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Chapter VI   Rūpasagahavibhāgo(色之概要)



6.1 序文


Ettāvatā vibhattā hi sappabhedappavattikā

Cittacetasikā dhammā rūpaṃ dāni pavuccati.

Samuddesā vibhāgā ca samuṭṭhānā kalāpato

Pavattikkamato cā ti pañcadhā tattha saṅgaho.



Having thus far analyzed the consciousness and mental factors in accordance with their classes and modes of occurrence, matter will now be dealt with.


With respect to enumeration, classification, origination, groups, and the modes of occurrence, the compendium of matter therein is fivefold.










Ettāvatā: (adv) thus, so far, to that extent, thereabouts

Vibhatta: (pp. vibhajati) divided, distributed; parted, partitioned

Hi: (part.) for, because; certainly, indeed; alas!

Sa-: (prefix) with, and

Pabheda: (m) breaking or splitting up; difference, distinction; sort, kind

Pavattika: (adj) flowing onwards, going on

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Cetasika: (adj) mental   (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental states  心所

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Dāni, idāni: (adv) now

Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed

Samuddesa: (m) enumeration  列舉

Vibhāga: (m) division, analysis  分析,分別

Samuṭṭhāna: (n) rising, origination

Kalāpa: (m) a bundle, a bunch; tuft; a row, string, multitude; a quiver 

Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being (Here pavatti refers to all thought-processes that occur during the course of one’s lifetime.)  轉起

Kama: (m) order, step, succession, method

Pañcadhā: (adv) in five ways, fivefold

Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝





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