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4.7 依人分析(Puggalabheda)
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Chapter IV   Vīthisagahavibhāgo(心路過程之概要)



4.7 依人分析(Puggalabheda


4.7.1 無因者與二因者


Duhetukānam ahetukānañ ca pan' ettha kriyājavanāni c' eva appanājavanāni ca na labbhanti. Tathā ñāṇasampayutta-vipākāni ca sugatiyaṃ. Duggatiyaṃ pana ñāṇavippayuttāni ca mahāvipākāni na labbhanti.



Herein, to those whose rebirth-consciousness is conditioned by two roots and conditioned by none, functional javanas and ecstatic javanas do not arise. Likewise, in a happy plane, resultants accompanied by knowledge also do not arise. But in a woeful state they do not also get great resultants dissociated with knowledge.









Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Hetuka: (adj) having a cause; causing, instrumental  有因的

Ahetuka: (adj) without a cause, rootless  無因的

Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Kriyā, kiriyā, kiriya: (f,n) action, performance; work, deed; function  唯作

Javana: (adj) quick, fleet   (lit.) running swiftly  速行

Appanā: (f) absorption (of mind), ecstasy, fixing of thought on an object  安止

Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Ñāasampayutta: (adj) accompanied by knowledge  智相應

Vipāka: (m) result, resultant, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報(心)

Sugati: (f) a happy state, being reborn in heaven; heaven  善趣

Duggati: (f) a woeful plane, state of punishment; distress, suffering  惡趣

Vippayutta: (adj) disconnected with, dissociated with  不相應

Ñāavippayutta: (adj) dissociated with knowledge  智不相應

Mahāvipāka: (m) great resultant  大果報心





4.7.2 三因者


Tihetukesu ca khīṇāsavānaṃ kusalākusalajavanāni na labbhanti. Tathā sekkhaputhujjanānaṃ kriyājavanāni. Diṭṭhigatasampayutta-vicikicchājavanāni ca sekkhānaṃ. Anāgāmi-puggalānaṃ pana paṭighajavanāni ca na labbhanti. Lokuttara-javanāni ca yathāsakaṃ ariyānam eva samuppajjantī ti.



To the ‘Corruption-freed’ (Arahants), amongst those whose rebirth-consciousness is conditioned by three roots, no moral and immoral javanas arise. Similarly to the Sekhas and worldlings functional javanas do not arise. Nor do the javanas connected with misbelief and doubts arise to the Sekhas. To the Anāgāmi individuals there are no javanas connected with aversion. But the supramundane javanas are experienced only by Ariyas according to their respective capacities.








Tihetuka: (adj) of three roots, triple-rooted  三因的

Khīṇa: (pp. khīyati) decreased, decayed, come to an end, ceased, died out

Āsava: (m) oozing, scum; human passion, sin, corruption, depravity 

Khīāsava: (m) corruption-freed, an Arhat

Kusalākusala: (adj) wholesome and unwholesome, moral and immoral

Sekha, sekkha: (m) one who is under training, applied to the first seven Ariyapuggalas, the eighth or Arhat being asekha  有學聖者

Puthujjana: (m) a man of the lower classes, or of lower character; a common or ordinary man, one who is yet unconverted as opposed to one who has entered the paths; a worldling  凡夫

Diṭṭhigata: (adj) connected with wrong view  有邪見的

Sampayutta: (pp. sampayuñjati) connected with, dependent on, resulting from  相應

Vicikicchā: (f) doubt, uncertainty 

Anāgāmi: (m) one who does not return, one who has entered the third path to Nirvāa  阿那含

Puggala: (m) an individual or person; a creature, being, man  個人

Paigha: (m/n) anger, hatred  瞋恚

Lokuttara: (adj) transcending the world, supramundane, spiritual  出世間

Yathāsaka: (adj) each his own, respective

Yathāsaka: (adv) individually, each for himself

Ariya: (m) a venerable or holy man, a saint; one who has entered on the Four Paths; one who has attained final sanctification, an Arhat

         (adj) honorable, venerable, noble, eminent, holy, sanctified

Samuppajjati: to arise, be produced     pp. samuppanna





4.7.3 總結


Asekkhānaṃ catucattāḷīsa sekkhānam uddise

Chapaññās' āvasesānaṃ catupaññāsa sambhavā.

Ayam ettha puggalabhedo.



As they arise, it is stated that Asekhas experience 44, Sekhas 56, and the rest 54 classes of consciousness.


Herein, this is the classification of individuals.










Asekha, asekkha: (m) one who has nothing to learn, who is perfect in knowledge, an Arhat  無學聖者

Catucattāḷīsa: (num) 44, forty-four

Uddisati: to point out, explain; determine, appoint; recite; specify   opt. uddise pp. uddiṭṭha     ger. uddissa, uddisitvā

Chapaññāsa: (num) 56, fifty-six

Avasesa: (adj) remaing, the rest

Catupaññāsa: (num) 54, fifty-four

Sambhava: (m) production, birth; origin, cause; union 

Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind  分別





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