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Chapter V Vīthimuttasaṅgahavibhāgo(離心路過程之概要)
5.4 四種業(Kammacatukkaṃ)
5.4.1 四種業的分析 依作用(Kicca)
Janakaṃ, upatthambhakaṃ, upapīḷakaṃ, upaghātakañ cā ti kiccavasena.
With respect to function, there are four kinds of kamma, namely: (a) reproductive kamma, (b) supportive kamma, (c) obstructive kamma, and (d) destructive kamma.
依作用(分別),業有四種,即: 一、令生業; 二、支助業; 三、阻礙業; 四、毀壞業。
Janaka: (adj) producing, causing, reproductive Upatthambhaka: (adj) supportive, supporting Upapīḷaka: (adj) oppressive, obstructive Upaghātaka: (adj) hurting, destructive Kicca: (n) function; work, duty, service, business, need 作用 Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as 依成熟的次序(Pākadāna-pariyāya)
Garukaṃ, āsannaṃ, āciṇṇaṃ, kaṭattā kammañ cā ti pākadānapariyāyena.
With respect to the order in which the effect of kamma takes place, there are four kinds of kamma, namely: (a) weighty kamma, (b) death-proximate kamma, (c) habitual kamma, and (d) reserve kamma.
依業產生果報的次序,業有四種,即: 一、重業; 二、臨死業; 三、慣行業; 四、已作業。
Garuka: (adj) heavy, weighty; large; important; venerable Āsanna: (pp./adj) near, proximate Āciṇṇa: (pp. ācarati) practiced, performed; habitual Kaṭa, kata: (pp. karoti) made, done; composed, performed Kaṭatta, katatta: (n) the doing of, performance of abl. kaṭattā Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, business; a religious act, karma 業 Pāka: (m/n) cooking; ripeness, maturity; result, fulfillment, accomplishment 果報;成熟 Dāna: (n) giving; a gift; donation; almsgiving, charity Pākadāna: (n) result producing effects Pariyāya: (m) succession, order, turn; opportunity; way, manner; a cause; teaching, exposition adv. pariyāyato: causally, necessarily 依成熟的時間(Pākakāla)
Diṭṭhadhammavedanīyaṃ, upapajjavedanīyaṃ, aparāpariyavedanīyaṃ, ahosikammañ cā ti pākakālavasena cattāri kammāni nāma.
With respect to the time of taking effect, there are four kinds of kamma, namely: (a) immediately effective kamma, (b) subsequently effective kamma, (c) indefinitely effective kamma, and (d) defunct kamma.
依成熟的時間,業有四種,即: 一、現生受業; 二、次生受業; 三、無盡業; 四、無效業。
Diṭṭhadhamma: (m) the visible condition; the present state of things; this world, this life, this state of existence 現世,今生 Vedeti, vedayati / vediyati: to sense, feel, experience; know pfp. vedanīya: to be experienced, to be known, intelligible pp. vedita, vedayita Upapajjati: to be reborn, be produced; come to, attain ger. upapajja: having been reborn pp. upapanna Apara: (adj) other, subsequent, following, next, second; western Aparāpariya: (apara-apariya, from aparāpara) ever-following, successive, continuous, everlasting, indefinite Ahosikamma: (n) a kamma that is past, expired, or spent and will bear no further phala or fruit 無效業 Kāla: (m) time; right time, due season; meal time; death Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four (n) cattāri (f) catasso 依成熟之地(Pākaṭṭhāna)
Tathā akusalaṃ, kāmāvacarakusalaṃ, rūpāvacarakusalaṃ, arūpāvacarakusalañ cā ti pākaṭṭhānavasena.
With respect to the place in which effect takes place, there are four kinds of kamma, namely: (a) immoral kamma, (b) moral kamma pertaining to the Sense-Sphere, (c) moral kamma pertaining to the Rūpa plane, and (d) moral kamma pertaining to the Arūpa plane.
依產生果報之處,業有四種,即: 一、不善業; 二、欲界善業; 三、色界善業; 四、無色界善業。
Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also 如是 Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful; unskilled, unable 不善 Kāmāvacara: (m/adj) Sense-Sphere; within the domain of sensual pleasure, belonging to the Kāmaloka 欲界 Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious, wholesome 善 Rūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Form, Form-Sphere 色界 Arūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Formlessness 無色界 Ṭhāna: (n) place, state, condition; rank; stage; point, topic, thesis; basis, cause
5.4.2 不善業與善業 不善業
Tattha akusalaṃ kāyakammaṃ, vacīkammaṃ, manokammañ cā ti kammadvāravasena tividhaṃ hoti.
Of them immoral kamma is threefold according to the doors of action, namely, bodily action, verbal action, and mental action.
Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude 身 Vacī: (f) speech, words 語 Mana: (m/n) the mind, the intellect, the thoughts, the heart 意,心 Manokamma: (n) mental action 意業 Dvāra: (n) a door, gate; an entrance, an aperture 門 Ti-: (num) three Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure 部分,種類 Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave ger. hutvā
Kathaṃ? Pāṇātipāto, adinnādānaṃ, kāmesu micchācāro cā ti kāyaviññattisaṅkhāte kāyadvāre bāhullavuttito kāyakammaṃ nāma.
How? Killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct are bodily actions done generally through the door of the body, known as bodily intimation.
Kathaṃ: (adv) How? Pāṇātipāta: (m) taking the life of a living creature, killing 殺生 Adinnādāna: (n) taking what is not given, theft 偷盜,不予取 Kāma: (m) desire, desired object; sensual pleasures, passion, lust 欲 Micchācāra: (m) wrong conduct or living Kāmesu micchācāra: (m) adultery, sexual misconduct 邪淫 Viññatti: (f) intimation, information; intimation of a want, asking 表示,暗示 Saṅkhāta, saṅkhyāta: (pp. saṅkhāti) reckoned, numbered; considered, called, named; weighed, estimated, learned Saṅkhāti: to calculate, reckon Bāhulla: (n) abundance Vutti: (f) conduct, behavior, manner; business, livelihood; (in poetry) meter, rhythm; explanation, gloss
Musāvādo, pisuṇavācā, pharusavācā, samphappalāpo cā ti vacīviññattisaṅkhāte vacīdvāre bāhullavuttito vacīkammaṃ nāma.
Lying, slandering, harsh speech, and vain talk are verbal actions done generally through the door of speech, known as verbal intimation.
Musāvāda: (m) lying, falsehood 妄語 Pisuṇa: (adj) backbiting, malicious, calumnious Vācā: (f) word, saying, speech 語 Pisuṇavācā: (f) slander, malicious speech 兩舌,離間舌 Pharusa: (adj) harsh, unkind, fierce, savage; rough, rugged; severe, cruel Pharusavācā: (f) harsh speech 惡口,惡語 Samphappalāpa: (m) frivolous talk 綺語
Abhijjhā, vyāpādo, micchādiṭṭhi cā ti aññatrā pi viññattiyā manasmiṃ yeva bāhullavuttito manokammaṃ nāma.
Covetousness, ill-will, and false belief are mental actions done generally through the mind itself without (bodily or verbal) intimation.
Abhijjhā: (f) covetousness 貪婪 Vyāpāda: (m) wish to injure, malevolence, hatred, fury 瞋恨 Micchādiṭṭhi: (f) wrong views, false doctrine, heresy, unbelief 邪見 Aññatra: (adv) without, except, besides [+ ins. / abl.]
Tesu pāṇātipāto pharusavācā vyāpādo ca dosamūlena jāyanti. Kāmesu micchācāro abhijjhā micchādiṭṭhi ca lobhamūlena. Sesāni cattāri pi dvīhi mūlehi sambhavanti. Cittuppādavasena pan' etaṃ akusalaṃ sabbathā pi dvādasavidhaṃ hoti.
Of them killing, harsh speech, and ill-will spring from the root of hatred. Sexual misconduct, covetousness, and false belief, from the root of attachment; the remaining four arise from the two roots. According to the classes of consciousness immoral kamma is twelvefold.
Dosa: (m) anger, hatred 瞋 Mūla: (n) root; lowest part, base, foundation; origin, source, commencement; front, foremost, first; cause; sum, amount, mass; price, money 根 Jāyati: to be born, be produced, grow, spring up, arise pp. jāta Lobha: (m) covetousness, desire, greed, lust 貪 Sesa: (adj) remaining (m) remainder 其餘 Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two Sambhavati, sambhoti: to arise, be produced, spring from [+abl.]; meet with ppr. sambhavaṃ pp. sambhūta Cittuppāda: (m) genesis of consciousness; (here =) citta, consciousness Esa, eso: (pron) this; that (n) etaṃ, (before a vowel) etad pl. etāni Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly 全部 Dvādasa: (num) twelve 欲界善業
Kāmāvacarakusalaṃ pi kāyadvāre pavattaṃ kāyakammaṃ, vacīdvāre pavattaṃ vacīkammaṃ, manodvāre pavattaṃ manokammañ cā ti kammadvāravasena tividhaṃ hoti.
Moral kamma of the Kāma-plane is threefold according to the doors of action, namely, bodily action pertaining to the door of the body, verbal action pertaining to the door of speech, mental action pertaining to the door of the mind.
Pavatta: (pp. pavattati) starting, proceeding, setting out; begun, kept going, kept up, going on; existing; settled, fixed 轉起 Pavattati: to arise, begin, take place; start, set out; roll or flow onwards; become, be, exist; go on, proceed, be kept up pp. pavatta
Tathā dānasīlabhāvanāvasena. Cittuppādavasena pan' etaṃ aṭṭhavidhaṃ hoti. Dāna-sīla-bhāvanā-apacāyana-veyyāvacca-pattidāna-pattānumodana-dhammasavana-dhammadesanā-diṭṭhijjukamma-vasena dasavidhaṃ hoti. Tam pan' etaṃ vīsatividham pi kāmāvacarakammam icc' eva saṅkhaṃ gacchati.
Similarly, it is threefold as generosity, morality, and meditation. But it is eightfold according to the classes of consciousness.
It is also tenfold according to (i) generosity, (ii) morality, (iii) meditation, (iv) reverence, (v) service, (vi) transference of merit, (vii) rejoicing in (others’) merit, (viii) hearing the doctrine, (ix) teaching the doctrine, (x) and straightening one’s views.
All these twenty kinds (unwholesome and wholesome) are regarded as kamma pertaining to the kāma-plane.
同樣地,依佈施、持戒與禪修亦有三種。但依心的組別則成八種。 它也可以成為十種,即:佈施、持戒、禪修、恭敬、服務、分享或迴向功德、隨喜(他人的)功德、聞法、弘法及正直己見。 這一切二十種(不善與善業)稱為欲界業。
Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also 如是 Dāna: (n) giving; a gift; donation; almsgiving, charity, generosity 佈施 Sīla: (n) moral practice, precept, piety; habits, customs, practice 戒 Bhāvanā: (f) developing, attaining, being devoted to; meditation 修習 Aṭṭha: (num) eight gen./dat. aṭṭhannaṃ Apacāyana: (n) honoring, honor, worship, reverence 恭敬 Veyyāvacca: (n) service or duty performed by an inferior for a superior 服務 Patti: (f) obtaining, acquisition, attainment, gain, advantage Pattidāna: (n) transference of merit to another 迴向功德 Patta: (pp. pāpuṇāti) obtained, reached, having attained Anumodanā, anumodana: (f/n) rejoicing, satisfaction, approval, thanks Pattānumodana: (n) rejoicing in (others’) merit 隨喜(他人的)功德 Savana: (n) hearing; the ear Dhammasavana: (n) hearing the Dhamma 聞法 Desanā: (f) instruction; teaching, preaching; a sermon or discourse Dhammadesanā: (f) teaching the Dhamma 弘法 Uju, ujju: (adj) straight, direct, straightforward, honest, upright Diṭṭhijjukamma: (n) straightening one’s views 正直己見 Dasa: (num) ten Vīsati: (num) 20, twenty Saṅkhā, saṅkhyā: (f) calculation; number, sum, numeral; understanding, reason, intelligence Saṅkhaṃ gacchati: to be reckoned as, to be called or termed 色界善業
Rūpāvacarakusalaṃ pana manokammam eva. Tañ ca bhāvanāmayaṃ appanāppattaṃ jhānaṅgabhedena pañcavidhaṃ hoti.
Moral kamma of the rūpa-plane is purely mental action, and is caused by meditation. According to the jhāna factors that involve ecstasy, it is fivefold.
Maya: (adj) made of, consisting of, created by, derived from Appanā: (f) absorption (of mind), ecstasy, fixing of thought on an object 安止 Patta: (pp. pāpuṇāti) obtained, reached, having attained Jhāna: (n) meditation, contemplation; religious meditation; ecstasy, trance 禪 Aṅga: (n) a part, limb, member; portion, division, a cause, requisite; a quality, attribute 支,部分,屬性 Jhānaṅga: (n) jhāna factor 禪支 Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind 分別 Pañca: (num) five 無色界善業
Tathā arūpāvacarakusalañ ca manokammam. Tam pi bhāvanāmayaṃ appanāppattaṃ ālambanabhedena catubbidhaṃ hoti.
Similarly moral Kamma of the arūpa-plane is mental action, and is also caused by meditation. According to the objects of jhāna that involve ecstasy, it is fourfold.
Ālambana, -ṇa : (n) support; an object of sense 所緣,(感官)目標 Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold
5.4.3 業的果報 不善業的果報
Ettha akusalakammam uddhaccarahitaṃ apāyabhūmiyaṃ paṭisandhiṃ janeti. Pavattiyaṃ pana sabbam pi dvādasavidhaṃ satt' ākusalapākāni sabbatthā pi kāmaloke rūpaloke ca yathārahaṃ vipaccati.
Herein immoral kamma, excluding restlessness, causes rebirth in a woeful state. But during lifetime all the twelve take effect.
The seven unwholesome resultants are experienced anywhere in the kāma plane and the rūpa plane according to circumstances.
Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now Uddhacca: (n) restlessness, disquietude, mental distraction or confusion 掉舉 Rahita: (pp) deprived of, without Apāyabhūmi: (f) the woeful plane 惡趣地 Paṭisandhi: (m/f) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking 結生 Janeti: (caus. jāyati) to bring forth, produce, beget, cause, give rise to Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being (Here pavatti refers to all thought-processes that occur during the course of one’s lifetime.) 轉起;生命期 Sabba: (adj) all, every, whose, entire Satta: (num) seven Pāka: (m/n) cooking; ripeness, maturity; result, fulfillment, accomplishment 果報;成熟 Loka: (m) the world, the universe; mankind; a being or creature 世界 Kāmaloka: (m) the sensuous world 欲界 Yathārahaṃ: (adv) according to worth; properly, satisfactorily, correctly, appropriately, duly Vipaccati: to ripen, come to perfection; to be cooked, be tormented 欲界善業的果報
Kāmāvacarakusalam pi kāmasugatiyam eva paṭisandhiṃ janeti, tathā pavattiyañ ca mahāvipākāni. Ahetukavipākāni pana aṭṭha pi sabbtthā pi kāmaloke rūpaloke ca yathārahaṃ vipaccati.
Moral kamma, of the kāma-plane produces rebirth in the blissful kāma-plane. Similarly the eight Great resultants (are experienced) during lifetime. The eight (wholesome) rootless resultants are experienced anywhere in the kāma plane and rūpa-plane according to circumstances.
Sugati: (f) happy condition; being reborn in heaven; heaven 善趣 Kāmasugati: (f) the blissful kāma-plane 欲界善趣 Vipāka: (m/n) result, resultant, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution 果報(心) Mahāvipāka: (m/n) great resultant 大果報(心),即八個欲界(美心)果報心 Ahetuka: (adj) without a cause, rootless 無因的 善果報及因(根)
Tatthā pi tihetukam ukkaṭṭhaṃ kusalaṃ tihetukaṃ paṭisandhiṃ datvā pavatte soḷasa vipākāni vipaccati.
Therein the highest moral kamma accompanied by three roots, produces rebirth similarly accompanied by the three roots. During lifetime it gives effect to sixteen kinds of resultants.
Tihetukam omakaṃ dvihetukam ukkaṭṭhañ ca kusalaṃ dvihetukaṃ paṭisandhiṃ datvā pavatte tihetukarahitāni dvādasa pi vipākāni vipaccati.
Moral kamma, accompanied by three roots of a lower class and by two roots of a higher class, produces rebirth with two roots, and gives effect to twelve resultants, excluding those with three roots, during lifetime.
Dvihetukam omakaṃ pana kusalam ahetukam eva paṭisandhiṃ deti. Pavatte ca ahetukavipākān' eva vipaccati.
But moral kamma, accompanied by two roots of a lower class, produces rebirth without roots, and gives effect to rootless resultants during lifetime.
Tihetuka: (adj) accompanied by three roots 三因的 Ukkaṭṭha: (pp) high, eminent; exceeding, excessive; excellent, superior Dadāti, dajjati, deti: to give, grant, allow ger. datvā, dadāya pp. dinna Soḷasa: (num) 16, sixteen Omaka: (adj) low, inferior, vile Dvihetuka: (adj) accompanied by two roots 二因的 Rahita: (pp) deprived of, without 另一種見解
Asaṅkhāraṃ sasaṅkhāravipākāni na paccati Sasaṅkhāram asaṅkhāravipākānī ti kecana. Tesaṃ dvādasapākāni das' aṭṭha ca yathākkamaṃ Yathāvuttānusārena yathāsambhavam uddise.
Some (teachers) say that unprompted (states of consciousness) do not produce prompted resultants and prompted (states of consciousness) do not produce unprompted resultants.
According to them, as stated above, the arising of the resultants should be set forth in due order as twelve, ten and eight.
有些(導師)說無行(心)不會產生有行果報心,而有行(心)不會產生無行果報心。 根據他們上述所講的,果報心生起的次序是十二、十及八。
Asaṅkhāra: (n) not being instigated or prompted by oneself or others; unaffected, but done spontaneously 無行,未受煽動或影響;自發 Sasaṅkhāra: (n) being instigated, induced or prompted by oneself or others; unspontaneous 有行,受到煽動或影響;非自發 Paccati: to ripen, come to perfection; to be cooked, be tormented Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively 依序 Yathā: (adv) as, like; how, when Vatti: to speak, say; speak to, address pp. vutta, utta aor. avoca 說 Anusāra: (m) following, conformity ins. anusārena: according to Yathāsambhavaṃ: (adv) according to birth or arising Uddisati: to point out, explain; determine, appoint; recite; specify opt. uddise pp. uddiṭṭha ger. uddissa, uddisitvā 色界善業的果報
Rūpāvacarakusalaṃ pana paṭhamajjhānaṃ parittaṃ bhāvetvā brahmapārisajjesu uppajjanti. Tad eva majjhimaṃ bhāvetvā brahmapurohitesu, paṇītaṃ bhāvetvā mahābrahmesu.
As regards moral kamma of the rūpa-plane, those who develop the first jhāna to a minor degree are born amongst the Brahma’s Retinue. Developing the same to a Medium degree, they are born amongst the Brahma’s Ministers. Developing them to a high degree, they are born amongst the Mahā Brahma gods.
Tathā dutiyajjhānaṃ tatiyajjhānañ ca parittaṃ bhāvetvā parittābhesu; majjhimaṃ bhāvetvā appamāṇābhesu; paṇītaṃ bhāvetvā ābhassaresu.
Similarly, developing the second jhāna and the third jhāna to a minor degree, they are born amongst the gods of Minor Lustre. Developing them to a medium degree, they are born amongst gods of Infinite Lustre. Developing them to a high degree, they are born amongst the Radiant gods.
Catutthajjhānaṃ parittaṃ bhāvetvā parittasubhesu; majjhimaṃ bhāvetvā appamāṇasubhesu; paṇītaṃ bhāvetvā subhakiṇhesu.
Developing the fourth jhāna to a minor degree, they are born amongst the gods of Minor Aura. Developing it to a medium degree, they are born amongst gods full of unlimited Aura. Developing it to a high degree, they are born amongst gods of Steady Aura.
Pañcamajjhānaṃ bhāvetvā vehapphalesu. Tad eva saññāvirāgaṃ bhāvetvā asaññasattesu. Anāgāmino pana suddhāvāsesu uppajjanti.
Developing the fifth jhāna, they are born amongst the gods of the Great Reward. Developing it with no attachment to consciousness, they are born amongst beings without consciousness. The Never-Returners are born in the Pure Abodes.
Paṭhamajjhāna: (n) the first jhāna 初禪 Paritta: (adj) small, brief, limited Bhāveti: to develop, practice; increase, enlarge; produce, obtain; dwell upon Brahmapārisajja: (m/adj) belonging to the retinue of Mahābrahma 梵眾天 Uppajjati: to arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear Majjhima: (adj) middle, central, moderate, of medium size Brahmapurohita: (m) minister or priest to Mahābrahma (adj) belonging to the realm of Brahma’s Ministers 梵輔天 Paṇīta: (pp. paṇeti) accomplished, eminent, excellent, exalted; sweet, nice Mahābrahma: (m) the Great Brahma 大梵天
Dutiyajjhāna: (n) the second jhāna 二禪 Tatiyajjhāna: (n) the third jhāna 三禪 Parittābha: (m/adj) of minor brilliancy 少光天 Appamāṇābha: (m/adj) of infinite splendor 無量光天 Ābhassara: (m/adj) shining, radiant 極光淨天(舊譯光音天)
Catutthajjhāna: (n) the fourth jhāna 四禪 Parittasubha: (m/adj) of limited splendor 少淨天 Appamāṇasubha: (m/adj) of infinite beauty or glory 無量淨天 Subhakiṇṇa, subhakiṇha, subhakiṇṇaka: (m/adj) filled and pervaded with radiance 遍淨天
Pañcamajjhāna: (n) the fifth jhāna 五禪 Vehapphala: (m/adj) very fruitful 廣果天 Saññā: (f) perception, consciousness, sense; intellect, thought; sign, gesture 想 Virāga: (m) absence of desire or human passion Saññāvirāga: (m) absence of or non-attachment to consciousness Asaññasatta: (m/adj) unconscious; mindless being 無想有情天 Anāgāmī: (m) one who does not return, one who has entered the third path to Nirvāṇa 阿那含 Suddhāvāsa: (m) pure abode 淨居天 無色界善業的果報
Arūpāvacarakusalañ ca yathākkamaṃ bhāvetvā āruppesu uppajjanti.
Developing moral kamma pertaining to the Formless Sphere, they are born in Formless Spheres in corresponding order.
Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively 依序 Āruppa: (m/adj) formless, incorporeal, belonging to Arūpabrahmaloka 無色界
5.4.4 結論
Itthaṃ mahaggataṃ puññaṃ yathābhūmi vavatthitaṃ Janeti sadisaṃ pākaṃ paṭisandhippavattiyaṃ. Idam ettha kammacatukkaṃ.
Thus sublimated merit, determined according to spheres, produces similar results (both) at rebirth and in one’s lifetime.
Herein this is the fourfold kamma.
如是依界分別的廣大福在結生與生命期裡都產生相同的果報。 於此,這是四種業。
Itthaṃ: (adv) thus Mahaggata: (adj) enlarged, extensive, great, lofty, sublime 廣大的 Puñña: (n) goodness, good work, merit (adj) good, virtuous, meritorious 善,福 Yathā: (adv) as, like; how, when Bhūmi: (f) the earth; place; stage; state; the ground; story of a house 地 Vavatthapeti: to determine, fix, settle, define, designate pp. vavatthita Sadisa: (adj) similar, like Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being (Here pavatti refers to all thought-processes that occur during the course of one’s lifetime.) 轉起;生命期 Catukka: (adj) consisting of four, fourfold
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