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2013/09/28 00:18:01瀏覽540|回應5|推薦5 | |
感情里,总会有分分合合;There are always break-ups and reunions in sentimental journey; 生命里,总会有来来去去。and so comings and goings in life. 学会:Try to 浅浅喜欢,静静爱,深深思索,淡淡释怀。 慢慢的才知道:By degree you will learn that: 人这一辈子,要经得起谎言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言。You have to endure others' lying remarks, perfunctory attitudes, cheating acts and insincere promises throughout your entire life. 爱过了,Once you've loved, 才会尝到快乐和伤心的滋味;will you really savor the taste of joy and sadness; 恨过了,once you've hated, 才会知道珍惜和宽容。will you realize how to cherish and forgive. 与其让自己变得颓废,Instead of becoming dispirited, 不如让自己活得更精彩。you'd better live a more spirited life. 没有风的日子,云是雨的守望;In windless days, clouds are waiting for rains; 没有梦的日子,等待会荒废时光。in the days without dreams, waiting is just a wasting of our time.
唱一曲风花雪月,Sing a song of romance, 吟一阕岁月静好,and recite a verse of good old days; 烟火、流年、红尘、沧桑,浅浅遇,淡淡忘。 慢慢的才知道:By degree we've realized: 生命于我们,只是沧海一粟,然而,却承载了太多的情非得已。Life to us is but a grain in the vast sea; however, it is the life laden with too much unwillingness. 聚散离合,痛苦欢笑,呐喊寻觅......因为没有人知道那个最终的谜底。A life full of togetherness, separation, parting and reunion brings us agonies we're that trying to decline and laughters that we're trying to find, for no one knows the answer to all the puzzles before we reach to the final destionation. 所以,我们唯一的选择,必须是:向前,笑看风,笑对雨.....So the only option for us must be: go straight forward, braving the wind and the rain with smile. 慢慢的才知道:Gradually we've realized: 有些人魂牵梦萦,someone who is staying deep down in our hearts 却只适合放在心底;may be the one should remain there; 有些人波澜不惊,someone who is staying beside us unnoticed 却适合相伴一生。may be the one of our life-time companion. 爱情,是一次命中注定的相逢,或驻足,拥抱;或擦肩,回眸,有些走过,很淡,很轻却很疼.....Love is one of the predestined encounters in your life. You may stop to embrace it, or just pass by and stop to look it back. Sometime it hurts even it is merely an encounter, light and gentle. 人生,总有许多沟坎需要跨越;throughout our life, there must be many thresholds for us to step across; 岁月,总有许多遗憾需要弥补;throughout our time, there must be many regrets for us to redress; 生命,总有许多迷茫需要领悟。through our duration, there must be many conundrums for us to solve. 痛并快乐着,思索并追寻着,彩虹总在风雨后。Agonies coexist with raptures, and thinking coexist with searching. There will be rainbows on clear skies after raining. 坚持未必是胜利,放弃未必是认输,与其华丽撞墙,不如优雅转身,给自己一个迂回的空间,学会思索,学会等待,学会调整。Persistence doesn't necessarily lead you to victory, and giving up something doesn't necessarily mean you're losing it. It'd rather turn around gracefully than hit the wall ostentatiously. Give yourselves some elbow rooms so as to learn how to meditate, temporize and accomodate. 人生,有很多时候,需要的不仅仅是执着,更是回眸一笑的洒脱。Sometimes, it takes not only your persistence that leads you to success, but also your presence when you are in retrospect. 因为有许多事不完美,It is an imperfect world, 所以我们才追求完美;that is why we are pursuing perfection. 因为有许多时候不快乐,There are lots of unhappy moments in our lives, 所以我们才渴望快乐。that is why we are craving happiness. 人生,原本就是痛苦和快乐的和声,as well as a chorus of chagrin and joy. 输掉什么,不可以输掉微笑,You may lose something except your smile; 舍弃什么,不可以舍弃快乐。you may forgo something except your happiness. 慢慢的才知道:Gradually we've realized 人在旅途,有许多错过,痛断肝肠;有许多遇见,念念不忘。in our journey of life a lot of regrets made us feel broken-hearted, and a lot of encounters kept in our memories. 一些梦想,可能会换来一身的疲惫;Some dreams may result in weariness ; 一些寻找,让它随风,未必不是轻松。let go some of our pursuits, and we may find release and peace of mind. 向前走,走过不属于或属于自己的风景,学会收藏,学会遗忘,更要学会坚强。Go straight forward, passing through landscapes that may or may not belong to us. Learn to cherish what we have, and learn to forgo what we have not. More importantly, learn to be stronger ourselves. Gradually we've realized 真心对一个人好,不一定有回报,而你忽略的人,可能对你最真。Sincere love to others may turn out to be an unrequited affection, but the one you pay little concerns to may return you with true love. 很多东西,可遇而不可求;很多东西,一生只能一次拥有。There are lots of things we can only get by chance, or can we possess them only once in our life.
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