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2020/04/01 15:50:11瀏覽80|回應0|推薦0

The pursuit of a spiritual path is not like selecting a new suit of clothes.To select a new suit one need only try on a number of suits,inspect oneself in the mirror, and select the suit in which one appears most attractive.

心靈修持之道和選擇新衣服大不相同,要選擇一套 新衣服,只要試穿很多套,站在鏡子前面看看自己,然 後挑出讓自己看起來最吸引人的那套就可以。

The choice of a spiritual path is closer to marriage:one wants a partner for life,one whose companionship will prove as trustworthy and durable as the pole star in the night sky.


節錄自 菩提比丘(The Noble Eightfold Path)


( 心情隨筆其他 )
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