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2020/09/27 06:33:13瀏覽545|回應0|推薦5




印象所及,2014年諾貝爾文學獎得主蒙迪安諾 (Patrick Modiano) 被瑞典學院喻為「當代的普魯斯特」;當代作家約翰厄普代克 (John Updike) 則是將2006年諾貝爾文學獎得主奧罕帕慕克 (Orhan Pamuk) 與普魯斯特相提並論;至於2001年的奈波爾(V. S. Naipaul)自己在諾貝爾頒獎典禮上三度提到普魯斯特的作品《駁聖伯夫》(Against Sainte-Beuve)……



《石黑一雄諾貝爾獎獲獎演說》是2017年諾貝爾文學獎得主英國作家石黑一雄在瑞典學院發表的獲獎演說。在這篇演講中,石黑一雄回憶了他文學創作的心路歷程。石黑一雄以一種輕鬆謙虛的語調,講述了他創作生涯中幾個具有啟示意義的轉折點。在演說的很后,石黑還對當代文學提出呼籲,呼籲以更多元化的態度拓展文學界,以更開放的心態對待文學體裁和形式。 本書為中英雙語讀物,讀者不但能夠欣賞到中文版的獲獎演說,更能直接賞讀該篇演講的英語原文,進一步領略諾獎得主石黑一雄的文字魅力。

翻譯:謝樹寬 (2017.12.10 14:06)


Kazuo Ishiguro – Nobel Lecture
7 December, 2017
My Twentieth Century Evening – and Other Small Breakthroughs

Spring 1983, three and a half years later. Lorna and I were now in London, lodging in two rooms at the top of a tall narrow house, which itself stood on a hill at one of the highest points of the city. There was a television mast nearby and when we tried to listen to records on our turntable, ghostly broadcasting voices would intermittently invade our speakers. Our living room had no sofa or armchair, but two mattresses on the floor covered with cushions. There was also a large table on which I wrote during the day, and where we had dinner at night. It wasn’t luxurious, but we liked living there. I’d published my first novel the year before, and I’d also written a screenplay for a short film soon to be broadcast on British television.
I’d been for a time reasonably proud of my first novel, but by that spring, a niggling sense of dissatisfaction had set in. Here was the problem. My first novel and my first TV screenplay were too similar. Not in subject matter, but in method and style. The more I looked at it, the more my novel resembled a screenplay – dialogue plus directions. This was okay up to a point, but my wish now was to write fiction that could work properly only on the page. Why write a novel if it was going to offer more or less the same experience someone could get by turning on a television? How could written fiction hope to survive against the might of cinema and television if it didn’t offer something unique, something the other forms couldn’t do?

Around this time, I came down with a virus and spent a few days in bed. When I came out of the worst of it, and I didn’t feel like sleeping all the time, I discovered that the heavy object, whose presence amidst my bedclothes had been annoying me for some time, was in fact a copy of the first volume of Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past (as the title was then translated). There it was, so I started to read it. My still fevered condition was perhaps a factor, but I became completely riveted by the Overture and Combray sections. I read them over and over. Quite aside from the sheer beauty of these passages, I became thrilled by the means by which Proust got one episode to lead into the next. The ordering of events and scenes didn’t follow the usual demands of chronology, nor those of a linear plot. Instead, tangential thought associations, or the vagaries of memory seemed to move the writing from one episode to the next. Sometimes I found myself wondering: why had these two seemingly unrelated moments been placed side by side in the narrator’s mind? I could suddenly see an exciting, freer way of composing my second novel; one that could produce richness on the page and offer inner movements impossible to capture on any screen. If I could go from one passage to the next according to the narrator’s thought associations and drifting memories, I could compose in something like the way an abstract painter might choose to place shapes and colours around a canvas. I could place a scene from two days ago right beside one from twenty years earlier, and ask the reader to ponder the relationship between the two. In such a way, I began to think, I might suggest the many layers of self-deception and denial that shrouded any person’s view of their own self and of their past.

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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