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6.5 聚的構成(Kalāpayojana)
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Chapter VI   Rūpasagahavibhāgo(色之概要)



6.5 聚的構成(Kalāpayojana


6.5.1 簡說


Ekuppādā ekanirodhā ekanissayā sahavuttino ekavīsati rūpakalāpā nāma.



There are twenty-one material groups inasmuch as they arise together (or have a common genesis), cease together (or have a common cessation), have a common basis, and coexist (occur together).









Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique

Uppāda: (m) springing up, producing, appearance; birth; an omen 

Ekuppāda: (m) arising together  同生

Nirodha: (m) cessation, annihilation; Nirvāṇa; obstruction, impeding 

Nissaya: (m) that on which anything depends or rests; refuge, shelter, help, protection, resource, requisite, necessary

Saha: (adv) with, together with

Vuttin: (adj) living, occurring

Sahavutti: (adj) living/occurring together, coexistent

Ekavīsati: (num) 21, twenty-one

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Kalāpa: (m) anything that comprises a number of things of the same kind; a bundle, bunch; sheaf; a row, string, multitude; a quiver; usually of grass, bamboo - or sugarcanes, sometimes of hair and feathers 

Rūpakalāpa: (m) material group  色聚

Nāma: (adv) by name, namely; indeed  名為;著實





6.5.2 業生色聚(Kammasamuṭṭhānakalāpa


Tattha jīvitaṃ avinibbhogarūpañ ca cakkhunā saha cakkhudasakan ti pavuccati. Tathā sotādīhi saddhiṃ sotadasakaṃ, ghānadasakaṃ, jivhādasakaṃ, kāyadasakaṃ, itthibhāvadasakaṃ, pumbhāvadasakaṃ, vatthudasakañ cā ti yathākkamaṃ yojetabbaṃ. Avinibbhogarūpam eva jīvitena saha jīvitanavakan ti pavuccati. Ime nava kammasamuṭṭhānakalāpā.



Therein, vitality and the (eight) inseparable material phenomena together with the eye are called the ‘eye-decad’. Similarly the ‘ear-decad’ together with the ear and so forth, ‘nose-decad’, ‘tongue-decad’, ‘body-decad’, ‘female-decad,’ male-decad’, ‘(heart-) base-decad’, should respectively be formed. Inseparable material phenomena, together with vitality, are called the ‘vital-nonad’. These nine groups are produced by Kamma.








Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Jīvita: (n) life, vitality

Avinibbhoga: (adj) not to be distinguished, indistinct; inseparable

Cakkhu: (m/n) the eye; insight; supernatural insight or knowledge 

Dasaka: (n) decad, a collection of ten things  十個構成一組

Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Sota: (n) the ear, organ of hearing 

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Saddhi: (adv) with, together with   [+ ins ]

Ghāna: (n) the nose, the organ of smell 

Jivhā: (f) the tongue 

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude 

Itthi, itthī: (f) a woman, female

Itthibhāva: (m) womanhood  女性

Pumā: (m) a man, male

Pumbhāva: (m) manhood, virility  男性

Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative; base  依處     (abl.) vatthuto

Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively  依序

Yojeti: (caus. yuñjati) to fix, apply, devote; unite, mix; try, adopt, use, prepare; yoke, harness; appoint, commission, employ; furnish, provide; urge, induce   pfp. yojetabba    pp. yojita

Jīvitanavaka: (n) vital-nonad  命根九法

Ime: (pron) these

Nava: (num) nine

Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, business; a religious act, karma 

Samuṭṭhāna: (n) rising, origination





6.5.3 心生色聚(Cittasamuṭṭhānakalāpa


Avinibbhogarūpaṃ pana suddhaṭṭhakaṃ. Tad eva kāyaviññattiyā saha kāyaviññattinavakaṃ; vacīviññatti saddehi saha vacīviññattidasakaṃ; lahutādīhi saddhiṃ lahutādi-ekādasakaṃ, kāyaviññatti-lahutādi-dvādasakaṃ, vacīviññatti-sadda-lahutādi-terasakañ cā ti cha cittasamuṭṭhānakalāpā.



The inseparable material phenomena constitute the ‘pure octad’. They, together with the bodily intimation, constitute the ‘bodily intimation nonad’; together with the vocal intimation and sound the ‘vocal intimation decad’; together with the material phenomena of lightness, pliancy, and adaptability the ‘un-decad of lightness’ and so forth; the do-decad of bodily intimation, lightness, pliancy, and adaptability; and the tri-decad of vocal intimation, sound, lightness, pliancy, and adaptability. These six material groups are produced by mind.









Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Suddha: (pp. sujjhati) pure, clear, white; innocent, virtuous; genuine, true; mere, simple

Aṭṭhaka: (n) octad, a collection of eight things

Tad: (pron.) this, that

Viññatti: (f) intimation, information; intimation of a want, asking  表示,暗示

Kāyaviññatti: (f) bodily intimation  身表

Navaka: (n) nonad, a collection of nine things

Vacī: (f) speech, words 

Vacīviññatti: (f) vocal intimation  語表

Sadda: (m) sound, noise; voice; a word 

Lahutā: (f) lightness, buoyancy  輕快性

Ekādasaka: (n) un-decad, a collection of eleven things

Dvādasaka: (n) do-decad, a collection of twelve things

Terasaka: (n) tri-decad, a collection of thirteen things

Cha: (num) six

Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 





6.5.4 時節生色聚(Utusamuṭṭhānakalāpa


Suddhaṭṭhakaṃ, saddanavakaṃ, lahutādi-ekādasakaṃ, sadda-lahutādi-dvādasakañ cā ti cattāro utusamuṭṭhānakalāpā.



The pure octad, the sound-nonad, the un-decad of the lightness triad (+ pliancy, and adaptability); the do-decad of sound and the lightness triad - these four are produced by seasonal phenomena.








Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso     gen./dat. catunnaṃ     abl./ins. catūhi

Utu: (m/f/n) season, time  時節

Utusamuṭṭhānakalāpa: (m) material groups originating from seasonal conditions (temperature)  時節(熱能)生色聚





6.5.5 食生色聚(Āhārasamuṭṭhānakalāpa


Suddhaṭṭhakaṃ lahutādi-ekādasakañ cā ti dve āhārasamuṭṭhānakalāpā.



The pure octad, and the un-decad of lightness, pliancy and adaptability are the two material groups produced by nutriment.








Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Āhāra: (m) food, nutriment, nourishment; cause  食,營養

Āhārasamuṭṭhānakalāpa: (m) material groups resulting from nutriment  食生色聚





6.5.6 內與外


Tattha suddhaṭṭhakaṃ saddanavakañ cā ti dve utusamuṭṭhānakalāpā bahiddhā pi labbhanti. Avasesā pana sabbe pi ajjhattikam eva.



Of them the two material groups produced by seasonal phenomena - pure octad and the sound nonad - are found externally too. All the rest are strictly internal.








Bahiddhā: (adv) outside, externally

Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted

Avasesa: (adj) remaining

Sabba: (adj) all, every, whose, entire

Ajjhattika: (adj) relating to belonging to the individual or self, personal; internal; subjective  個人的,內在的





6.5.7 總結


Kammacittotukāhārasamuṭṭhānā yathākkamaṃ

Nava cha caturo dve ti kalāpā ekavīsati.

Kalāpānaṃ paricchedalakkhaṇattā vicakkhaṇā

Na kalāpaṅgam icc' āhu ākāsaṃ lakkhaṇāni ca.

Ayam ettha kalāpayojanā.



There are twenty-one material groups - nine, six, four and two produced in due order from kamma, mind, seasonal phenomena, and nutriment.


As space demarcates, and characteristic marks just indicate, the wise state that they are not constituents of material groups.


Herein, this is the formation of material groups.











Pariccheda: (m) division, separation, discrimination; definition; decision, judgement; limit, boundary, extent; section, region; chapter of a book

Lakkhaa: (n) sign, characteristic, mark; esp. a sign as implying something extraordinary or pointing to the future, therefore a prognosticative mark; a distinguishing mark or salient feature, property, quality 

Vicakkhaa: (adj) knowing, wise, discerning, sensible, skillful    (m) a wise person

Aga: (n) a part, portion, division, factor; a limb, member; a means, cause; a requisite; a quality, attribute  支,(部)分,因子;特性

Āha: to say, speak, call, tell     3rd pl. āhu, āhaṃsu

Ākāsa: (m) the sky, air, heaven; the open air; space 

Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Yojana: (n) union, junction; formation; a measure of length





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