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5.3 四種結生(Paṭisandhicatukkaṃ)
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Chapter V   Vīthimuttasagahavibhāgo(離心路過程之概要)



5.3 四種結生(Paisandhicatukka


5.3.1 綜覽


Apāyapaṭisandhi, kāmasugatipaṭisandhi, rūpāvacarapaṭisandhi, arūpāvacarapaṭisandhi cā ti catubbidhā hoti paṭisandhi nāma.



Rebirth is fourfold - namely, (i) rebirth in a woeful state, (ii) rebirth in a blissful sense-sphere, (iii) rebirth in a rūpāvacara plane, and (iv) rebirth in an arūpāvacara plane.













Paisandhi: (m/f) entering the womb in a new existence, conception, rebirth, transmigration; rebirth-linking  結生

Apāya: (m) going away, departure; disappearance, loss; misfortune, ruin; state of suffering or punishment  惡趣

Kāma: (m) desire, desired object; sensual pleasures, passion, lust 

Sugati: (f) happy condition; being reborn in heaven; heaven  善趣

Rūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Form, Form-Sphere  色界

Arūpāvacara: (m) realm or world of Formlessness  無色界

Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā

Nāma: (adv) by name; indeed  名為;著實





5.3.2 惡趣結生(Apāyapaisandhi


Tattha akusalavipāk' opekkhāsahagata-santīraṇaṃ apāyabhūmiyaṃ okkantikkhaṇe paṭisandhi hutvā tato paraṃ bhavaṅgaṃ pariyosāne cavanaṃ hutvā vocchijjati. Ayam ekā v' āpāyapaṭisandhi nāma.



Therein the immoral resultant investigating consciousness, accompanied by indifference, becomes the relinking (consciousness) at the moment of descent into a woeful state. Then it lapses into bhavaga and finally it becomes the decease (consciousness) and is cut off. This is the one single woeful rebirth.









Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful; unskilled, unable  不善

Vipāka: (m) result, resultant, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution  果報(心)

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 

Sahagata: (adj) accompanying or associated with, joined to; connected with, based upon, imbued with, characterized by 

Santīraa: (n) investigation, decision; as technical term denoting a stage in the act of sense-cognition, judging an impression; investigating  推度

Apāyabhūmi: (f) the woeful plane  惡趣地

Okkantī: (f) descent, falling upon

Khaṇa: (m/n) a moment; a brief measure of time; leisure; right moment, opportunity  剎那

Tato: (adv) hence, subsequently, thereafter; from that place or time; further

Paraṃ: (adv) beyond, after    [+abl.]

Tato paraṃ: (adv) afterwards

Bhavaga: (n) life-continuum; factor of existence  有分

Pariyosāna: (n) termination, ending

Cavana: (n) death, disappearance

Vocchijjati: to be cut off

Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this

Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique





5.3.3 欲善趣結生(Kāmasugatipaisandhi 欲善趣的結生


Kusalavipāk' opekkhāsahagata-santīraṇaṃ pana kāmasugatiyaṃ manussānañ c' eva jaccandhādi-hīnasattānaṃ bhummassitānañ ca vinipātikāsurānaṃ paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cutivasena pavattati.

Mahāvipākāni pan' aṭṭha sabbatthā pi kāmasugatiyaṃ paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cutivasena pavattanti.

Imā nava kāmasugatipaṭisandhiyo nāma.

Sā pan' āyaṃ dasavidhā pi kāmāvacarapaṭisandhicc' eva saṅkhaṃ gacchati.



The moral resultant investigating consciousness, accompanied by indifference, persists as the relinking, life-continuum and decease (consciousness) of degraded human beings of the blissful sense-sphere, such as those born blind and so forth and also of earth-bound fallen asuras.


The eight great resultants act as the relinking, life-continuum, and decease (consciousness) everywhere in the blissful sense-sphere.


These nine comprise rebirth in the blissful sense-sphere.


The (foregoing) ten modes are reckoned as rebirth in the Kāmāvacara plane.












Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious, wholesome 

Manussa: (m, adj) a human being, human

Jaccandha: (adj) born blind

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Hīna: (adj) low, bad, inferior; poor, wretched; forsaken, deprived; decayed

Satta: (m) a being, creature, animal, sentient being, man

Bhumma: (adj) terrestrial

Sita: (pp) bound; clinging, devoted; resting upon

Bhummassita: (adj) earth-bound

Vinipātika: (adj) fallen; this term is applied to beings belonging to the four apāyas, some of whom, by good actions, obtain release from the worst condition of their apāya existence, as that of the yakkhinī Uttaramātā, who having listened to a discourse of Buddha became a Sotāpannā

Asura: (m) an Asura, a Titan or fallen angel  阿修羅

Cuti: (f) disappearance, vanishing, death, decease; leaving one world to be born in another  死亡

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Pavattati: to arise, begin, take place; start, set out; roll or flow onwards; become, be, exist; go on, proceed, be kept up    pp. pavatta

Mahāvipāka: (m/n) great resultant  大果報(心),即八個欲界(美心)果報心

Aṭṭha: (num) eight     gen./dat. aṭṭhanna

Sabbathā: (adv) in every way, thoroughly  全部

Imā: (pron. pl.) these

Nava: (num) nine

Dasa: (num) ten

Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure  部分,種類

Sakhā, sakhyā: (f) calculation; number, sum, numeral; understanding, reason, intelligence

Gacchati: to go, go to, proceed; depart

Sakha gacchati: to be reckoned as, to be called or termed



Tesu catunnaṃ apāyānaṃ manussānaṃ vinipātikāsurānañ ca āyuppamāṇagaṇanāya niyamo natthi.

Cātummahārājikānaṃ pana devānaṃ dibbāni pañca-vassa-satāni āyuppamāṇaṃ. Manussagaṇanāya navuti-vassa-sata-sahassappamāṇaṃ hoti.

Tato catugguṇaṃ tāvatiṃsānaṃ, tato catugguṇaṃ yāmānaṃ, tato catugguṇaṃ tusitānaṃ, tato catugguṇaṃ nimmānaratīnaṃ, tato catugguṇaṃ paranimmitavasavattīnaṃ devānaṃ āyuppamāṇaṃ.

Navasatañ c' ekavīsa vassānaṃ koṭiyo tathā vassa-sata-sahassāni saṭṭhi ca vasavattisu.



There is no definite limit to the duration of life of beings born in woeful states, amongst humans and fallen Asuras.


The age-limit of gods of the realm of Four Kings is 500 celestial years, that is, according to human reckoning 9,000,000.


The age-limit of the Thirty-three gods is four times this amount. The age-limit of Delightful gods is four times that of the Thirty-three. Four times that amount is the age-limit of the gods who delight in their creations. Four times that amount is the age-limit of those who lord over the creation of others.


In the plane of those who lord over others’ creation the age-limit, according to human reckoning, is nine hundred and twenty-one kois of years plus sixty-hundred-thousand years.












Catu: (num) four     gen./dat. catunna

Āyu: (n) life  壽命

Pamāa: (n) measure, rate, scale, length, size, weight, etc.

Gaanā: (f/n) counting, calculation; number

Āyuppamāa: (n) life-span  壽元

Niyama: (m) ascertainment, certainty; restraint; a self-imposed religious observance, voluntary performance of a meritorious act  法則,規定,限制

Atthi: to be, exist    neg. natthi: there is (are) not, not exist     pres. 3rd pl. santi

Cātummahārājika: (adj) belonging to the realm of the Four Great Kings  四大王天

Deva: (m) a god, a celestial being, an angel; a king; a cloud, the sky, the air

Dibba: (adj) celestial, heavenly, angelic, divine     (m) a deva

Pañca: (num) five

Vassa: (m/n) a year; rain

Sata: (n. num) a hundred

Navuti: (f. num) 90, ninety

Sahassa: (f. num) a thousand

Gua: (m) a time, a quality; property; virtue, merit, excellence; a string

Catuggua: (adj) four times, fourfold

Tāvatisa: (adj) belonging to the realm of Thirty-three gods  三十三天(帝釋天)

Yāma: (adj) belonging to the realm of Yāma gods  夜摩天

Tusita: (adj) belonging to the Delightful realm  兜率天

Nimmānarati: (adj) belonging to the realm of the gods who rejoice in creation  化樂天

Paranimmitavasavatti: (adj) belonging to the realm of the gods who wield power over the creation of others  他化自在天

Vīsa, vīsati: (f. num) 20, twenty

Ekavīsa: (f. num) 21, twenty-one

Koi: (f) ten million; point, tip, end, extremity; top, summit; eminence, excess

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Saṭṭhi: (f. num) 60, sixty





5.3.4 色界結生(Rūpāvacarapaisandhi 色界的結生


Paṭhamajjhānavipākaṃ paṭhamajjhānabhūmiyaṃ paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cutivasena pavattati.

Tathā dutiyajjhānavipākaṃ tatiyajjhānavipākañ ca dutiyajjhānabhūmiyaṃ, catutthajjhānavipākaṃ tatiyajjhānabhūmiyaṃ, pañcamajjhānavipākaṃ catutthajjhānabhūmiyaṃ. Asaññasattānaṃ pana rūpam eva paṭisandhi hoti. Tathā tato paraṃ pavattiyaṃ cavanakāle ca rūpam eva pavattitvā nirujjhati.

Imā cha rūpāvacarapaṭisandhiyo nāma.



The first jhāna resultant occurs in the first jhāna plane as relinking, life-continuum, and decease (consciousness); similarly the second jhāna resultant and the third jhāna resultant in the second jhāna plane; the fourth jhāna resultant in the third jhāna plane; the fifth jhāna resultant in the fourth jhāna plane. But for mindless beings material form itself occurs as rebirth. Similarly thereafter, during lifetime and at the moment of decease, only material form exists and perishes.


These six are the modes of rebirth on the rūpāvacara plane.









Pahama: (adj) first, foremost; earliest, previous; principal, chief, best  第一

Jhāna: (n) meditation, contemplation; religious meditation; ecstasy, trance 

Pahamajjhānavipāka: (m/n) the first jhāna resultant  初禪果報(心)

Pahamajjhānabhūmi: (f) the first jhāna plane  初禪天

Dutiya: (adj) second  第二

Tatiya: (adj) third  第三

Dutiyajjhānabhūmi: (f) the second jhāna plane  第二禪天

Tatiyajjhānabhūmi: (f) the third jhāna plane  第三禪天

Catuttha: (adj) fourth  第四

Catutthajjhānabhūmi: (f) the fourth jhāna plane  第四禪天

Asaññasatta: (adj, m) unconscious; mindless being  無想有情天

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being (Here pavatti refers to all thought-processes that occur during the course of one’s lifetime.)  轉起;存在

Kāla: (m) time; right time, due season; meal time; death     The loc. kāle at the end of a compound may often be rendered by “when.”

Nirujjhati: to cease, perish, be destroyed or annihilated    pp. niruddha  壞滅

Cha: (num) six



Tesu brahmapārisajjānam devānaṃ kappassa tatiyo bhāgo āyuppamāṇaṃ. Brahmapurohitānaṃ upaḍḍhakappo, mahābrahmānaṃ eko kappo, parittābhānaṃ dve kappāni, appamāṇābhānaṃ cattāri kappāni, ābhassarānaṃ aṭṭha kappāni, parittasubhānaṃ soḷasa kappāni, appamāṇasubhānaṃ dvattiṃsa kappāni, subhakiṇhānaṃ catusaṭṭhi kappāni, vehapphalānaṃ asaññasattānañ ca pañcakappasatāni, avihānaṃ kappasahassāni, atappānaṃ dve kappasahassāni, sudassānaṃ cattāri kappasahassāni, sudassīnaṃ aṭṭha kappasahassāni, akaniṭṭhānaṃ soḷasa kappasahassāni āyuppamāṇaṃ.



Among these the age-limit of the gods of ‘Brahma’s Retinue’ is one-third of an aeon; of ‘Brahma’s Ministers’ is half an aeon; of ‘Mahā Brahama’ is one aeon; of ‘Minor Lustre’ two aeons; of ‘Infinite Lustre’ four aeons; of ‘Radiant gods’ eight aeons; of ‘Minor Aura’ 16 aeons; of‘Infinite Aura’ 32 aeons; of ‘Steady Aura’ 64 aeons; of ‘Great Reward’ and ‘Mindless Beings’ 500 aeons; of ‘Durable gods’ 1,000 aeons; of ‘Serene gods’ 2,000 aeons; ‘Beautiful gods’ 4,000 aeons; of ‘Clear-sighted gods’ 8,000 aeons; of ‘The Highest gods’ 16,000 aeons.









Brahmapārisajja: (m/adj) belonging to the retinue of Mahābrahma  梵眾天

Kappa: (m) time, a vast period, age, cycle, aeon 

Bhāga: (m) a portion, part, share

Kappassa tatiyo bhāgo: one-third of a Kalpa

Brahmapurohita: (m) minister or priest to Mahābrahma

     (adj) belonging to the realm of Brahma’s Ministers  梵輔天

Upaḍḍha: (adj) half, partial

Mahābrahma: (m) the Great Brahma  大梵天

Parittābha: (adj) of minor brilliancy  少光天

Dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Appamāābha: (adj) of infinite splendor  無量光天

Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso

Ābhassara: (adj) shining, radiant  極光淨天(舊譯光音天)

Aṭṭha: (num) eight

Parittasubha: (adj) of limited splendor  少淨天

Soḷasa: (num) 16, sixteen

Appamāasubha: (adj) of infinite beauty or glory  無量淨天

Dvattisa: (num) 32, thirty-two

Subhakiṇṇa, subhakiha, subhakiṇṇaka: (adj) filled and pervaded with radiance  遍淨天

Catusaṭṭhi: (num) 64, sixty-four

Vehapphala: (adj) very fruitful  廣果天

Pañcakappasatāni: 500 Kalpas

Aviha: (adj) not falling away; not thinking; belonging to the Durable realm  無煩天

Atappa: (adj) not scorched, not worried or distressed; belonging to the Serene realm  無熱天

Sudassa: (adj) easily seen, obvious; belonging to the Beautiful realm  善現天

Sudassī: (adj) seeing well; belonging to the Clear-sighted realm  善見天

Akaniṭṭha: (adj) greatest, highest, sublime belonging to the Highest realm  色究竟天





5.3.5 無色界結生(Arūpāvacarapaisandhi 無色界的結生


Paṭham' āruppādivipākāni paṭhamāruppādibhūmisu yathākkamaṃ paṭisandhi-bhavaṅga-cutivasena pavattanti.

Imā catasso āruppapaṭisandhiyo nāma.



The first arūpa jhāna resultant and others occur respectively on the first and other arūpa planes as relinking, life-continuum and decease (consciousness).


These are the four modes of Rebirth on the arūpa plane.










Āruppa: (adj) formless, incorporeal, belonging to Arūpabrahmaloka  無色

Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively  依序



Tesu pana ākāsānañcāyatanūpagānaṃ devānaṃ vīsati kappasahassāni āyuppamāṇaṃ. Viññāṇañcāyatanūpagānaṃ devānaṃ cattāḷīsa kappasahassāni, ākiñcaññāyatanūpagānaṃ devānaṃ saṭṭhi kappasahassāni, nevasaññānāsaññāyatanūpagānaṃ devānaṃ caturāsīti kappasahassāni āyuppamāṇaṃ.



Among them the age-limit of gods who have attained to the “Realm of Infinity of Space” is 20,000 aeons; of those who have attained to the “Realm of Infinity of Consciousness” is 40,000 aeons; of those who have attained to the “Realm of Nothingness” is 60,000 aeons; of those who have attained to the “Realm of neither Perception nor non-Perception” is 84,000 aeons.








Upaga: (adj) going to, entering on, undergoing

Ākāsānañcāyatana:Ākāsa + ananta (anañca)+ āyatana(n) infinity, endlessness, boundlessness; the Realm of Infinite Space  空無邊處

Viññāañcāyatana:Viññāa + anañca (省略 ana ) + āyatana(n) the Realm of Infinite Consciousness  識無邊處

Cattāḷīsa, cattārīsa: (f. num) 40, forty

Ākiñcaññāyatana: (n) the Realm of Nothingness  無所有處

Nevasaññānāsaññāyatana: (n) the Realm of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception  非想非非想處

Caturāsīti: (num) 84, eighty-four





5.3.6 總結


Paṭisandhi bhavaṅgañ ca tathā cavanamānasaṃ

Ekam eva tath' ev' ekavisayañ c' ekajātiyaṃ.

Idam ettha paṭisandhicatukkaṃ.



The Relinking consciousness, life-continuum consciousness, and the decease consciousness in one (particular) birth are similar and have an identical object.


Herein this is the Fourfold Rebirth.









Mānasa: (n) the mind; intention, purpose 

Visaya: (m) an object of sense; realm, domain, range, sphere, scope; district, region, country

Jāti: (f) birth, rebirth, renewed existence; lineage, family, caste; sort, variety

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Catukka: (adj) consisting of four, fourfold





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