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2013/04/01 08:08:30瀏覽8808|回應14|推薦96 | |
自從上回做了炸醬麵,文末順道貼上英文食譜,原本只是想造福中文字不識幾個的小蜂鳥,卻沒想到多位udn格友鼓勵,決定造福人群,再貼ABC簡餐食譜。 今天端上的ABC簡餐是「青椒牛肉燴飯」,仍秉持甜水窩食堂三原則:省錢、營養、快速。記住,切炒之前別忘了先煮鍋白米飯喔! 對了,今個正巧是4月1日,愚人節快樂! (愚人節食譜,信不信由你 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 材料(見下圖):3匙沙拉油、3葉蒜瓣、薑片一片、一磅牛肉切絲、兩大匙蠔油、兩大匙醬油、半小匙糖、1/4小匙鹽、一根紅蘿蔔切絲、半顆綠竹筍(可省)、青椒兩小(或一大顆)切細絲、新鮮蘑菇五、六顆切片、罐頭雞湯1/4杯、清水1/2杯、太白粉1大匙 做法: 1.牛肉逆紋切細絲,以一個蒜瓣、1薑片、醬油、糖醃一小時至半天 (見下圖) 2.熱鍋後放入牛肉快炒、變色後撈出 3. 剩油炒香蒜瓣,放入青椒絲、紅蘿蔔絲、蘑菇片快炒,八分熟後加入雞湯及清水(見下圖) 4. 沸騰後倒入炒好的牛肉,加入鹽、蠔油調味,最後以太白粉勾芡 5. 盛一碗剛起鍋的白米飯,澆上青椒牛,Bon Appetit! ChinJiao NiuRo HuiFan (Rice with Green pepper Beef)青椒牛肉燴飯食譜 Serves :3 persons Prep Time: 20 minutesCook Time: 10 minutesTotal Time: 30 minutesIngredients:
Preparation(don't forget to cook rice while preparing your main dish):Marinate beef with soy sauce, sugar, ginger, one clove of garlic. Keep it in refrigerator for at least one hour. Rinse all vegetables and drain thoroughly. Chop all veges to small stripes or slices. Add oil to heated sauce pan then fry marinated beef till 80-90% done. Take out beef and leave the remaining oil in the pan. Fry all vegetables, add salt, oyster souce, chicken broth and water till boiling. Add beef into the pan and mix all. Mix 1 TSP of corn starch with 2 TSP of water in a bowl. Add corn starch water into the pan and fry another 15 seconds. Add the ChingJiao NioRo into a bowl of cooked rice. It's your ChingJiao NioRo HuiFan |
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |