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7.3 混合類別之概要(Missakasaṅgaha)
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Chapter VII   Samuccayasagahavibhāgo(類別之概要)



7.3 混合類別之概要(Missakasagaha


7.3.1 因(根)


Missakasaṅgahe cha hetū: lobho, doso, moho, alobho, adoso, amoho.



In the compendium of mixed categories there are six roots:

1. greed, 2. hatred, 3. delusion, 4. non-greed, 5. non-hatred (goodwill), and 6. wisdom (non-delusion).








Missaka: (adj) mixed, combined

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝

Cha: (num) six

Hetu: (m) cause, reason, motive; origin, root  因,根

Lobha: (m) covetousness, desire, greed, lust 

Dosa: (m) anger, hatred 

Moha: (m) delusion, error, folly, infatuation, ignorance; fainting, loss of consciousness 

Alobha: (m) absence of covetousness or desire, non-attachment  無貪

Adosa: (m) absence of hatred or anger  無瞋

Amoha: (m) absence of ignorance or error, correct knowledge  無痴





7.3.2 禪支


Satta jhānagāni: vitakko, vicāro, pīti, ekaggatā, somanassaṃ, domanassaṃ, upekkhā.



There are seven jhāna factors:

1. initial application, 2. sustained application, 3. joy, 4. one-pointedness, 5. pleasure, 6. displeasure, and 7. equanimity or indifference.









Satta: (num) seven

Jhāna: (n) meditation, contemplation; religious meditation; ecstasy, trance 

Aga: (n) a part, portion, division, factor; a limb, member; a means, cause; a requisite; a quality, attribute  支,(部)分,因子;特性

Jhānaga: (n) jhāna factor, constituent of jhāna  禪支

Vitakka: (m) reflection, thought; argument; reasoning; initial application 

Vicāra: (m) investigation, examination; sustained application 

Pīti: (f) joy, delight 

Ekaggatā: (f) tranquility of the mind, one-pointedness  一境性

Somanassa: (n) joy, enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction  悅,喜

Domanassa: (n) dejection, gloom, melancholy, grief, displeasure 

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 





7.3.3 道分


Dvādasa maggaṅgāni: sammādiṭṭhi, sammāsaṅkappo, sammāvācā, sammākammanto, sammā-ājīvo, sammāvāyāmo, sammāsati, sammāsamādhi, micchādiṭṭhi, micchāsaṅkappo, micchāvāyāmo, micchāsamādhi.



There are twelve constituents of the Path:

1. right view, 2. right thoughts, 3. right speech, 4. right action, 5. right livelihood, 6. right effort, 7. right mindfulness, 8. right concentration, 9. wrong views, 10. wrong thoughts, 11. wrong effort, and 12. wrong concentration.









Dvādasa: (num) twelve

Magga: (m) path, road; trace, track; course, passage 

Sammā: (indecl) fully, thoroughly, accurately, rightly, properly, really, truly 

Sammādiṭṭhi: (f) right view  正見

Sakappa: (m) thought, determination, intention, resolve, wish  思惟

Vācā: (f) word, saying, speech 

Kammanta: (m) business, work, occupation, craft 

Ājīva: (m) livelihood, living, profession, conduct  生計

Vāyāma: (m) striving, effort, exertion, endeavor  精進

Sati: (f) recollection; active state of mind, fixing the mind strongly upon any object; attention, attentiveness; thought, reflection, mindfulness 

Samādhi: (m) agreement, peace, tranquility, self-concentration, calm 

Micchā: (adv) wrongly, in a wrong way, wrong, false, falsely  邪,錯誤

Micchādiṭṭhi: (f) wrong view  邪見







Bāvīsat' indriyāni: cakkhundriyaṃ, sotindriyaṃ, ghānindriyaṃ, jivhindriyaṃ, kāyindriyaṃ, itthindriyaṃ, purisindriyaṃ, jīvitindriyaṃ, manindriyaṃ, sukhindriyaṃ, dukkhindriyaṃ, somanassindriyaṃ, domanassindriyaṃ, upekkhindriyaṃ, saddhindriyaṃ, viriyindriyaṃ, satindriyaṃ, samādhindriyaṃ, paññindriyaṃ, anaññātaññassāmītindriyaṃ, aññindriyaṃ, aññātāvindriyaṃ.



There are twenty-two faculties:

1. eye, 2. ear, 3. nose, 4. tongue, 5. body, 6. femininity, 7. masculinity, 8. vitality, 9. mind, 10. happiness, 11. pain, 12. pleasure, 13. displeasure, 14. equanimity, 15. faith, 16. energy, 17. mindfulness, 18. concentration, 19. wisdom, 20. the faculty ‘I will realize the unknown’, 21. highest realization, 22. the faculty of one who has fully realized.








Bāvīsati: (num) 22, twenty-two

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex  根,感官

Cakkhu: (m/n) the eye; insight; supernatural insight or knowledge 

Cakkhundriya: (n) the eye faculty  眼根

Sota: (n) the ear, organ of hearing 

Sotindriya: (n) the ear faculty  耳根

Ghāna: (n) the nose, the organ of smell 

Ghānindriya: (n) the nose faculty  鼻根

Jivhā: (f) the tongue 

Jivhindriya: (n) the tongue faculty  舌根

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude 

Kāyindriya: (n) the body faculty  身根

Itthi, itthī: (f) a woman, female

Itthindriya: (n) the femininity faculty  女根

Purisa: (m) a man, a male; a person, individual

Purisindriya: (n) the masculinity faculty  男根

Jīvita: (n) life, vitality

Jīvitindriya: (n) principle of life, life, vitality, the life faculty  命根

Mana: (m/n) the mind, the intellect, the thoughts, the heart  意,心

Manindriya: (n) the mind faculty  意根

Sukha: (n) happiness; welfare; ease, comfort    (adj) blest; happy, delightful, pleasant; easy 

Sukhindriya: (n) the happiness faculty  樂根

Dukkha: (n) pain, suffering, trouble   (adj) painful 

Dukkhindriya: (n) the pain faculty  苦根

Somanassindriya: (n) the pleasure faculty  悅根

Domanassindriya: (n) the displeasure faculty  憂根

Upekkhindriya: (n) the equanimity faculty  捨根

Saddhā: (f) faith 

Saddhindriya: (n) the faith faculty  信根

Viriya: (n) strength, vigor, energy; fortitude, effort, exertion  精進

Viriyindriya: (n) the energy faculty  精進根

Satindriya: (n) the mindfulness faculty  念根

Samādhindriya: (n) the concentration faculty  定根

Paññā: (f) wisdom, intellect, reason  慧,般若

Paññindriya: (n) the wisdom faculty  慧根

Ājānāti: to know, understand; learn; perceive   aor. aññāsi   ger. aññāya   pp. aññāta: known, understood    fut. 1st sing. aññassāmi

Anaññātaññassāmītindriya: (n) [ an-aññāta-aññassāmi-iti-indriya ]  the faculty ‘I will realize the unknown’  未知當知根

Aññā: (f) perfect knowledge, highest realization, Arahattaphala

Aññindriya: (n) the faculty of highest realization  最終知根,已知根

Aññātāvin: (adj. m) one who has complete insight

Aññātāvindriya: (n) the faculty of one whose knowledge is made perfect  具最終知根,具知根







Nava balāni: saddhābalaṃ, viriyabalaṃ, satibalaṃ, samādhibalaṃ, paññābalaṃ, hiribalaṃ, ottappabalaṃ, ahirikabalaṃ, anottappabalaṃ.



There are nine powers:

1. the power of faith, 2. the power of energy, 3. the power of mindfulness, 4. the power of concentration 5. the power of wisdom, 6. the power of shame, 7. the power of fear of wrongdoing, 8. the power of shamelessness, 9. the power of fearlessness of wrongdoing.









Nava: (num) nine

Bala: (n) strength, power, force; an army, troops, forces; bulkiness 

Hiri, hirī: (f) shame; modesty; the shame which deters a man from sinning 

Ottappa: (n) fear of wrongdoing, shrinking from sin 

Ahirika: (adj) shameless    (n) shamelessness  無慚

Anottappa: (n) fearlessness of wrongdoing, absence of fear of sinning; recklessness, hardness of heart  無愧





7.3.6 增上(支配)


Cattāro adhipatī: chandādhipati, viriyādhipati, cittādhipati, vīmaṃsādhipati.



There are four pre-dominants (dominating factors):

1. predominance of intention (or wish-to-do,) 2. predominance of energy (or effort,) 3. predominance of mind (or thought), and 4. predominance of investigation (intellect or reason).









Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso     gen./dat. catunnaṃ     abl./ins. catūhi

Adhipati: (m) lord, chief, sovereign, master; predominance  增上,支配

Chanda: (m) conation, wish; intention; will, resolve; consent, approval 

Citta: (n) the mind, consciousness, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Vīmaṃsā: (f) investigation, examination, trial







Cattāro āhārā: kabaIīkāro āhāro, phasso dutiyo, manosañcetanā tatiyā,

viññāṇaṃ catutthaṃ.



There are four kinds of food:

1. edible food, 2. contact (or sense-impact) as the second, 3. mental volition as the third, and 4. (rebirth) consciousness as the fourth.








Āhāra: (m) food, nutriment, nourishment; cause  食,營養

KabaIīkāra, kabaIikāra: (adj) made into balls or mouthfuls

Phassa: (m) touch, contact 

Dutiya: (adj) second  第二

Sañcetanā: (f) thought, intention 

Manosañcetanā: (f) mental volition, volitional activities  意思

Tatiya: (adj) third  第三

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Catuttha: (adj) fourth  第四





7.3.8 說明


Indriyesu pan' ettha sotāpattimaggañāṇaṃ anaññātaññassāmītindriyaṃ; arahattaphalañāṇaṃ aññātāvindriyaṃ; majjhe cha ñāṇāni aññindriyānī ti pavuccanti. Jīvitindriyañ ca rūpārūpavasena duvidhaṃ hoti.



Herein, amongst the faculties, the faculty - ‘I will realize the unknown’ means the knowledge of the Path of the Stream-entry (Sotāpanna). ‘The faculty of one who has fully realised’ means the knowledge of the fruit of Arahantship. Highest realization means the intermediate six kinds of (supramundane) knowledge. The vitality faculty is twofold - physical and psychical.







Pañcaviññāṇesu jhānaṅgāni, aviriyesu balāni, ahetukesu maggaṅgāni na labbhanti. Tathā vicikicchācitte ekaggatā maggindriyabalabhāvaṃ na gacchati. Dvihetuka-tihetuka-javanesv' eva yathāsambhavaṃ adhipati eko' va labbhati.



The jhāna factors are not obtained in the five kinds of sense-consciousness, nor are the ‘powers’ in those (kinds of consciousness) that are without energy, or ‘the Path constituents’ in the rootless. Similarly, in the consciousness accompanied by doubt, one-pointedness does not attain to the state of a ‘Path constituent’, a ‘faculty,’ or a ‘power.’ Only one ‘dominating factor’ is obtained at a time, according to circumstances, and only in the javana consciousness, accompanied by two or three moral roots.









Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Sotāpatti: (f) the state of a Sotāpanna  須陀洹的境界,須陀洹道

Ñāa: (n) knowledge 

Maggañāa: (n) knowledge of the Path  道智

Arahatta: (n) state of being an Arahā, Arhatship  阿羅漢的境界,阿羅漢道

Phala: (n) fruit, grain, crop, produce; result, consequence; reward, profit 

Phalañāa: (n) knowledge of the fruit  果智

Majjha: (m/n) middle, center, interior; the waist

Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed    pres. 3rd pl. pavuccare  被稱之

Rūpārūpa: (n) physical and mental  色、非色;色(法)與名(法)

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure  部分,種類

Duvidha: (m) twofold

Hoti, bhavati: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā


Pañca: (num) five

Aviriya: (n) without strength, vigor, energy, effort, or exertion  無精進

Ahetuka: (adj) without a cause, rootless  無因的

Labbhati: (pass. labhati) to be taken, be received, be obtained, be permitted

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Vicikicchā: (f) doubt, uncertainty 

Ekaggatā: (f) tranquility of the mind, one-pointedness  一境性

Bhāva: (m) property, nature, state, condition; meaning, intention; gesture; substance, thing

Gacchati: to go, go to, proceed; depart

Dvihetuka: (adj) with two roots  二因的

Tihetuka: (adj) with three roots  三因的

Javana: (n/adj) quick, fleet   (lit.) running swiftly  速行

Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only

Yathāsambhava: (adv) according to birth or arising

Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique  一,同





7.3.9 總結


Cha hetū pañca jhānaṅgā maggaṅgā nava vatthuto

Soḷas' indriyadhammā ca baladhammā nav' eritā.

Cattāro' dhipatī vuttā tathāhārā ti sattadhā

Kusalādisamākiṇṇo vutto missakasaṅgaho.



By way of entity, six roots, five jhāna factors, nine Path constituents, sixteen faculties, and nine powers have been described.


Likewise, four dominant factors and four kinds of food have been told. Thus the compendium of mixed categories, consisting of a combination of wholesome states and the rest, has been enumerated in seven ways.










Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative; base  依處     abl. vatthuto     (adj) vatthuka

Soḷasa: (num) sixteen

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Īreti, ereti: to cause to move, shake, set into motion; to cause to utter, raise (one's voice)   pp. īrita, erita

Vatti: to speak, say; speak to, address   pp. vutta, utta    aor. avoca 

Sattadhā: (adv) in seven ways, sevenfold

Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious, wholesome 

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Samākiṇṇa: (pp) covered, filled

Missaka: (adj) mixed, combined

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝





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