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Glossary of Abhidhammatthasagaha   (Chapter VII)






Abhāva: (m) non-existence, absence

Abhidhamma: (m/n) higher doctrine, transcendental doctrine  阿毗達摩

Abhijjhā: (f) covetousness  貪婪

Abhinivesa: (m) adhering to, inclination to  執持

Adhipati: (m) lord, chief, sovereign, master; predominance  增上,支配

Adhippeta: (pp.) meant, intended, desired

Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera”; -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural  …

Adosa: (m) absence of hatred or anger  無瞋

Āhāra: (m) food, nutriment, nourishment; cause  食,營養

Ahetuka: (adj) without a cause, rootless  無因的

Ahirika: (adj) shameless    (n) shamelessness  無慚

Ājānāti: to know, understand; learn; perceive   aor. aññāsi   ger. aññāya   pp. aññāta: known, understood    fut. 1st sing. aññassāmi

Ājīva: (m) livelihood, living, profession, conduct  生計

Akusala: (adj) bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful, unwholesome; unskilled  不善

Ālambana, -a : (n) support; an object of sense  所緣,(感官)目標

Alobha: (m) absence of covetousness or desire, non-attachment  無貪

Amoha: (m) absence of ignorance or error, correct knowledge  無痴

Anaññātaññassāmītindriya: (n) [ an-aññāta-aññassāmi-iti-indriya ]  the faculty ‘I will realize the unknown’  未知當知根

Aga: (n) a part, portion, division, factor; a limb, member; a means, cause; a requisite; a quality, attribute  支,(部)分,因子;特性

Aññā: (f) perfect knowledge, highest realization, Arahattaphala

Aññātāvin: (adj. m) one who has complete insight

Aññātāvindriya: (n) the faculty of one whose knowledge is made perfect  具最終知根,具知根

Aññindriya: (n) the faculty of highest realization  最終知根,已知根

Anottappa: (n) absence of fear of sinning; recklessness, hardness of heart, fearlessness of wrongdoing  無愧

Anuppāda: (m) not arising, not coming into existence

Anuppanna: (adj) unrisen, not arisen, not born

Anusaya: (m) inclination, thought, desire  隨眠

Apara: (adj) other; subsequent, following; western   pl. apare

Arahatta: (n) state of being an Arahā, Arhatship  阿羅漢的境界,阿羅漢道

Ariya: (m) a venerable or holy man, a saint; one who has entered on the Four Paths; one who has attained final sanctification, an Arhat    (adj) honorable, venerable, noble, eminent, holy, sanctified

Ariyasacca: (n) the noble truth  聖諦

Arūpa: (n. adj) formless, incorporeal, belonging to Arūpabrahmaloka  無色

Arūparāga: (m) attachment to Formless Realms  無色貪

Āsava: (m) oozing, scum; misfortune; human passion, sin, corruption, depravity, taint 

Attavāda: (m) assertion of self or individuality, the belief that I and mine exist

Aṭṭha: (num) eight

Aṭṭhārasa, aṭṭhādasa (num) 18, eighteen

Atthi: to be, exist       opt. 3rd pl. siyuṃ, assu, siyaṃsu

Avijjā: (f) ignorance  無明

Aviriya: (n) without strength, vigor, energy, effort, or exertion  無精進

Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this

Āyatana: (n) place, dwelling, abode, home, seat; altar, shrine; place of origin, source, cause, origin 


Bala: (n) strength, power, force; an army, troops, forces; bulkiness 

Bāvīsati: (num) 22, twenty-two

Bhāsati: to speak, say, address     pp. bhāsita

Bhava: (m) being, existence; birth, origin; renewed existence, Sasāra; gain, increase, welfare  有,生

Bhāva: (m) property, nature, state, condition; meaning, intention; gesture; substance, thing

Bhavati, hoti: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā

Bheda: (m) breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach; schism; sort, kind  分別

Bhijjati: to be divided, be separated; be broken up, be destroyed

Bhiyyo, bhīyo: (adj) more   (adv) again, further, besides; frequently, much

Bhiyyobhāva: (m) abundance

Bodha: (m) knowledge, wisdom, intelligence; supreme knowledge, Buddhaship

Bodhi: (m/f) the knowledge possessed by a Buddha, supreme or infinite knowledge, omniscient, the Truth; Buddhahood; the supernatural knowledge of an Arhat; a Bodhi tree  菩提

Bodhipakkhiya, -ika, bodhapakkhiya, -ika: (adj) constituting or attributing to the Bodhi (Bodha) or supreme knowledge  菩提分

Bodhipakkhiyadhammā: the thirty-seven constituents of supreme knowledge  三十七菩提分法

Bojjhaga: (m) member or constituent of Bodhi, requisites for attaining the supreme knowledge of a Buddha; (= sambojjhaga)  覺支


Cakkhu: (m/n) the eye; insight; supernatural insight or knowledge 

Cakkhundriya: (n) the eye faculty  眼根

Cattāro, catu, caturo: (m. num) four    (n) cattāri     (f) catasso     gen./dat. catunnaṃ     abl./ins. catūhi

Catubbidha: (adj) fourfold

Catuttha: (adj) fourth  第四

Cetasika: (adj) mental   (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental states  心所

Cha: (num) six

Chanda: (m) conation, wish; intention; will, resolve; consent, approval 

Citta: (n) the mind, consciousness, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 

Cuddasa, catuddasa, coddasa: (num) 14, fourteen


Dāni, idāni: (adv) now

Dasa: (num) ten

Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 

Dhātu: (m/f) primary or elementary substance, element; principle; a property of a primary substance, such as color, sound, taste, etc.; an organ of sense; a constituent of the body, as flesh, blood, bones; the remains of a body after cremation; a sacred relic; a fossil; a metal  界,元素,(火化後)遺骨等等

Diṭṭhi: (f) sight, view; the eye; religious belief, doctrine; false doctrine, heresy  見,邪見

Diṭṭhigata: (adj) connected with wrong view  有邪見的

Domanassa: (n) dejection, gloom, melancholy, grief, displeasure 

Domanassindriya: (n) the displeasure faculty  憂根

Dosa: (m) anger, hatred 

Dukkha: (n) pain, suffering, trouble   (adj) painful 

Dukkhindriya: (n) the pain faculty  苦根

Dutiya: (adj) second  第二

Duve, dve, dvi-, di-, du-, dvā-, bā-: (num) two

Duvidha: (m) twofold

Dvādasa: (num) twelve

Dvāra: (n) a door, gate; an entrance, an aperture 

Dvāsattati: (num) 72, seventy-two

Dvihetuka: (adj) with two roots  二因的


Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique  一,同

Ekaggatā: (f) tranquility of the mind, one-pointedness  一境性

Ekūnasattati: (num) 69, sixty-nine

Eso, esa: (pron) this; that   (n) etaṃ, (before a vowel) etad   pl. etāni

Ete: (pron) these, those

Ettha: (adv) here; herein; now

Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only


Gacchati: to go, go to, proceed; depart

Gāmī: (adj) going, leading to, attaining    (f) gāminī

Gandha: (m) smell, odor; perfume, fragrance; fragrant substance 

Gantha: (m) a bond, a tie, knot; a literary composition, book  繫,繫縛

Ghāna: (n) the nose, the organ of smell 

Ghānindriya: (n) the nose faculty  鼻根


Hetu: (m) cause, reason, motive; origin, root  因,根    abl. hetuto

Hiri, hirī: (f) shame; modesty; the shame which deters a man from sinning 

Hoti, bhavati: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave    ger. hutvā


Idaṃ: (n) this

Iddhi: (f) prosperity, power, majesty; accomplishment; supernatural power, miraculous faculty; a miracle

iddhipāda: (m) constituent or basis of supernatural power, means by which iddhi is obtained  神足,成就之法

Indriya: (n) an organ of sense; a power, faculty; function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex  根,感官

Īreti, ereti: to cause to move, shake, set into motion; to cause to utter, raise (one's voice)   pp. īrita, erita

Issā: (f) envy, jealousy, ill-will 

Itthi, itthī: (f) a woman, female

Itthindriya: (n) the femininity faculty  女根


Javana: (n/adj) quick, fleet   (lit.) running swiftly  速行

Jhāna: (n) meditation, contemplation; religious meditation; ecstasy, trance 

Jhānaga: (n) jhāna factor, constituent of jhāna  禪支

Jivhā: (f) the tongue 

Jivhindriya: (n) the tongue faculty  舌根

Jīvita: (n) life, vitality

Jīvitindriya: (n) principle of life, life, vitality, the life faculty  命根


KabaIīkāra, kabaIikāra: (adj) made into balls or mouthfuls

Kāma: (m) desire, desired object; sensual pleasures, passion, lust 

Kāmacchanda: (m) lust  欲求欲樂,欲欲

Kammanta: (m) business, work, occupation, craft 

Katha: (adv) how

Kāya: (m) the body; collection, multitude 

Kāyagantha: (m) bodily knot  身繫

Kāyindriya: (n) the body faculty  身根

Khandha: (m) aggregate, accumulation, multitude, quantity; bulk; the shoulder; the trunk of a tree 

Kilesa: (m) defilement, impurity, sin, human passion, corruption

Kukkucca: (n) misconduct; remorse; moroseness, querulousness  惡作,追悔

Kusala: (adj) skillful, expert, clever; lucky, happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious, wholesome 


Lakkhaa: (n) sign, characteristic, mark; esp. a sign as implying something extraordinary or pointing to the future, therefore a prognosticative mark; a distinguishing mark or salient feature, property, quality 

Lobha: (m) covetousness, desire, greed, lust 

Lokiya: (adj) worldly, earthly, temporal; common, popular  世間的

Lokuttara: (adj) transcending the world, supramundane, spiritual  出世間


Macchariya, macchera: (n) avarice, niggardliness, selfishness 

Magga: (m) path, road; trace, track; course, passage 

Maggañāa: (n) knowledge of the Path  道智

Majjha: (m/n) middle, center, interior; the waist

Māna: (m) pride, arrogance, vanity, conceit; honor, respect 

Mana: (m/n) the mind, the intellect, the thoughts, the heart  意,心

Manindriya: (n) the mind faculty  意根

Maññati: to think, suppose, imagine, consider, esteem, know, believe, understand   pp. mata: thought, considered, believed, understood, known

Manosañcetanā: (f) mental volition, volitional activities  意思

Micchā: (adv) wrongly, in a wrong way, wrong, false, falsely  邪,錯誤

Micchādiṭṭhi: (f) wrong view  邪見

Middha: (n) sleepiness, drowsiness, torpor, stupor  睡眠

Missaka: (adj) mixed, combined

Moha: (m) delusion, error, folly, infatuation, ignorance; fainting, loss of consciousness 


Nāma: (n) a name, a noun    ins. nāmena: by name     (adv) by name, namely; indeed  名為;著實

Ñāa: (n) knowledge 

Nava: (num) nine

Navadhā: (adv) nine-fold, in nine ways

Nibbāna: (n) extinction; destruction, annihilation; Nirvāa; Arhatship  涅槃

Nirodha: (m) cessation, annihilation; Nirvāṇa; obstruction, impeding 

Nissarati: to depart, escape from, be freed from    pp. nissaa: excluded

Nīvaraa: (n) hindrance, obstacle  蓋,障礙


Ogha: (m) a flood, torrent, inundation, overflow; multitude, quantity

Ottappa: (n) fear of wrongdoing, shrinking from sin 


Pabheda: (m) breaking or splitting up; difference, distinction; sort, kind

Pāda: (m) a foot; a hill at the foot of a mountain; a ray of light; a quarter

Padhāna: (n) exertion, energetic effort, striving, concentration of mind  精勤

Pahāna: (n) leaving, abandonment, getting rid of, rejection   dat. pahānāya

Pakkhiya: (adj) siding with, associated with, belonging to (a party, group, etc.)   (m) part, side; only in phrase (satta-, bodhi-, etc.)

Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however

Pañca: (num) five

Paññā: (f) wisdom, intellect, reason  慧,般若

Paññindriya: (n) the wisdom faculty  慧根

Pāpa: (adj) evil, bad, wicked, sinful   (n) evil, sin, demerit   (m) a sinner 

Pāpaka: (adj) wicked, bad, evil, sinful

Parāmāsa: (m) touch, contact, being affected with

Pariyāya: (m) succession, order, turn; opportunity; way, manner; a cause; teaching, exposition     adv. pariyāyato: causally, necessarily

Passaddhi: (f) calming down, calmness, repose, tranquility  輕安

Paigha: (m/n) anger, hatred, aversion  瞋恚

Paipadā: (f) access, way, step, course; progress, practice, conduct 

Pavakkhati: (fut.) he will tell, declare, recite     1st sing. pavakkhāmi

Pavara: (adj) chief, best, noble, excellent

Pavatta: (pp. pavattati) starting, proceeding, setting out; begun, kept going, kept up, going on; existing; settled, fixed

Pavatti: (f) flow onwards, going on; affairs; occurrence, incident; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; existence, being   轉起

Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed    pres. 3rd pl. pavuccare  被稱之

Pavutta: (pp. pavuccati) spoken, said, declared, pronounced

Phala: (n) fruit, grain, crop, produce; result, consequence; reward, profit 

Phalañāa: (n) knowledge of the fruit  果智

Phassa: (m) touch, contact 

Phoṭṭhabba: (n) touch, contact 

Pīti: (f) joy, delight, rapture 

Purisa: (m) a man, a male; a person, individual

Purisindriya: (n) the masculinity faculty  男根


Rāga: (m) greed, lust, attachment, human passion, evil desire; dyeing, dye

Rasa: (m) flavor, taste; sap, juice; best part or extract of a thing, essence, sweetness; fluid, liquid; quicksilver; sentiment; vigor, strength 

Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; matter, materiality; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 

Rūparāga: (m) attachment to Realms of Form  色貪

Rūpārūpa: (n) physical and mental  色、非色;色(法)與名(法)


Sabba: (adj) all, every, whole, entire

Sabhāva: (m) natural state, nature; disposition; truth, reality  自性

Sacca: (n) truth

Sadda: (m) sound, noise; voice; a word 

Saddhā: (f) faith 

Saddhindriya: (n) the faith faculty  信根

Salakkhaa: (n) own characteristic, that which is consistent with one's own nature      (adj) together with the characteristics  自相,有相

Samādhi: (m) agreement, peace, tranquility, self-concentration, calm 

Samādhindriya: (n) the concentration faculty  定根

Samākiṇṇa: (pp) covered, filled

Sammā: (indecl) fully, thoroughly, accurately, rightly, properly, really, truly 

Sammā-ājīva: (m) right livelihood  正命

Sammādiṭṭhi: (f) right view  正見

Sammākammanta: (m) right action  正業

Sammāsamādhi: (m) right concentration  正定

Sammāsakappa: (m) right intention, right thoughts  正思惟

Sammāsati: (f) right mindfulness  正念

Sammāvācā: (f) right speech  正語

Sammāvāyāma: (m) right effort  正精進

Samuccaya: (m) collection, accumulation  類別,集合

Samudaya: (m) rise, origin; origination, cause; multitude  集,因

Sayojana, saññojana: (n) fetter, bond, attachment 

Sañcetanā: (f) thought, intention 

Saṅgaha: (m) taking, collecting; classification, conjunction, assemblage; compilation, abridgement; favor, kindness  概要,分析,組合,攝

Sakappa: (m) thought, determination, intention, resolve, wish  思惟

Sakhā, sakhyā: (f) calculation; number, sum, numeral; understanding, reason, intelligence

Sakha gacchati: to be reckoned as, to be called or termed

Saṅkhāra: (m) mental formation; constructing, preparing, perfecting, embellishing; aggregate, aggregation; matter; Karma; everything which springs from a cause, anything that is conditioned 

Saññā: (f) perception, consciousness, sense; intellect, thought; sign, gesture 

Sati: (f) recollection; active state of mind, fixing the mind strongly upon any object; attention, attentiveness; thought, reflection, mindfulness 

Satindriya: (n) the mindfulness faculty  念根

Satta: (num) seven

Sattadhā: (adv) in seven ways, sevenfold

Sattatisa: (num) 37, thirty-seven

Sesa: (adj) remaining       (m) remainder  其餘

Sīla: (n) moral practice, morality, a moral precept; customs, conduct 

Sīlabbata: (n) religious practice or rites

Sīlabbataparāmāsa: (m) affection of rites, adherence to rites and ceremonies  執著儀式,戒禁取

Soḷasa: (num) sixteen

Somanassa: (n) joy, enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction  悅,喜

Somanassindriya: (n) the pleasure faculty  悅根

Sota: (n) the ear, organ of hearing 

Sotāpatti: (f) the state of a Sotāpanna  須陀洹的境界,須陀洹道

Sotindriya: (n) the ear faculty  耳根

Sukha: (n) happiness; welfare; ease, comfort    (adj) blest; happy, delightful, pleasant; easy 

Sukhindriya: (n) the happiness faculty  樂根

Sukhuma: (adj) small, minute; subtle; accurate; delicate, exquisite  微細的

Sukhumarūpa: (n) subtle matter  微細色

Suttanta: (m) a sutra, a Buddhist scripture


Taṃ, tad: (pron. n) it; him

Taṇhā, tasiā: (f) craving, lust, desire, human passion

Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also  如是

Tatiya: (adj) third  第三

Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein

Tāva: (adv) now, just, at once; indeed, really; yet, still

Tayo: (num. m.) three   loc. tīsu     (f) tisso     (n) tīṇi     Frequently at the end of a compound, the whole forming a neut. noun.  -ttaya

Tebhūmaka: (adj) belonging to the three stages of being  屬於三(世間)地

Tesaṃ: (pron) of them, their

Ṭhāna: (n) place, state, condition; rank; stage; point, topic, thesis; basis, cause

Thīna: (n) idleness, sloth, dullness  昏沉

Tihetuka: (adj) with three roots  三因的


Uddhacca: (n) restlessness, disquietude, mental distraction or confusion 掉舉

Upādāna: (n) clinging, attachment; firewood, fuel

Upekkhā, upekhā: (f) indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation 

Upekkhindriya: (n) the equanimity faculty  捨根

Uppāda: (m) arising, springing up, coming into existence, appearance, birth

Uppanna: (pp. uppajjati) arisen, born, produced; acquired; happened

Uttama: (adj) best, highest, chief, excellent, eminent, supreme, first-rate  最上


Vā: (conj) or

Vācā: (f) word, saying, speech 

Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as

Vata: (m/n) observance, practice, habit; religious duty or act, rite  儀式

Vaṭṭa: (n) circle, succession, saṃsāra

Vatthu: (n) substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; story, narrative; base  依處     abl. vatthuto     (adj) vatthuka

Vatti: to speak, say; speak to, address   pp. vutta, utta    aor. avoca 

Vāyāma: (m) striving, effort, exertion, endeavor  精進

Vedanā: (f) feeling, sensation; pain, suffering 

Vibhāga: (m) division, analysis  分析,分別

Vicāra: (m) investigation, examination; sustained application 

Vicikicchā: (f) doubt, uncertainty 

Vidati: to know, ascertain    p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood

Vidha: (m) part, fold; kind, sort; form, measure  部分,種類

Vīmaṃsā: (f) investigation, examination, trial 

Viññāa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 

Virati: (f) abstinence   [+ abl.]  離,戒

Viriya: (n) strength, vigor, energy; fortitude, effort, exertion  精進

Viriyindriya: (n) the energy faculty  精進根

Visuddhi: (f) purity, holiness, rectitude, correctness; Nirvāa

Vitakka: (m) reflection, thought; argument; reasoning; initial application 

Vyāpāda: (m) malevolence, hatred, ill-will, fury  瞋恨


Yathāsambhava: (adv) according to birth or arising

Yathāyoga: (adv) accordingly, according to union or relations

Yoga: (m) junction, union; method, means, plan, device; application, endeavor, diligence, devotion, mental concentration; relation, order, series; attachment, bond; yoke, yoking, being yoked  結合,軛

Yutta: (pp. yuñjati) yoked, joined, connected, attached; right, fitting; possessing; used, adopted, performed; engaged in, devoted to, versed





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