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4.5 彼所緣之定法(Tadārammaṇaniyama)
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Chapter IV   Vīthisagahavibhāgo(心路過程之概要)



4.5 彼所緣之定法(Tadārammaaniyama


4.5.1 彼所緣之分析


Sabbatthā pi pan' ettha aniṭṭhe ārammaṇe akusalavipākān' eva pañcaviññāṇa- sampaṭicchana-santīraṇa-tadārammaṇāni; iṭṭhe kusalavipākāni; atiṭṭhe pana somanassasahagatān' eva santīraṇatadārammaṇāni.



Here, under all circumstances (i.e., in both sense-door and mind-door) when an object is undesirable, the five sense-impressions, reception, investigation, retention (that arise) are unwholesome resultants. If desirable, they are wholesome resultants. If the object is extremely desirable, investigation and retention are accompanied by pleasure.






Tatthā pi somanassasahagatakriyājavanāvasāne somanassasahagatān' eva

tadārammaṇāni bhavanti. Upekkhāsahagatakriyā-javanāvasāne ca upekkhāsahagatān' eva honti.



In this connection, at the end of functional javanas accompanied by pleasure, there arise retentive thought-moments also accompanied by pleasure. At the end of functional javanas, accompanied by equanimity, the retentive thought-moments are also accompanied by equanimity.








Tadārammaa: (n) having that object; registration, retention  彼所緣

Niyama: (m) ascertainment, certainty; restraint; a self-imposed religious observance, voluntary performance of a meritorious act

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly  全部

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Icchati: to wish, desire, like; approve; endeavor to obtain, seek    ppr. icchaṃ, icchamāna     pp. iṭṭha, icchita   aniṭṭha: undesirable

Ārammaa: (n) that on which anything rests or dwells, a support, stay, basis, ground, cause, material; an object of sense; a thought, an idea  所緣

Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful; unskilled, unable  不善

Vipāka: (m) result, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報

Pañca: (num) five

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Sampaicchana: (n) assent, acceptance, agreement; receiving  領受

Santīraa: (n) investigation, decision; as technical term denoting a stage in the act of sense-cognition, judging an impression; investigating  推度

Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious, wholesome 

Atiṭṭha: (adj/pp) extremely desirable  極可喜的

Somanassa: (n) joy, enjoyment, satisfaction  悅,喜

Sahagata: (adj) accompanying or associated with, joined to; connected with, based upon, imbued with, characterized by 

Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Kriyā, kiriyā, kiriya: (f,n) action, performance; work, deed; function  唯作

Javana: (adj) quick, fleet   (lit.) running swiftly  速行

Avasāna, osāna: (n) end, conclusion    loc. avasāne: in the end, finally

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 





4.5.2 額外有分(Adventitious Bhavaṅga


Domanassasahagatajavanāvasāne ca pana tadārammaṇāni c' eva

bhavaṅgāni ca upekkhāsahagatan' eva bhavanti. Tasmā yadi somanassa-

paṭisandhikassa domanassasahagatajavanāvasāne tadārammaṇasambhavo natthi. Tadā yaṃ kiñci paricitapubbaṃ parittārammaṇam ārabbha upekkhāsahagata-santīraṇaṃ uppajjati. Tam anantaritvā bhavaṅgapāto va hotī ti pi vadanti ācariyā.



But at the end of javanas, accompanied by displeasure, the retentive thought-moments and the bhavaṅgas are also accompanied by indifference. Hence to one whose rebirth-consciousness is accompanied by pleasure, at the end of javanas, accompanied by displeasure, retentive thought-moments do not arise. Then, there arises an investigating consciousness, accompanied by indifference, hanging on to any trivial sense-object with which one is familiar before. Immediately after, the teachers say, there is subsidence into the life-continuum.








Domanassa: (n) dejection, gloom, melancholy, grief 

Bhavaga: (n) life-continuum; factor of existence  有分

Tasmā: (adv) therefore, thereby, accordingly

Yadi: (indecl) if

Paisandhi: (m) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking   (adj) paṭisandhika  結生

Sambhava: (m) production, birth; origin, cause; union 

Atthi: to be, exist    neg. natthi: there is (are) not, not exist

Tadā: (adv) at that time, then

Yaṃ kiñci: (pron) whatsoever, anyone, anything

Paricita: (pp. paricināti) acquainted or familiar with; accumulated, gathered

Pubba: (adj) before; first, foremost; eastern; earlier; former, preceding

Paritta: (adj) small, brief, limited, slight

Ārabhati: to begin; undertake; attempt; exert oneself; obtain by exertion     ger. ārabbha     pp. āraddha

Uppajjati: to arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear  生起

Anantara: (adj) immediately following, next; adjoining

Eti: to come, go; reach, attain   aor. agā   ppr. enta   pp. ita   ger. itvā

Pāta: (m) falling, fall; a cast, throw; discharge

Vadati, vadeti: to speak, say; declare, proclaim

Ācariya: (m) a teacher or master, scholar, professor





4.5.3 彼所緣的法則


Tathā kāmāvacarajavanāvasāne kāmāvacarasattānaṃ kāmāvacaradhammesv' eva ārammaṇabhūtesu tadārammaṇaṃ icchantī ti.



Likewise they expect retention at the end of Sense-sphere javanas to the Sense-sphere beings only when Sense-sphere phenomena become objects.








Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Kāmāvacara: (adj) within the domain of sensual pleasure, belonging to the Kāmaloka  欲界

Satta: (m) a being, creature, animal, sentient being, man

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Bhūta: (pp. bhavati) been, become





4.5.4 總結


Kāme javanasattārammaṇānaṃ niyame sati

Vibhūte' timahante ca tadārammaṇam īritaṃ.

Ayam ettha tadārammaṇaniyamo.



Retention occurs, they say, in connection with ‘clear’ and ‘very great’ objects when there is certainty as regards the Sense-sphere javanas, beings, and objects.


Herein this is the procedure of retention.









Santa: (ppr. atthi) being     loc. sati

Vibhūta: (adj) splendid, clear  清晰

Atimahanta: (adj) very great

Īrita: (pp. īreti) uttered, spoken, said; thrown    [ a+ī > e ]

Niyama: (m) ascertainment, certainty; restraint; a self-imposed religious observance, voluntary performance of a meritorious act  法則,規定,限制





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