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【書摘】女囚—嫉妒的真實與想像 (Reality and imagination of Jealousy) 10-2
2018/02/06 05:12:34瀏覽435|回應0|推薦10
【書摘】女囚嫉妒的真實與想像 (Reality and imagination of Jealousy) 10-2
Aussi, quand ensuite notre jalousie est excitée par ces mêmes gens, pour savoir si elle ne se trompe pas, si c’est bien à eux qu’elle doit rapporter telle hâte que notre maîtresse a de sortir, tel mécontentement que nous l’en ayons privée en rentrant trop tôt, notre jalousie, fouillant le passé pour en tirer des indications, n’y trouve rien ; toujours rétrospective, elle est comme un historien qui aurait à faire une histoire pour laquelle il n’est aucun document ; toujours en retard, elle se précipite comme un taureau furieux là où ne se trouve pas l’être fier et brillant qui l’irrite de ses piqûres et dont la foule cruelle admire la magnificence et la ruse.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.154 追憶似水年華 V 女囚 聯經版 1992)

(p.144~145 追尋逝去的時光 第五卷‧女囚 周克希譯 2012)

And so when, in due course, our jealousy is aroused by these same people, and seeks to make sure that it is not mistaken, that it is they who are responsible for the haste which our mistress shews in leaving the house, her annoyance when we have prevented her from going out by returning earlier than usual; our jealousy ransacking the past in search of a clue can find nothing; always retrospective, it is like a historian who has to write the history of a period for which he has no documents; always belated, it dashes like a mad bull to the spot where it will not find the proud and brilliant creature who is infuriating it with his darts and whom the crowd admire for his splendour and his cunning.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

So, when later our jealousy is aroused by these same persons and we need to know that we are not mistaken, that it is they who are the cause of our mistress’s haste to go out, her annoyance with us for depriving her of their company by coming home too early, our jealousy, digging in the past for clues, finds nothing; always turned towards the past, it is like a historian trying to write a history for which there are no documents; always late, it rushes like a mad bull into the place just vacated by the haughty, shining being who irritates it with his darts, and whom the crowd admires for his splendour and guile.
(Translated by Carol Clark)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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