i) hell, (ii) animal kingdom, (iii) Peta sphere, and (iv) the host of Asuras.













Tāsu: (pron. f. loc. pl.) among them, in them

Niraya: (m) hell  地獄

Tiracchāna: (m) an animal, beast

Yoni: (f) the womb; the vagina; source, origin; material; cause; a class of beings; form of birth or existence; knowledge, wisdom  子宮;往生處

Tiracchānayoni: (f) the brute creation  畜生道

Visaya: (m) district, region, country; realm, domain, sphere; an object of sense

Pettivisaya: (m) the Peta (Preta) realm or world  餓鬼道

Asura: (m) an Asura, a Titan or fallen angel  阿修羅

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude  身,群

Asurakāya: (m) the host of Asuras  阿修羅群

Apāyabhūmi: (f) the woeful plane  惡趣地

Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā





5.2.3 欲善趣地(Kāmasugatibhūmi


Manussā, cātummahārājikā, tāvatiṃsā, yāmā, tusitā, nimmānarati, paranimmitavasavattī cā ti kāmasugatibhūmi sattavidhā hoti.

Sā pan' āyaṃ ekādasavidhā pi kāmāvacarabhūmicc' eva saṅkhaṃ gacchati.



The sensuous blissful plane is sevenfold; namely, (i) human realm, (ii) the realm of the Four Great Kings, (iii) the realm of the Thirty-three gods, (iv) the realm of the Yāma gods, (v) the Delightful realm, (vi) the realm of the gods who rejoice in (their own) creations, and (vii) the realm of the gods who lord over the creation of others.


These eleven kinds of spheres constitute the Kāmāvacara plane.

















Manussa: (m, adj) a human being, human

Cātummahārājika: (m/adj) belonging to the realm of the Four Great Kings  四大王天

Tāvatisa: (m/adj) belonging to the realm of Thirty-three gods  三十三天(帝釋天)

Yāma: (m/adj) belonging to the realm of Yāma gods  夜摩天

Tusita: (m/adj) belonging to the Delightful realm  兜率天

Nimmānarati: (m/adj) belonging to the realm of the gods who rejoice in creation  化樂天

Paranimmitavasavatti: (m/adj) belonging to the realm of the gods who wield power over the creation of others  他化自在天

Kāmasugatibhūmi: (f) the sensuous blissful plane  欲善趣地

Satta: (num) seven

Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure  部分,種類

Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this

Ekādasa: (num) 11, eleven

Kāmāvacarabhūmi: (f) the Kāmāvacara plane  欲地

Sakhā, sakhyā: (f) calculation; number, sum, numeral; understanding, reason, intelligence

Sakha gacchati: to be reckoned as, to be called or termed

Gacchati: to go, go to, proceed; depart





5.2.4 色界地(Rūpāvacarabhūmi


Brahmapārisajjā, brahmapurohitā, mahābrahmā cā ti paṭhamajjhānabhūmi.

Parittābhā, appamāṇābhā, ābhassarā cā ti dutiyajjhānabhūmi.

Parittasubhā, appamāṇasubhā, subhakiṇhā cā ti tatiyajjhānabhūmi.

Vehapphalā, asaññasattā, suddhāvāsā cā ti catutthajjhānabhūmi ti rūpāvacarabhūmi soḷasavidhā hoti.

Avihā, atappā, sudassā, sudassī, akaniṭṭhā cā ti suddhāvāsā-bhūmi pañcavidhā hoti.



Rūpāvacara plane is sixteenfold; namely,


(i) the first jhāna plane, to wit, 1. the realm of Brahma’s retinue, 2. the realm of Brahma’s Ministers, and 3. the Mahā Brahma realm;


(ii) the second jhāna plane, to wit, 4. the realm of Minor Lustre, 5. the realm of Infinite Lustre, and 6. the realm of Radiant Lustre;


(iii) the third jhāna plane, to wit, 7. the realm of Minor Aura, 8, the realm of Infinite Aura, and 9. the realm of Steady Aura;


(iv) the fourth jhāna plane, to wit, 10. the realm of of Great Reward, 11. the realm of Mindless beings, and 12. the Pure Abodes.


The Pure Abodes are fivefold; namely, i. the Durable realm, ii. the Serene realm, iii. the Beautiful realm, iv. the Clear-sighted realm, and v. the Highest realm.














Brahmā: (m) Mahābrahma, the Hindu Brahma  梵天

Pārisajja: (adj) belonging to an assembly

Brahmapārisajja: (m/adj) belonging to the retinue of Mahābrahma  梵眾天

Purohita: (m) a brahmin who is a king’s domestic chaplain, a minister

Brahmapurohita: (m) minister or priest to Mahābrahma

     (adj) belonging to the realm of Brahma’s Ministers  梵輔天

Mahābrahma: (m) the Great Brahma  大梵天

Pahama: (adj) first, foremost; earliest, previous; principal, chief, best  第一

Jhāna: (n) meditation, contemplation; religious meditation; ecstasy, trance 

Pahamajjhānabhūmi: (f) the first jhāna plane  初禪地

Paritta: (adj) small, brief, limited

Ābhā: (f) splendor, radiance, light

Parittābha: (m/adj) of minor brilliancy  少光天

Appamāa: (adj) unlimited, boundless, infinite, innumerable

Appamāābha: (m/adj) of infinite splendor  無量光天

Sara: (adj) flowing, going    (m) sound; voice; musical sound; vowel

Ābhassara: (m/adj) shining, radiant  極光淨天(舊譯光音天)

Dutiya: (adj) second  第二

Dutiyajjhānabhūmi: (f) the second jhāna plane  第二禪地

Subha: (adj) radiant, lustrous; beautiful; good; auspicious, happy

(n) lustre; goodness; pleasure; desire

Parittasubha: (m/adj) of limited splendor  少淨天

Appamāasubha: (m/adj) of infinite beauty or glory  無量淨天

Subhakiṇṇa, subhakiha, subhakiṇṇaka: (m/adj) filled and pervaded with radiance  遍淨天

Tatiya: (adj) third  第三

Tatiyajjhānabhūmi: (f) the third jhāna plane  第三禪地

Vehapphala: (m/adj) very fruitful  廣果天

Asañña: (adj) mindless, unconscious  無想

Satta: (m) a being, creature, animal, sentient being, man

Asaññasatta: (m/adj) unconscious; mindless being  無想有情天

Suddhāvāsa: (m) pure abode  淨居天

Catuttha: (adj) fourth  第四

Catutthajjhānabhūmi: (f) the fourth jhāna plane  第四禪地

Rūpāvacarabhūmi: (f) the Rūpāvacara plane  色界地

Soḷasa: (num) 16, sixteen

Aviha: (m/adj) not falling away; not thinking; belonging to the Durable realm  無煩天

Atappa: (m/adj) not scorched, not worried or distressed; belonging to the Serene realm  無熱天

Sudassa: (m/adj) easily seen, obvious; belonging to the Beautiful realm  善現天

Sudassī: (m/adj) seeing well; belonging to the Clear-sighted realm  善見天

Akaniṭṭha: (m/adj) greatest, highest, sublime belonging to the Highest realm  色究竟天

Pañca: (num) five





5.2.5 無色界地(Arūpāvacarabhūmi


Ākāsānañcāyatanabhūmi, viññāṇañcāyatanabhūmi, ākiñcaññāyatanabhūmi, nevasaññānāsaññāyatanabhūmi cā ti arūpabhūmi catubbidhā hoti.



The Arūpa plane is fourfold; namely,

(i) the Realm of Infinite Space,

(ii) the Realm of Infinite Consciousness,

(iii) the Realm of Nothingness,

(iv) the Realm of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception.













Ākāsa: (m) the sky, air, heaven; the open air; space 

Ananta: (adj) endless, eternal; boundless, infinite  無邊

Āyatana: (n) place, dwelling, abode, home, seat; altar, shrine; place of origin, source, cause, origin 

Ākāsānañcāyatana = Ākāsa + ananta (anañca)+ āyatana

ananta + ya => anantya => anañca: (n) infinity, endlessness, boundlessness

Ākāsānañcāyatana: (n) the Realm of Infinite Space  空無邊處

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Viññāañcāyatana = Viññāa + anañca (省略 ana ) + āyatana

Viññāañcāyatana: (n) the Realm of Infinite Consciousness  識無邊處

Ākiñcañña: (n) nothingness, void; poverty, state of having nothing

Ākiñcaññāyatana: (n) the Realm of Nothingness  無所有處

Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only

N’eva… na: neither… nor…

Saññā: (f) perception, consciousness, sense; intellect, thought; sign 

Nevasaññānāsaññā: (f) neither perception nor non-perception  非想非非想

Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana: (n) the Realm of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception  非想非非想處

Arūpabhūmi: (f) the Arūpa plane  無色界地





5.2.6 依人


Puthujjanā na labbhanti suddhāvāsesu sabbathā

Sotāpannā ca sakadāgāmino cā pi puggalā.

Ariyā n' opalabbhanti asaññāpāyabhūmisu

Sesaṭṭhānesu labbhanti ariyā'nariyā pi ca.

Idam ettha bhūmicatukkaṃ.



In the Pure Abodes no worldlings, Stream-Winners or Once-Returners are born in any way.


The Ariyas are not born in mindless realms and woeful states. In other planes are born both Ariyas and Non-Ariyas.


Herein these are the fourfold planes.











Puthujjana: (m) a man of the lower classes, or of lower character; a common or ordinary man, one who is yet unconverted as opposed to one who has entered the paths; a worldling  凡夫

Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly  全部

Sotāpanna: (m) one who has entered the stream, one who has attained the first stage of sanctification  須陀洹

Sakadāgāmī: (adj) returning once   (m) one who has entered the second path to Nirvā斯陀含

Puggala: (m) an individual or person; a creature, being, man  個人

Ariya: (m) a venerable or holy man, a saint; one who has entered on the Four Paths; one who has attained final sanctification, an Arhat

     (adj) honorable, venerable, noble, eminent, holy, sanctified

Upalabbhati: to be found, received, obtained    pp. upaladdha    pfp. upalabbhanīya

Sesa: (adj) remaining       (m) remainder  其餘

Ṭhāna: (n) place, state, condition; rank; stage; point, topic, thesis; basis, cause

Idaṃ: (n. pron) this    (adv) here, now, even

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Catukka: (adj) consisting of four, fourfold





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