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創作|散文 2013/06/09 10:01:15 |
母親節時,和新人吃飯,他們異口同聲說:真貴,一個三百五十人份的結婚蛋糕竟然需要一千多美金。 我說:結婚蛋糕是典禮儀式的一部分,省不了的,婚禮,有些東西可以省,有些絕對不能省。 他們問:什麽可以省? 我說:像伴郎伴娘啦,在臺灣結婚,請伴娘伴郎,不需要花這麽多錢,你們各有七個伴郎伴娘,當初只要少一兩個,就夠買個大蛋糕啦! 他們說:不行,不行,這些都是我最要好的朋友,不能請這個,不請那個。 美國人結婚,有一群伴郎伴娘,已經成為一種習俗,是婚禮花費的一筆大開銷。新人需要替每一位伴郎伴娘支付婚禮當天的禮服,鞋子,搭配的花,作頭髮,化妝師化妝,預演的晚餐,婚禮前的旅館費,如果是遠道而來, 有時還得替他們付機票等等。我個人覺得美國人婚禮花費如此高昂,部分原因是伴郎伴娘花費太多。 據説西方伴郎的由來是源自羅馬時代,有兩種説法,一種説法是惡魔因爲嫉妒而加害新人,所以伴郎穿著和新郎一樣的衣服, 讓惡魔分不清誰是真正的新郎, 另一種説法是有錢人家怕有人加害新人,於是找保鏢或殺手打扮成新郎的樣子,讓敵人真假難辨,無從下手。 歐美基督教婚礼的伴郎職责包括:為新郎安排婚前派对,確保新郎准時到達婚禮禮堂,確保有携带婚戒(通常会于婚礼前交给伴郎保管)。並於交换婚戒儀式前交给新郎和新娘,于婚礼中致辞(常会表现幽默和對新郎稍為戯谑),向新郎、新娘祝酒。 根據百科,伴娘的責任比伴郎還重大。包括 1、不离新人左右,随时陪伴新人。尤其当新人在舞台上,伴郎伴娘必须在舞台一侧候场。 2、时刻关注新人形象。比如帮新人简单地整理西装下摆、礼服裙摆以及头纱,必要时召唤化妆师支援。 3、密切关注新人的需要。伴郎伴娘最重要是要有“眼色”:开车门是伴郎的工作,接新人手上的东西,帮他们腾出手来保持良好的仪态;新人口渴时,递上水;看到新人热泪盈眶时,及时递上纸巾。婚礼中许多新人因为忙碌或是激动会忘记休息和饥渴,伴郎伴娘就一定记得提醒他们。 4、熟习新人的随身物品和工作人员安排,以便能更好地帮新人协调和分担。伴娘尤其要熟识新娘礼服所需搭配的鞋子、内衣和饰物,换下来的需小心保管。 5、合格的伴娘伴郎还要尽量起到疏导和安抚新人紧张情绪的作用。 周末有空,再度欣賞他們的婚禮網站。 一打開網站,寫了一個 49 大字。吼, 已進入49 天的倒數計時。 看到兒子和媳婦各自寫的每位伴郎伴娘的簡介,心中一股暖流穿過。很欣慰他們倆人在人生的二十幾個年頭裏,能結交到這些個肝膽相照的好朋友。兒子寫的七位伴郎,我都很熟悉,他們常常在我家出沒,兒子也常去他們家玩,在結婚典禮上,他們能站在他身邊,一起陪他送走單身日子,迎接生命的另一個里程碑,確實有特別的象徵意義。 讀了兒子每篇幽默而簡短的伴郎簡介, 讓我終于理解爲什麽他們說:“不能請這個,不請那個” 的原因了。 部落格是我的日記本, 將來,這個婚禮網站會消失,這些簡介也會跟著消失,還是存在這兒,供我日後回味吧。 • 史攷特 自孩提開始,我們就是最佳拍檔。從在家門口打即席籃球到參加正式的廝殺比賽,無一不成爲咱們兩個較量的競技場。然而,不管最後是誰贏 誰輸(當然,絕大多數是我贏),儘管我們嘴上不說,但心底都知道,我們倆最好還是參加同一隊,才能讓我們這隊得最高分。 毋庸置疑的,能有這樣的弟弟站在我身邊,當我大日子裏的伴郎,真讓我覺得驕傲! • 阿力 “嗨,阿力,哦,我是說,阿瑟”,從高中開始,我們兩個就是柁不離秤, 秤不離柁, 同學們常把我們的名字搞混。高中,我們很多課一起修,大學,當了三年室友,現在,兩人都在醫療界服務(他是藥劑師)。 還好,自從阿力最近給自己取了個暱稱後,別人再也不會叫錯咱們倆的名字了。 • 查理 記得高中時,我幾乎每天打電話問他數學作業,而他總是那麽有耐性,從未抱怨他花那麽多小時講解觀念給我聼。那時,我們倆做夢也沒想到他竟然會成爲小學老師。 看來,查理真該謝謝我當年給他的訓練耶! • 艾瑞克 即使在一起這麽多年,不管當面,還是在電話上,你還是很難確切聼懂艾瑞克想告訴你的是什麽。但是,我知道, 不管他說什麽, 都是在說一些鼓勵和造就別人的話。 難怪, 他現在當了牧師。 • 傑瑞 我們兩個生命的軌跡幾乎一模一樣,傑瑞和我從出生開始,便在同一個教會長大,而且還是同一個大學畢業。 小我四歲的他,在我到外州上醫學院的四年,還繼我之後接收了帶領教會崇拜詩班的重任。 請女士們注意,他是待價而沽的單身漢喲! • 宙宇 除了我的親生弟弟以外,他就像我另一個弟弟。我們倆在同一個教會長大,也在同一所大學畢業。記得小時候,媽媽只准我一年到朋友家過夜兩次,每次我都是在他家和他及他哥哥一起玩。相信我, 再也沒有人能找到像他這麽有情有義又有趣的朋友了。他甚至說過,必要時,他會為我擋掉子彈。現在,你們知道爲什麽在我的大日子裏, 有他站在我旁邊當我伴郎,會讓我這麽有安全感了吧。 謝謝你, 好兄弟! • 捷那森 第一次認識,他就成爲我心目中的英雄。那個萬聖節的晚上,我們一群人和他及他妻子一起去雲霄飛車樂園。他打扮成蜘蛛人,正如你們所知,我最喜歡蜘蛛人,所以,當下,我就覺得跟這個未來的大舅子,有縂說不出的好感了。 如果你需要幫忙, 別遲疑, 找他準沒錯。
***************************************** • S,Best Man Since we were kids, we’ve been going at it at just about everything. From the impromptu driveway basketball challenges to the NFL blitz bonanzas, there’s not much we don’t like making into a personal competition. At the end of the day though, whether I win (majority of time) or he does (rare), even though we won’t say it, we both know we’d be better off playing on the same team. No doubt, I’m proud to have my brother stand beside me on the big day as my best man. • A , Groomsman “Hey AXXX, I mean, AXX!” People have been getting us mixed up since we were in high school. We were in a lot of the same classes and were nearly inseparable back then, then became roomies for 3 years in college, and now we’re both in the healthcare field (he’s a pharmacist). Ever since AXXX unofficially changed his name to “Brown Bananza” though, it’s been a lot easier on everyone else in getting our names right. • C, Groomsman I still remember in high school I used to call him pretty much on a daily basis for help on my math homework. Always such a patient guy, he never complained about the hours upon hours it took to teach me the concepts. He should probably thank me now for all the training I gave him, since little did either of us know at the time that one day he’d become an elementary school teacher! • E, Groomsman “That makes my mouter” (that makes my mouth water), “ey ey aii bra” (Hey, hey, aiite bro), “T-MAAC” (I like Tracy McGrady). Even after all these years, it’s still hard to understand exactly what E’s trying to say to you, whether in person or on the phone. Nonetheless, I always know whatever he says is meant to be an encouragement (or rebuke) in some way; after all, he’s a pastor. • J, Groomsman Pretty much living parallel lives, J grew up with me at the same church and took over worship leading once I went off to medical school. Although he made fun of me when I decided to go to UIC for undergrad (he was still a little 8th grader at the time), guess what? He ended up following in my footsteps into UIC 4 years later! Now a fresh graduate, ATTENTION LADIES: he’s single and ready to mingle! • Jy, Groomsman He’s the closest thing I have to a brother other than my actual brother. We grew up in the same church since childhood and were lucky enough to go to college together too. When we were kids, I was only allowed 2 sleepovers per year, and they were all frugally spent on Jy and his brother without regret. Sacrificial, caring, and really entertaining company. Trust me, there’s no better friend a person could ask for than this guy. He’s even told me before that he’d take a bullet for me; that’s why I feel more comfortable having him stand close to me on the big day. Thanks, buddy! • Jn, Groomsman The first time I met “Taft” (Connie's brother) was as a superhero. A bunch of us from Iowa met up with him and his wife, B, at Six Flags for Halloween Fright Fest, and they were both masked and sporting the Spandex. Immediately I felt the connection with him, as many know about my infatuation with Spiderman (my alter ego). If you ever need help, don’t be shy to call upon your friendly neighborhood Taftman.
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