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有哲理的笑話:Jokes of philosophic thoughts 【1】 在南極,再努力, 也燒不開一壺水。 ~環境很重要。 In Antarctic, no matter how you work hard, you just cannot make a bottle of boiled water. ----Environment does matter.
【2】 男人,再優秀, 沒女人也生不出孩子。 ~合作很重要。 The most brilliant man without a woman just cannot give birth to a child. ------Cooperation does matter.
【3】 一個人, 再有能力, 也拼不過一群人。 ~團隊很重要。 A most capable man just cannot vie with a galaxy of peers for success----Teamwork does matter.
【4】 想有保障, 買再大的水桶都不如挖一口井。 ~管道很重要。 For the safety of water supply? You’d better dig a well than buy a biggest bucket you can find. ----Channel does matter.
【5】 兩隻青蛙相愛, 婚後生了一癩蛤蟆。 公青蛙見狀大怒: 怎麼回事? 母青蛙哭著說: 蛙兒ㄉ爹, 認識你之前我去整過容。 ~了解很重要。 A frog couple love and wed to each other. But they give birth to a toad. With rage, the male frog asks what the hell is that. The weeping female frog says, "My dear, before I knew you, I had taken a plastic surgery."-----To know each other does matter.
【6】 小驢問老驢: 為啥咱們天天吃草, 而乳牛頓頓精飼料? 老驢嘆道: 咱爺們靠腿吃飯, 人家靠胸脯吃飯。 ~優勢很重要。 A young donkey asks its old dad why they eat grass every day, while dairy cattle always have delicate fodders every meal. The old donkey sighs deeply, " We live by using our legs, but they live by the milk from their breasts." -----Superiority does matter.
【7】 鴨子與螃蟹賽跑難分勝負, 裁判說: 你們划拳決定吧! 鴨子大怒: 我出的全是布, 他出的總是剪刀。 ~先天很重要。 In a race matchup, a duck and a crab end in a draw. The referee suggests they play rock paper scissors to decide who is the winner. The duck objects it with fury, "Mine is always paper, but his is always scissors."----Inborn advantage does matter.
【8】 為什麼會跟你分享。 Why must I share this article with you?
~因為你很重要。 Because you really matter to me! |
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