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2016/12/01 01:55:25瀏覽1671|回應1|推薦33 | |
引用文章ABC簡餐(二)~青椒牛肉燴飯 引用文章ABC簡餐(三)~中義聯姻天使麵 上周五收到老大從西雅圖捎來的手機簡訊,代表兩個妹妹跟我討私房食譜,本來打算給三個女兒一人一本手抄食譜當聖誕節禮物,突然靈光一現。爬格子找到四年前寫的《ABC簡餐》,其中一篇竟然有超過4000個點閱。心想,乾脆東山再起,繼續寫續集,把阿鳥師私房中英食譜和所有想念她媽的味道的ABC(America-Born Chinese)們分享。 這道通心粉是我家老三的最愛,她和老爸喜歡日式番茄醬口味,我喜歡義大利風味,因此,不像上次中義聯姻天使麵的一鍋到底,我讓這對異國戀人中途說再見,一邊一國,和、洋分家。 阿鳥師上菜! 和洋兩式通心粉(四人份,熱食) 食材:中型洋蔥一顆、大磨菇數顆或鮑魚菇一兩顆、火腿6oz、蝦仁6oz、雞蛋四顆、義大利通心粉elbow 12oz(即三杯或一盒)、橄欖油三大匙、蔬菜油三大匙、鹽/酒/太白粉各半小匙(醃蝦仁用)、番茄醬三大匙、2小匙糖、義大利辣味綜合調味料 做法: 1.洋蔥、磨菇、火腿全部洗淨切丁 2.蝦仁洗淨切丁醃10分鐘 3.通心粉煮熟,(切勿煮過軟)撈出過涼水,一旁待命 4.雞蛋打散煎蛋餅、拿出放涼切丁;接著用同樣鍋子,放少量油,炒熟蝦仁丁 5.取一大炒鍋放入蔬菜油,油鍋燒熱後放入洋蔥,炒到軟、香,依序放入火腿丁、蘑菇丁混炒 6.取出一半的炒料,放一旁備用(和洋從此分家) 7.和式番茄醬通心粉:第5步驟的炒鍋中,加入一半的通心粉、一半的蝦仁丁和蛋丁,翻炒1分鐘後,加入番茄醬、糖,再翻炒四、五分鐘,即可起鍋 8.義式辣味通心粉: 另拿一炒鍋,放入橄欖油,小火,一分鐘後加入義大利調味料,滋滋作響後加入通心粉、和所有的炒料,轉中火續辦拌炒,約五分鐘後可關火、起鍋。 這道日義兩式通心粉,除了可保持家庭和諧,還有個好處 : 加熱再食,風味絲毫不打折!我家老三每個月返家一次打牙祭,回去崗位上班常常就兜一盒,幾天的中飯就有譜了!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Elbow Maccroni with Shrimp recipe Serves :4 persons Prep Time: 10 minutesCook Time: 10 minutesTotal Time: 20 minutesIngredients:
Preparation:1. chopped onion, ham steak and mushrooms. 2. marinate chopped shrimps for 10 mins 3. cook elbow pasta then rince with cold water. DO NOT OVERCOOK! 4. mix and beat 4 eggs in a bowl. In a skillet over medium heat, add 1 tsp vegi oil and pour egg mix into to made a egg pancake. Then chopped the pancake when it's cool down 5.add 1 tsp oil and fry chopped shrimps (the same skillet as #4) 6.bring a large frying pan, add rest of vegi oil, then add chopped onion, ham and mushrooms one by one. When it's done, take half of the cooked mixture out (then jump to #8, if you prefer Italian style over Japanese)
7.Japanese style: pour half pot of cooked elbow pasta, half bowl of shrimps and eggs into the pan then stirfry for 1 min. Add katchup and sugar and keep stirfrying for 4 more mins. 8.Italian style: bring a clean skillet and turn the heat to LOW. add Italian spice/seasoning till sizzling. Pour anothe half pot of cooked elbows,onion/mushroom/ham mixture, eggs and shrimps. Stirfry another 4 to 5 mins. You may taste it and maybe add salt and pepper. |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |