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Chapter VI Rūpasaṅgahavibhāgo(色之概要)
6.2 列舉色法(Rūpasamuddesa)
6.2.1 四大元素與所造色(Mahābhūta and Upādāyarūpa)
Cattāri mahābhūtāni, catunnañ ca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāya rūpan ti duvidham p' etaṃ rūpaṃ ekādasavidhena saṅgahaṃ gacchati.
Matter is twofold - namely, the four great essentials and material phenomena derived from them. These two constitute eleven species.
Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four (n) cattāri (f) catasso gen./dat. catunnaṃ Mahābhūta: (m/n) great element, a principal element 大種,四大元素 Upādāya: (ger. upādiyati) clinging; beginning with; out of; with reference to Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 色 Upādāya rūpa: (n) material phenomena derived from the four great essentials 所造色,衍生色 Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure 部分,種類 Esa, eso: (pron) this; that (n) etaṃ, (before a vowel) etad pl. etāni Ekādasa: (num) eleven Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness 概要,分析,組合,攝 Gacchati: to go, go to, proceed; depart Saṅgahaṃ gacchati: to constitute, be grouped together
6.2.2 完成色(Nipphannarūpa)
Kathaṃ? 1. Paṭhavīdhātu, āpodhātu, tejodhātu, vāyodhātu bhūtarūpaṃ nāma. 2. Cakkhu, sotaṃ, ghānaṃ, jivhā, kāyo pasādarūpaṃ nāma. 3. Rūpaṃ, saddo, gandho, raso, āpodhātuvajjitaṃ bhūtattaya-saṅkhātaṃ phoṭṭhabbaṃ gocararūpaṃ nāma. 4. Itthattaṃ purisattaṃ bhāvarūpaṃ nāma. 5. Hadayavatthu hadayarūpaṃ nāma. 6. Jīvitindriyaṃ jīvitarūpaṃ nāma. 7. KabaIīkāro āhāro āhārarūpaṃ nāma.
How? (1) Essential material phenomena: the element of extension (earth), the element of cohesion (water), the element of heat (fire), and the element of motion (air). (2) Sensitive material phenomena: eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body. (3) Objective material phenomena: form, sound, odour, taste and tangibility, the latter found in the three essentials excluding the water element. (4) Material phenomena of sex: femininity and masculinity. (5) Material phenomenon of the heart: the heart-base. (6) Material phenomenon of life: vital principle (life faculty). (7) Material phenomenon of nutrition: edible food.
如何? 一、元素色,即:地界、水界、火界與風界。 二、淨色,即:眼、耳、鼻、舌與身。 三、境色,即:顏色、聲、香、味與觸,後者包含在除去水界的三大元素。 四、性根色,即:女根色與男根色。 五、心色,即:心所依處。 六、命色,即:命根。 七、食色,即:段食。
Iti ca aṭṭhārasavidham p' etaṃ sabhāvarūpaṃ, salakkhaṇarūpaṃ, nipphannarūpaṃ, rūparūpaṃ, sammasanarūpan ti ca saṅgahaṃ gacchati.
Thus these eighteen kinds of material phenomena are grouped together as: matter possessing intrinsic nature, matter possessing respective characteristics, concretely produced matter, material matter, and matter to be comprehended by insight.
Kathaṃ: (adv) how Paṭhavī (pathavī, puthuvī, puthavī): (f) the earth 地 Dhātu: (m/f) primary or elementary substance, element; principle; a property of a primary substance, such as color, sound, taste, etc.; an organ of sense; a constituent of the body, as flesh, blood, bones; the remains of a body after cremation; a sacred relic; a fossil; a metal 界,元素,(火化後)遺骨等等 Āpa: (m) water 水 Teja: (m/n) fire, flame, heat; light, brilliancy; glory; influence; power 火 Vāya, vāyu: (m) air, wind 風 Bhūta: (pp. bhavati) been, become, being; gone, past, former; real, true, right Bhūtarūpa: (n) the essential material phenomena 元素色,種色 Nāma: (adv) by name, namely 名為 Cakkhu: (m/n) the eye; insight; supernatural insight or knowledge 眼 Sota: (n) the ear, organ of hearing 耳 Ghāna: (n) the nose, the organ of smell 鼻 Jivhā: (f) the tongue 舌 Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude 身 Pasāda: (m) brightness, clearness, purity; joy, serenity of mind; faith; in function of sense agency, sensitive surface; sensory receptive substance in the five sense organs 淨,淨色 Sadda: (m) sound, noise; voice; a word 聲 Gandha: (m) smell, odor; perfume, fragrance; fragrant substance 香 Rasa: (m) flavor, taste; sap, juice; best part or extract of a thing, essence, sweetness; fluid, liquid; quicksilver; sentiment; vigor, strength 味 Vajjita: (pp. vajjeti) without, except, be removed, excluding Tayo: (num. m.) three loc. tīsu (f) tisso (n) tīṇi Frequently at the end of a compound, the whole forming a neut. noun. -ttayaṃ Saṅkhāta, saṅkhyāta: (pp. saṅkhāti) reckoned, numbered; considered, called, named; weighed, estimated, learned Phoṭṭhabba: (n) touch, contact 觸 Gocara: (m) pasture, abode, sphere, resort; an object of sense as form, sound, etc. 所緣,(感官)目標 Gocararūpa: (n) objective material phenomena 境色 Itthatta: (n) state or condition of femininity, womanhood 女性,女根 Purisatta: (n) state or condition of masculinity, manhood 男性,男根 Bhāva: (m) property, nature, state, condition; meaning, intention; gesture; substance, thing Bhāvarūpa: (n) material phenomena of sex 性根色,性色 Hadaya: (n) the heart, the mind 心 Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative; base 依處 Jīvitindriya: (n) principle of life, life, vitality 命根 Jīvita: (n) life KabaIiṅkāra, kabaIīkāra: (adj) made into balls or mouthfuls Āhāra: (m) food, nutriment, nourishment; cause Iti, ti, icc (before a vowel): (adv) thus; generally placed at the end of a book, or of a chapter or section, to introduce the title Aṭṭhārasa: (num) 18, eighteen Sabhāva: (m) natural state, nature; disposition; truth, reality 自性 Sabhāvarūpa: (n) matter possessing intrinsic nature 自性色 Lakkhaṇa: (n) sign, characteristic, mark; esp. a sign as implying something extraordinary or pointing to the future, therefore a prognosticative mark; a distinguishing mark or salient feature, property, quality 相 Salakkhaṇa: (n) own characteristic, that which is consistent with one's own nature (adj) together with the characteristics 自相,有相 Salakkhaṇarūpa: (n) matter possessing respective characteristics 自相色,有相色 Nippajjati, nipphajjati: to be produced, be accomplished, be effected, succeed; spring forth, ripen, result, happen pp. nipphanna Nipphannarūpa: (n) concretely produced matter 完成色 Rūparūpa: (n) material matter possessing matter’s essential characteristic of undergoing change and deformation 色色 Sammasana: (n) seizing or grasping with the mind, gaining a thorough knowledge of, mastering, meditating on Sammasanarūpa: (n) matter to be comprehended by insight 思惟色,觀智所思惟色
6.2.3 不完成色(Anipphannarūpa)
8. Ākāsadhātu paricchedarūpaṃ nāma. 9. Kāyaviññatti vacīviññatti viññattirūpaṃ nāma. 10. Rūpassa lahutā, mudutā, kammaññatā, viññattidvayaṃ vikārarūpaṃ nāma. 11. Rūpassa upacayo, santati, jaratā, aniccatā lakkhaṇarūpaṃ nāma. Jātirūpam eva pan' ettha upacayasantatināmena pavuccati.
(8) Limiting material phenomenon: the element of space. (9) Intimating material phenomenon: bodily intimation and vocal intimation. (10) Mutable material phenomena: material lightness, softness, adaptability, and the two forms of intimation. (11) Characteristic material phenomena: material productivity, continuity, decay and impermanence. Here by productivity and continuity are meant the material phenomenon of birth.
八、限制色,即:空界。 九、表色,即:身表與語表。 十、變化色,即:色輕快性、色柔軟性、色適業性及(身、語)兩種表色。 十一、相色,即:色積集、色相續、色老性及色無常性。在此,積集與相續被稱為生色。
Ākāsa: (m) the sky, air, heaven; the open air; space 空 Pariccheda: (m) division, separation, discrimination; definition; decision, judgement; limit, boundary, extent; section, region; chapter of a book Paricchedarūpa: (n) limiting material phenomenon 限制色,限界色 Viññatti: (f) intimation, information; intimation of a want, asking 表示,暗示 Kāyaviññatti: (f) bodily intimation 身表 Vacī: (f) speech, words 語 Vacīviññatti: (f) vocal intimation 語表 Viññattirūpa: (n) intimating material phenomenon 表色 Lahutā: (f) lightness, buoyancy 輕快性 Mudutā: (f) softness, pliancy 柔軟性 Kammaññatā: (f) adaptability, readiness 適業性 Dvaya: (adj) two, of two sorts (n) a pair, a couple Vikāra: (m) change, alteration; perturbation 變化 Vikārarūpa: (n) mutable material phenomena 變化色 Upacaya: (m) accumulation, increase 積集 Santati: (f) extension, continuity, duration, lineage 相續 Jaratā: (f) old age, decrepitude 老性 Aniccatā: (f) impermanence, instability, mortality 無常性 Lakkhaṇarūpa: (n) characteristic material phenomena 相色 Jāti: (f) birth, existence; lineage, family, caste; sort, kind, variety Jātirūpa: (n) material phenomenon of birth 生色 Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed pres. 3rd pl. pavuccare 被稱為
6.2.4 二十八種色
Iti ekādasavidham p' etaṃ rūpaṃ aṭṭhavīsatividhaṃ hoti sarūpavasena. Kathaṃ? Bhūtappasādavisayā bhāvo hadayam icc' api Jīvitāhārarūpehi aṭṭhārasavidhaṃ tathā. Paricchedo ca viññatti vikāro lakkhaṇan ti ca Anipphannā dasa cā ti aṭṭhavīsavidhaṃ bhave. Ayam ettha rūpasamuddeso.
Thus the eleven kinds of material phenomena are treated as twenty-eight according to their intrinsic properties. How (twenty-eight)?
Essentials, sensory organs, objects, sex, heart, vitality, and nutriment - thus (concrete matter) is eighteen-fold.
Limitation (space), intimation, mutability and characteristics - thus there are ten that are not concretely produced. In all there are twenty-eight.
Herein, this is the enumeration of matter.
如是依據各自的特性,十一類色法可分別為二十八種色。如何(是二十八)? 元素、淨色、境色、性根、心色、命根色與段食是十八種完成色。 限制(空界)、表色、變化色與相色是十種不完成色。如此一共有二十八種色。 於此,這是色法的列舉。
Ekādasa: (num) eleven Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave opt. bhave Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as Visaya: (m) an object of sense; realm, domain, range, sphere, scope; district, region, country Api, pi: (part.) also; even; though; merely Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also 如是 Anipphanna: (pp. adj) not concretely produced, not accomplished, non-conditioned (by kamma) Dasa: (num) ten Aṭṭhavīsa: (num) 28, twenty-eight Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now Samuddesa: (m) enumeration 列舉
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