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Chapter V Vīthimuttasaṅgahavibhāgo(離心路過程之概要)
5.5 死亡與結生的過程(Cutipaṭisandhikkama) 5.5.1 四種死亡之因
Āyukkhayena, kammakkhayena, ubhayakkhayena, upacchedakakammunā cā ti catudhā maraṇ uppatti nāma.
The advent of death is fourfold - namely, (i) through the expiration of the age-limit, (ii) through the expiration of the (Reproductive) Kammic force (iii) through the (simultaneous) expiration of both, and (iv) through (the intervention of a) Destructive Kamma.
Āyu: (n) life 壽命 Khaya: (m) end, destruction, decay, loss, exhaustion Āyukkhaya: (m) cessation of life, death 壽盡 Kamma: (n) doing, action, work, deed, business; a religious act, karma 業 Ubhaya: (adj) both Upaccheda: (m) cutting off, stopping upacchedaka: (adj) Catudhā: (adv) in four parts, fourfold Maraṇa: (n) death, dying Uppatti: (f) arsing, birth, production Nāma: (adv) by name, namely; indeed 名為;著實
5.5.2 死亡之相
Tathā ca marantānaṃ pana maraṇakāle yathārahaṃ abhimukhībhūtaṃ bhavantare paṭisandhijanakaṃ kammaṃ vā taṃ kammakaraṇakāle rūpādikam upaladdhapubbam upakaraṇabhūtañ ca kammanimittaṃ vā anantaram uppajjamānabhave upalabhitabbaṃ upabhogabhūtañ ca gatinimittaṃ vā kammabalena channaṃ dvārānaṃ aññatarasmiṃ paccupaṭṭhāti.
Now, to those who are about to die, at the moment of death one of the following presents itself, according to circumstances, through any of the six doors by the power of kamma:
i. a kamma that is to produce rebirth-linking in the subsequent existence; or ii. a sign of kamma, that is, a form, etc., that had been perceived previously at the time of performing the kamma, or anything that was instrumental in the performance of the kamma; or iii. a symbolic destiny sign that should be obtained and experienced in the immediately following birth-place.
對於臨終的人,在臨死之時,以下的其中一者會依情況現前,根據業力呈現於六門之一: 一、 即將產生下一世結生的業;或 二、 業相,即以前造業時所識知的顏色等,或以前造業所用的工具;或 三、 即將在下一世獲得與體驗的趣相。
Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also 如是 Anta: (m/n) end; limit, boundary; proximity, side; destruction, death; lowest, inferior; interior Maranta: (m) one who is near death, one who is about to die Kāla: (m) time; right time, due season; meal time; death The loc. kāle at the end of a compound may often be rendered by “when.” Yathārahaṃ: (adv) according to worth; properly, satisfactorily, correctly, appropriately, duly Abhimukhī: (f) facing, towards, approaching, opposite, in front of Bhūta: (pp. bhavati) been, become, being; gone, past, former; real, true, right Bhavantara: (n) another birth or existence, either a previous or a subsequent one Paṭisandhi: (m/f) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking 結生 Janaka: (adj) producing, causing, reproductive Karaṇa: (n) making, doing; action; instrument; the body; an organ of sense Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 色 Ādika: (adj) beginning with, first, initial; +ādika [=ādi]: et cetera, and the rest Upalabbhati: to be found, received, obtained; to be known; to exist pp. upaladdha pfp. upalabbhanīya Pubba: (adj) before; first, foremost; eastern; earlier; former, preceding; ancient, customary; at the end of a compound sometimes means “preceded by, attended by, accompanied by” Upakaraṇa: (n) help, benefit, service; instrument, apparatus, implement Nimitta: (n) a sign, mark, token, symbol; omen; cause, reason 相 Anantara: (adj) immediately following, next; adjoining Upapajjati: to be reborn, be produced; come to, attain ger. upapajja: to be reborn pp. upapanna ppr. uppajjamāna: being reborn Bhava: (m) being, existence; birth, origin; renewed existence, Saṃsāra; gain, increase, welfare 有,生 Upalabhati: to receive, get, obtain; to know, make out pp. upaladdha pfp. upalabhitabba Upabhoga: (m) enjoyment Gati: (f) going, journey; resting-place, abode; result; state of existence, future state, destiny; rebirth; direction Gatinimitta: (n) a sign of the state of rebirth 趣相 Bala: (n) strength, power, force; an army, troops, forces Kammabala: (n) the power or force of karma 業力 Cha: (num) six gen./dat. channaṃ Dvāra: (n) a door, gate; an entrance, an aperture 門 Aññatara: (m/adj) one, a certain, some; some other, another Paccupaṭṭhāti, paccupaṭṭhahati: to be present, appear; to stand up before pp. paccupaṭṭhita: (re)presented; approaching, imminent, present 現起
5.5.3 臨命終時的心
Tato paraṃ tam eva tath opaṭṭhitaṃ ālambanaṃ ārabbha vipaccamānakakammānurūpaṃ parisuddham upakkiliṭṭhaṃ vā upalabhitabbabhavānurūpaṃ tatth oṇataṃ va cittasantānaṃ abhiṇhaṃ pavattati bāhullena. Tam eva vā pana janakabhūtaṃ kammam abhinavakaraṇavasena dvārappattaṃ hoti.
Thereafter attending to that object thus presented, the stream of consciousness, in accordance with the Kamma that is to be matured whether pure or corrupted, and in conformity with the place where one is to be born, continually flows, inclining mostly towards that state. Or that birth-reproductive Kamma presents itself to a sense-door in the way of renewing.
Tato: (adv) hence, subsequently, thereafter; from that place or time; further Tato paraṃ: (adv) afterwards Upaṭṭhāti, upaṭṭhahati: to attend to, serve, wait on, support; be ready, present pp. upaṭṭhita: ready, present; arrived; attending to, awaiting; served Ālambana, -ṇa : (n) support; an object of sense 所緣,(感官)目標 Ārabhati: to begin; undertake; attempt; exert oneself; obtain by exertion ger. ārabbha pp. āraddha Vipaccati: to ripen, come to perfection; to be cooked, be tormented ppr. vipaccamāna Vipaccamānaka: (adj) ripening Anurūpa: (adj) suitable, proper, conformable Anurūpaṃ: (adv) according to Parisuddha: (pp) pure, clear, innocent, holy, perfect, intact Upakkiliṭṭha: (pp) stained, depraved Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein Oṇamati: to bow, stoop pp. oṇata: bent, stooping Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 心 Santāna: (m) spreading, extension; lineage Cittasantāna: (n) stream of consciousness 心相續,心流 Abhiṇhaṃ: (adv) repeatedly Pavattati: to arise, begin, take place; start, set out; roll or flow onwards; become, be, exist; go on, proceed, be kept up pp. pavatta 轉起 Bāhulla: (n) abundance (ins) bāhullena: generally, mostly Janaka: (adj) producing, causing, reproductive Abhinava: (adj) quite new, new Karaṇa: (n) making, doing; action; instrument; the body; an organ of sense Patta: (pp. pāpuṇāti) attained, reached; obtained, got
5.5.4 死亡與結生
Paccāsannamaraṇassa tassa vīthicittāvasāne bhavaṅgakkhaye vā cavanavasena paccuppanna-bhava-pariyosānabhūtaṃ cuticittam uppajjitvā nirujjhati. Tasmiṃ niruddhāvasāne tass ānantaram eva tathā gahitaṃ ālambanam ārabbha savatthukaṃ avatthukam eva vā yathārahaṃ avijjānusaya-parikkhittena taṇhānusayamūlakena saṅkhārena janīyamānaṃ sampayuttehi pariggayhamānaṃ sahajātānam adhiṭṭhāna-bhāvena pubbaṅgamabhūtaṃ bhavantara-paṭisandhānavasena paṭisandhisaṅkhātaṃ mānasaṃ uppajjamānam eva patiṭṭhāti bhavantare.
To one who is nearing death, either at the end of a thought-process or at the dissolution of bhavaṅga, the decease-consciousness, the consummation of the present life, arises and ceases in the way of death.
At the end of the cessation, immediately after which, based on the object thus obtained, whether with heart-base or not, rebirth-consciousness arises and is established in the subsequent existence, enveloped accordingly by latent ignorance, rooted in latent craving, produced by action (Kamma), conjoined with mental co-adjuncts, acting as the forerunner to the coexisting states, and linking the existences.
對於臨死的人,在心路過程之末或有分滅盡時,代表一世終結死亡的死亡心即生起與滅盡。 一旦(死亡心)滅盡,下一世的結生心即刻生起,識知如此獲得的目標,依情況而有依處或無依處支助;它是由受到無明所束縛、和以渴愛潛在傾向為根本的行(業)所生。稱為結生心是因為它把兩世連接起來、受到相應名法陪同、作為相應法的住處而成為它們的前導者。
Āsanna: (pp./adj) near Paccāsanna: (adj. paṭi+āsanna) near (adv) paccāsanne: near by Vīthicitta: (n) thought-process, mind-process, cognitive process 心路過程 Avasāna, osāna: (n) end, conclusion loc. avasāne: in the end, finally Cavana: (n) death, disappearance Paccuppanna: (pp./adj) existing, ready, present 現在 Pariyosāna: (n) termination, ending Cuticitta: (n) decease-consciousness, death-consciousness 死亡心 Uppajjati: to arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear ger. uppajjitvā Nirujjhati: to cease, perish, be destroyed or annihilated pp. niruddha 壞滅 Anantara: (adj) immediately following, next; adjoining Gahita, gahīta: (pp. gaṇhāti) taken, received; held; kept; grasped, seized; caught, captured; occupied, taken possession of Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative; base 依處 (abl.) vatthuto Savatthuka: (adj) with vatthu, supported by the base Avatthuka: (adj) without vatthu, baseless Avijjā: (f) ignorance 無明 Anusaya: (m) inclination, thought, desire 隨眠 Parikkhipati: to surround, go around, encircle, throw over or around; to put into pp. parikkhitta: surrounded, thrown around, fenced Taṇhā, tasiṇā: (f) lust, desire, human passion Taṇhānusaya: (m) inclination to craving Mūlaka: (adj) having its root or origin in, springing from Saṅkhāra: (m) constructing, preparing, perfecting, embellishing; aggregation; matter; Karma; everything which springs from a cause 行 Janīyati, jaññati: (pass. janeti) to be generated or produced ppr. janīyamāna Sampayutta: (pp. sampayuñjati) connected with, dependent on, resulting from 相應 Pariggayhati: (pass. pariggaṇhāti) to be taken hold of, grasped, possessed, seized ppr. pariggayhamāna Saha: (adv) with, together with Jāyati: to be born, be produced, grow, spring up, arise pp. jāta Adhiṭṭhāna: (n) resting-place; staying; appointing, fixing; resolution, resolve Bhāva: (m) nature, property; state, condition; intention; substance, thing Pubbaṅgama: (adj) going before, preceding, prior, leading; chief Antara: (prep. adv) between, within, among, in Bhavantara: (n) another birth or existence, either a previous or a subsequent one 前生或來世 Paṭisandhāna: (n) reunion 連結,結生 Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as Saṅkhāta, saṅkhyāta: (pp. saṅkhāti) reckoned, numbered; considered, called, named; weighed, estimated, learned Mānasa: (n) the mind; intention, purpose 心 Patiṭṭhāti, patiṭṭhahati: to stand firmly, be established, be set up, to stay, be
5.5.5 欲界結生心的所緣
Maraṇāsannavīthiyaṃ pan ettha mandappavattāni pañc eva javanāni pāṭikaṅkhitabbāni. Tasmā yadā paccuppannālambanesu āpātham āgatesu dharantesv eva maraṇaṃ hoti, tadā paṭisandhibhavaṅgānam pi paccuppannālambanatā labbhatī ti katvā kāmāvacarapaṭisandhiyā chadvāragahitaṃ kammanimittaṃ gatinimittañ ca paccuppannam atītam ālambanaṃ vā upalabbhati. Kammaṃ pana atītam eva, tañ ca manodvāragahitaṃ. Tāni pana sabbāni pi parittadhammabhūtān ev ālambanāni.
Herein in the dying thought-process only five feeble moments of javana should be expected. Therefore, when death takes place while present objects are occurring and have entered the avenue of sense (i.e., kammanimitta to one of the five sense-doors or gatinimitta to the mind-door), then the rebirth-consciousness and the bhavaṅga-consciousness also take a present object.
Thus in rebirth in a Sense-Sphere the kammanimitta taken by (any of) the six doors, or gatinimitta may be past or present. But kamma is perceived by the mind-door only as a past object. All these objects should be regarded as limited phenomena (i.e., belonging to the Kāma-sphere).
於此,當知在臨死心路過程裡,只有五個軟弱的速行生起。因此,若死時是緣取呈現於根門的現在所緣,(新一世裡的)結生心與(最初幾個)有分心也都緣取現在所緣。 對於欲界結生,當由六門之一所識知的目標是業相或趣相時,該目標可以是現在(所緣)或過去(所緣)。但(作為目標的)業則必定是過去的,而且是通過意門識知。這一切(欲界結生的)目標都只是有限法而已。
Manda: (adj) slow; low, slight, weak; stupid, dull; small Pavattati: to arise, begin, take place; start, set out; roll or flow onwards; become, be, exist; go on, proceed, be kept up pp. pavatta 轉起 Javana: (adj) quick, fleet (lit.) running swiftly 速行 Paṭikaṅkhati: to expect, await, desire pfp. pāṭikaṅkhitabba Tasmā: (adv) therefore, thereby, accordingly Yadā: (adv) when, whenever usu. followed by tadā Paccuppanna: (pp./adj) existing, ready, present 現在 Āpātha: (n) sphere, range, focus, field (of consciousness or perception), appearance Āgacchati: to come, approach; to arrive, return pp. āgata Āpātham āgacchati: to come into focus, become clear, appear Dharati: to hold, bear, carry, wear; to hold up, support; to bear in mind, know by heart; to hold out, endure, last, continue, live ppr. dharanta pp. dhata: firm, prepared, ready, resolved; kept in mind, understood, known by heart Tadā: (adv) at that time, then Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted Karoti: to act, do, cause, cause to become, render, make, perform ger. katvā opt. kayirā, kayirātha, kubbetha, kare, kareyya Gahita, gahīta: (pp. gaṇhāti) taken, received; held; kept; grasped, seized; caught, captured; occupied, taken possession of Atīta: (pp. acceti) past, elapsed; passed; having transgressed 過去 Manodvāra: (n) mind-door 意門 Paritta: (adj) small, brief, limited
5.5.6 廣大結生心的所緣
Rūpāvacarapaṭisandhiyā pana paññattibhūtaṃ kamma-nimittam ev ālambanaṃ hoti. Tathā āruppapaṭisandhiyā ca mahaggatabhūtaṃ paññattibhūtañ ca kammanimittam eva yathārahaṃ ālambanaṃ hoti.
In rebirth in the realms of Forms the kamma symbol which is a concept (such as earth device etc.) becomes the object.
So, too, in rebirth in Formless realms, only a kamma symbol which is a sublimated concept (such as a visualized ‘space’) becomes an object, according to circumstances.
Asaññasattānaṃ pana jīvitanavakam eva paṭisandhibhāvena patiṭṭhāti. Tasmā te rūpapaṭisandhikā nāma. Arūpā arūpapaṭisandhikā. Sesā rūpārūpapaṭisandhikā.
To the mindless beings only the vital ‘nonad’ establishes itself in the way of rebirth. Hence they are called materially-reborn. Those born in Formless realms are called mentally reborn. The rest are called materially and mentally reborn.
Paññatti, paṇṇatti: (f) making known, manifestation, declaring, concept 概念 Mahaggata: (adj) enlarged, extensive, great, lofty, sublime 廣大的 Yathārahaṃ: (adv) according to worth; properly, satisfactorily, correctly, appropriately, duly Asaññasatta: (m/adj) unconscious; mindless being 無想有情天 Jīvita: (n) life Jīvitanavaka: (n) the vital nonad; namely, the four elements of extension, cohesion, heat, motion (paṭhavī, āpa, teja, vāya), the four derivatives — colour, odour, taste, nutritive essence (vaṇṇa, gandha, rasa, ojā), and life principle (jīvitindriya) 命根九法 Bhāva: (m) property, nature, state, condition; meaning, intention; gesture; substance, thing Patiṭṭhāti, patiṭṭhahati: to stand firmly, be established, be set up, to stay, be Sesa: (adj) remaining (m) remainder 其餘
5.5.7 投生的法則
Āruppacutiyā honti heṭṭhimāruppavajjitā Paramāruppasandhī ca tathā kāme tihetukā. Rūpāvacaracutiyā aheturahitā siyuṃ Sabbā kāmatihetumhā kāmesv eva pan etarā. Ayam ettha cutipaṭisandhikkamo.
After one passes away from a Formless realm, one is similarly born in a superior Formless realm, but not in a lower Formless plane, and also in the Sense-Sphere with three roots.
When one passes from a realm of Form, one is not reborn without roots. After passing away from a three-rooted existence in the sensuous plane, one may be reborn in all states. The rest (namely, those with two roots and no roots) are reborn in the Sense-Sphere.
Herein this is the procedure with regard to decease and rebirth.
當在無色界的(梵天)死時,他只能投生到更高層次的無色界天,但不能投生到較低層次的無色界天;他也能夠以三因結生心投生到欲界。 當在色界的(梵天)死時,他不會以無因(結生心)投生。當在欲界具有三因的(天神或人)死時,他有可能投生到任何地方。其餘的(即:死時是二因或無因者)只能投生到欲界。 於此,這是有關死亡與結生的過程。
Heṭṭhima: (adj) lower; lowest; last Vajjita: (pp. vajjeti) without, except, be removed, excluding Parama: (adj) superior; highest, first, best, greatest, chief, principal, extreme, exceeding Sandhi: (m/f) junction, union; a joint of the body; rebirth (paṭisandhi) Tihetuka: (adj) accompanied by three roots 三因的 Ahetu: (adj) without a cause, rootless 無因 Rahita: (pp) deprived of, without Atthi: to be, exist opt. 3rd pl. siyuṃ, assu, siyaṃsu Itara: (adj) other; different; remaining Kama: (m) procedure, order, step, succession, method
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