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Chapter VIII Paccayasaṅgahavibhāgo(緣之概要)
8.4 概念之分析(Paññattibheda)
8.4.1 簡說
Tattha rūpadhammā rūpakkhandho va; cittacetasikasaṅkhātā cattāro arūpino khandhā nibbānañ cā ti pañcavidham pi arūpan ti ca nāman ti ca pavuccati. Tato avasesā paññatti pana paññāpiyattā paññatti, paññāpanato paññattī ti ca duvidhā hoti.
Therein, the material phenomena are just the aggregates of matter. Consciousness and mental factors, which comprise the four immaterial aggregates, and Nibbāna are the five kinds of the immaterial. They are also called ‘name’ (nāma).
What remains are concepts, which are twofold: concept as that which is made known, and concept as that which makes known.
其中,色法即是色蘊。由心與心所組成的四無色蘊及涅槃是五種無色。它們也被稱為「名」。 剩餘的是兩種概念:所知概念與令知概念。
Tattha, tatra: (adv) there; thither; in that case; now; in that, therein Rūpa: (n) form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; beauty; natural state; characteristic 色 Dhamma: (m/n) nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion 法 Khandha: (m) aggregate, accumulation, multitude, quantity; bulk; the shoulder; the trunk of a tree 蘊 Eva, va, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 心 Cetasika: (adj) mental (n) properties or adjuncts of the mind, mental state, mental factor 心所 Saṅkhāta, saṅkhyāta: (pp. saṅkhāti) reckoned, numbered; considered, called, named; weighed, estimated, learned Cattāro, caturo: (m. num) four (n) cattāri (f) catasso Arūpī: (adj) formless, incorporeal, immaterial Nibbāna: (n) extinction; destruction, annihilation; Nirvāṇa; Arhatship 涅槃 Pañcavidha: (m. adj) fivefold, of five kinds Arūpa: (n. adj) formless, incorporeal, belonging to Arūpabrahmaloka 無色 Nāma: (n) a name, a noun gen. nāmassa ins. nāmena: by name (adv) by name, namely; indeed 名;名為;著實 Pavuccati: (pass.) to be spoken of, to be called or termed pres. 3rd pl. pavuccare pp. pavutta Tato: (adv) hence, subsequently, thereafter; from that place or time; further Avasesa: (adj) remaining Paññatti, paṇṇatti: (f) making known, manifestation, declaring, concept 概念 Pana: (adv) now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however Paññāpiyatta: (n) being made known 所知 Paññāpana: (n) disclosure, discovering, making known 令知,能知 Duvidha: (m, adj) twofold Hoti, bhavati: to be, exist, become; take place, befall; behave opt. bhave ger. hutvā pp. bhūta
8.4.2 所知概念(Paññāpiyattā paññatti)
Kathaṃ? Taṃ taṃ bhūtapariṇāmākāram upādāya tathā tathā paññattā bhūmipabbatādikā, sasambhārasannivesākāram upādāya geharathasakaṭādikā, khandhapañcakam upādāya purisapuggalādikā, candāvattanādikam upādāya disākālādikā, asamphuṭṭhākāram upādāya kūpaguhādikā, taṃ taṃ bhūtanimittaṃ bhāvanāvisesañ ca upādāya kasiṇanimittādikā cā ti evam ādippabhedā pana paramatthato avijjamānā pi atthacchāyākārena cittuppādānam ālambanabhūtā taṃ taṃ upādāya upanidhāya kāraṇaṃ katvā tathā tathā parikappiyamānā saṅkhāyati, samaññāyati, voharīyati, paññāpīyatī ti paññattī ti pavuccati. Ayaṃ paññatti paññāpiyattā paññatti nāma.
How? There are such terms as ‘land,’ ‘mountain,’ and the like, so designated on account of the mode of transition of the respective elements; such terms as ‘house,’ ‘chariot,’ ‘cart,’ and the like, so named on account of the mode of formation of materials; such terms as ‘person,’ ‘individual,’ and the like, so named on account of the five aggregates; such terms as ‘direction,’ ‘time,’ and the like, named according to the revolution of the moon and so forth; such terms as ‘well,’ ‘cave,’ and the like, so named on account of the mode of non-impact and so forth; such terms as kasiṇa signs and the like, so named on account of respective elements and distinguished mental development.
All such different things, though they do not exist in an ultimate sense, become objects of consciousness in the form of shadows of (ultimate) things.
They are called concepts because they are thought of, reckoned, understood, expressed, and made known on account of, in consideration of, with respect to, this or that mode. This kind of concept is so called because it is made known.
如何?「地」、「山嶽」等詞是依元素的變化而命名。「屋子」、「馬車」、「貨車」等詞是依材料的組成而命名。「人」、「個人」等詞是依五蘊而命名。「方向」、「時間」等詞是依月亮等的運行而命名。「井」、「山洞」等詞是依沒碰觸的行相而命名。「遍相」等詞是依各個元素的相與不同的修習而命名。 雖然這一切不同的事物在究竟上是不存在的,但能依作為(究竟)法的影像而成為心(生起)的所緣。 它們被稱為概念是因為它們被(有情)依這或那方面而想像、計算、明瞭、表達與識知。這種概念因所知而得其名。*
*[他解] 這段的巴利原文比較難懂,這裡再附其他三種譯文作為參考。(以下一、二沿用葉均居士的版本,三則依據法雨道場編纂的《攝阿毘達摩義論》巴漢英譯註。)
(一) 日文譯為:「像這樣的東西,雖然在第一義是不存在的,但是作為(第一)義的影的行相,成為心起的所緣。由於那(行相)各自互相比較,各自分別(計度),被命名、被稱說、被施設,故名施設。這個施設名為被施設的施設。」
(二) Bhikkhu J. Kashyap 所寫的 Abhidhamma Philosophy 對這段文是這樣寫:「然而我們在實用上認識它們作為表示某些意義的對象。它們被認為彼物,被說為彼物,被知為彼物,被慣用為彼物,被假想為彼物。這便是施設,因為它是被假設的。」
(三) 法雨:「如是等的區別,(它們)依究竟義是不存在的,但是依(某些事物的)實在的影像的行相而成為(我們的)心生起的所緣,執取、比較這個或那個而作了行相。由於計度分別(那實在影像)這樣或那樣,被命名、被理解、被言說、被假設而被說為『施設』,這種概念名為『所知概念』。」
Kathaṃ: (adv) how Taṃ, tad: (pron. n) it; him taṃ taṃ: such and such (repeated to convey the idea of multiplicity or variety) Bhūta: (pp. bhavati) been, become, being; gone, past, former; real, true, right (m/n) a living being; a spirit; vegetation, as trees, shrubs, grass; an element Pariṇāma: (m) change, alteration; issue, event; digestion Ākāra: (m) appearance, mien, countenance; form; sign, token; way, manner, means; cause, reason; object, purpose; a constituent part of the body Upādāya: (ger. upādiyati) clinging; beginning with; out of; with reference to Tathā: (adv) so, thus; also 如是 Paññatta: (pp. paññāpeti) pointed out, made known, ordered, designed, appointed, ordained (n) wisdom, sense, etc. Paññāpeti: (caus. pajānāti) to make known, declare, point out, appoint, assign, recognize, define Bhūmi: (f) the earth; place; stage; state; the ground; story of a house 地 Pabbata: (m) a mountain Ādi: (m) beginning, starting point; -ādi, formed as the latter part of a compound, nearly equivalent to “et cetera” (= ādika); -ādayo, the compound is in the masc. plural; ādīni, the compound is in the neuter plural …等 Sambhāra: (m) preparation; materials; necessaries; constituent part Sasambhāra: (adj) with the ingredients or constituents Sannivesa: (m) construction, preparation, encampment, settlement Geha: (m/n) a house Ratha: (m) a car, chariot, two-wheeled carriage Sakaṭa: (n) a cart, wagon Pañcaka: (adj) consisting of five, five in number (n) a pentad, five Purisa: (m) a man, a male, a person; individual Puggala: (m) an individual or person; a creature, being, man 個人 Canda: (m) the moon Āvaṭṭanā: (f) turning, revolution Disā: (f) point of the compass, region, quarter, direction, bearing Kāla: (m) time; right time, due season; meal time; death Samphuṭṭha: (pp. samphusati) touched Asamphuṭṭha: (pp. adj) intangible, not touched, non-impact Kūpa: (m) a pit; a well; the mast of a ship Guhā: (f) a cave; the heart Nimitta: (n) a sign, mark, omen, token, portent, prognostication; cause, reason Bhāvanā: (f) developing, attaining, being devoted to; meditation 修習 Visesa: (m) distinction, characteristic, discrimination, specification; sort, kind; peculiar merit or advantage, excellence, superiority Kasiṇa: (adj.) entire, whole 遍 (n) one of the aids to kammaṭṭhāna, the practice by means of which mystic meditation (bhāvanā, jhāna) may be attained Evaṃ: (adv) thus 如是 Pabheda: (m) breaking or splitting up; difference, distinction; sort, kind Paramattha: (m) best or highest sense; the truth, reality; completeness, perfection 究竟法 abl. paramatthato Avijjamāna: (adj) not existing, non-existing Attha, aṭṭha, aṭṭa: (m) desire, want, need; occasion; cause, reason, purpose; object, thing, substance; advantage, good, welfare; property, wealth; meaning, sense, significance 事物;法;義;利 etc. Chāyā: (f) shadow, shade, reflected image; pretext, fiction Citta: (n) the mind, the heart; thought, idea; will, intention 心 Uppāda: (m) springing up, producing, appearance; birth; an omen 生 Cittuppāda: (m) genesis of consciousness; (here =) citta, consciousness Ālambana, -ṇa : (n) support; an object of sense 所緣,(感官)目標 Upanidhā: (f) comparison Upanidhāya: (indecl.) [ger. of upa+nidahati of dhā] comparing in comparison, [+acc.] "compared with" Kāraṇa: (n) a deed, action, performance; motive, cause, reason, means; matter, thing, event, case; substance; destruction Karoti: to act, do, cause, cause to become, render, make, perform opt. kayirā, kayirātha, kubbetha, kare, kareyya ger. katvā Parikappiyati: to be thought of ppr. parikappiyamāna 計度分別 Saṅkhāyati: to be reckoned, to be called or termed Samaññāyati: to be understood Voharīyati: to be expressed Paññāpīyati: to be made known Ayaṃ: (pron. nom. m/f) this gen./dat. (m) imassa
8.4.3 令知概念(Paññāpanato paññatti)
Paññāpanato paññatti pana nāma-nāmakammādināmena paridīpitā. Sā vijjamānapaññatti, avijjamānapaññatti, vijjamānena avijjamānapaññatti, avijjamānena vijjamānapaññatti, vijjamānena vijjamānapaññatti, avijjamānena avijjamānapaññatti cā ti chabbidhā hoti. Tattha yadā pana paramatthato vijjamānaṃ rūpavedanādiṃ etāya paññāpenti tadā' yaṃ vijjamānapaññatti. Yadā pana paramatthato avijjamānaṃ bhūmipabbatādiṃ etāya paññāpenti, tadā' yaṃ avijjamānapaññattī ti pavuccati. Ubhinnaṃ pana vomissakavasena sesā yathākkamaṃ chaḷabhiñño, itthisaddo, cakkhuviññāṇaṃ, rājaputto ti ca veditabbā.
Then, as it makes known, it is called concept. It is described as ‘name’, ‘nomenclature’, etc.
It is sixfold: 1. a (direct) concept of the real, 2. a (direct) concept of the unreal, 3. a concept of the unreal by means of the real, 4. a concept of the real by means of the unreal, 5. a concept of the real by means of the real, 6. a concept of the unreal by means of the unreal.
As, for instance, when it makes (they make) known what really exists in the ultimate sense by a term, such as ‘matter,’ ‘feeling,’ and so forth, it is called a (direct) concept of the real.
When it makes known what does not really exist in the ultimate sense by a term, such as ‘land,’ ‘mountain,’ and so forth, it is called a (direct) concept of the unreal.
The rest should be respectively understood by combining both as, for instance, ‘possessor of sixfold supernormal knowledge,’ ‘woman’s voice,’ ‘eye-consciousness,’ and ‘king’s son.’
由於其令知而名為概念。它形容名字、命名等。 它有六種:一、真實的(直接)概念;二、不真實的(直接)概念;三、通過真實的不真實概念;四、通過不真實的真實概念;五、通過真實的真實概念;六、通過不真實的不真實概念。 例如:當以「色」、「受」等詞宣稱在究竟上存在之法時,它被稱為「真實的(直接)概念」。 當以「地」、「山嶽」等詞宣稱在究竟上不存在之法時,它被稱為「不真實的(直接)概念」。 當知其餘(四項)的是結合兩種;以下是它們各自的例子:「擁有六神通的人」、「女人的聲音」、「眼識」、與「國王的兒子」。[注]
Nāmakamma: (n) naming, nomenclature 命名 Paridīpeti: to illustrate, explain, describe pp. paridīpita Sā: (pron. f) that; this; she Vijjamāna: (ppr. vijjati) existing, real ant. avijjamāna: not existing, unreal Vijjati: (pass. vindati) to be, exist, be found, be obtained, be known Chabbidhā: (adv) six-fold, in six ways Yadā: (adv) when, whenever yadā… tadā: when… then Vedanā: (f) feeling, sensation; pain, suffering 受 Esā: (pron. f) this, that ins. etāya Tadā: (adv) then, at that time Ubho: (pron. adj) both gen. pl. ubhinnaṃ Vomissaka: (adj) miscellaneous, mixed Vasena: (ins. of vasa; used adverbially, either with a gen. or as the last part of a compound) according to, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, for, as Sesa: (adj) remaining (m) remainder 其餘 Yathākkamaṃ: (adv) in due order, successively 依序 Abhiññā: (f) higher knowledge, transcendent or supernatural knowledge or faculty, super-intellect consciousness 神通;證智 Chaḷabhiñña: (m) possessor of sixfold supernormal knowledge 具六神通的人 Itthi, itthī: (f) a woman, female Sadda: (m) sound, noise; voice; a word 聲 Cakkhu: (m/n) the eye; insight; supernatural insight or knowledge 眼 Viññāṇa: (n) consciousness; thought, mind; intelligence, knowledge 識 Rājaputta: (m) a king’s son, prince (f) rājaputtī: a princess Vidati: to know, ascertain p.f.p. veditabba: to be known or understood
8.4.4 總結
Vacīghosānusārena sotaviññāṇavīthiyā Pavattānantaruppannā manodvārassa gocarā Atthā yassānusārena viññāyanti tato paraṃ Sāyaṃ paññatti viññeyyā lokasaṅketanimmitā ti.
By following the sound of speech through the process of ear-consciousness and then by means of the concept conceived by (the process in the) mind-door that subsequently arises, meanings are understood. These concepts should be understood as fashioned by worldly convention.
Vacī: (f) speech, words 語 Ghosa: (m) shout, sound, utterance; noise; rumor; voice Anusāra: (m) following, conformity ins. anusārena: according to Sota: (n) the ear, organ of hearing 耳 Vīthi: (f) a road, street, bazaar; a row, line Pavatta: (pp. pavattati) fixed, settled; starting, setting out; kept going, going on; being, existing Pavattati: to arise, begin, take place; start, set out; roll or flow onwards; become, be, exist; go on, proceed, be kept up pp. pavatta 轉起 Anantara: (adj) having or leaving nothing in between, i. e. immediately following, incessant, next, adjoining Uppanna: (pp. uppajjati) arisen, born, produced; acquired; happened Uppajjati: to arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear 生起 Manodvāra: (n) the mind-door 意門 Gocara: (m) pasture, abode, sphere, resort; an object of sense as form, sound, etc. 所在;所緣,(感官)目標 Yo, yad: (pron) who, what, which; he who, whoever pl. ye acc. yaṃ gen./dat. sing. yassa gen./dat. pl. yesaṃ Viññāyati: (pass. vijānāti) to be understood or known Tato paraṃ: (adv) afterwards Vijānāti: to discern, distinguish; be wise; perceive; learn, understand, know exactly, find out, ascertain pfp. viññeyya: that should be known or understood; intelligible, cognizable pp. viññāta ger. viññāya, vijāniya Loka: (m) the world, the universe; mankind; a being or creature 世間 Saṅketa: (m) intimation, agreement, engagement, appointment Nimitta: (n) a sign, mark, token, symbol; omen; cause, reason, means of 相 (adj) caused by, referring to
Iti Abhidhammatthasaṅgahe Paccayasaṅgahavibhāgo nāma aṭṭhamo paricchedo.
Thus ends the eighth chapter in the Compendium of Abhidhamma entitled the Compendium of Conditionality.
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |