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Chapter V   Vīthimuttasagahavibhāgo(離心路過程之概要)



5.1 序文


Vīthicittavasen' evaṃ pavattiyam udīrito

Pavattisaṅgaho nāma sandhiyaṃ dāni vuccati.



Thus, according to thought-processes, the life’s course (extending from birth to decease) has been explained. Now the summary of the procedure at rebirth will be told.









Vīthicitta: (n) thought-process, mind-process, cognitive process  心路過程

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Evaṃ: (adv) thus  如是

Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being (Here pavatti refers to all thought-processes that occur during the course of one’s lifetime.)  轉起

Udīreti: to utter, speak, say     pp. udīrita     ger. udīriya

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed  名為;著實

Sandhi: (m/f) junction, union; a joint of the body; rebirth (paisandhi)

Dāni, idāni: (adv) now

Vuccati, uccati: (pl. vuccare) to be called, be spoken (of), be meant, recited







Catasso bhūmiyo, catubbidhā paṭisandhi, cattāri kammāni, catudhā maraṇ'uppatti cā ti vīthimuttasaṅgahe cattāri catukkāni veditabbāni.



In the summary of process-freed consciousness four sets of four should be understood as follows:


(i) four planes of existence;

(ii) four modes of rebirth-linking;

(iii) four kinds of karma;

(iv) fourfold advent of death.













Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso

Bhūmi: (f) the earth; place; stage; state; the ground; story of a house 

Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold

Paisandhi: (m/f) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking  結生

Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, business; a religious act, karma 

Catudhā: (adv) in four parts, fourfold

Maraa: (n) death, dying

Uppatti: (f) arsing, birth, production

Vīthi: (f) a road, street, bazaar; a row, line

Mutta: (pp. muñcati) released; delivered; free, free from; discharged, shot  解脫,除去

Vīthimutta: (pp.) process-freed  離心路

Catukka: (adj) consisting of four, fourfold

Vidati: to know, ascertain    p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood





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