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2011/12/28 13:58:56瀏覽839|回應18|推薦105 | |
與年的敘談 拾掇往日的感懷 整理心思的唱吟 晾曬日子的酸甜苦辣 只留下張張的照片 原件已毫不留情地銷毀 太陽新譜著樂章 月亮梳理着夢想 夢裡不知身是客 醒時是否仍在貪歡 年又把心情濃妝豔抹 夜把日記收藏 夢把思念衡量 不管位於生命的哪個季節 年都是平等而吉祥 不同的只是我們的心情 一個輕聲的提醒 年與心情叙着家常 再長的路 一步步也能走完 再短的路 不邁開雙腳也無法到達 就踏著成熟穩健的步伐往前
英譯全文 Talks of the Year Tidy up past nostalgia Rearrange the songs from the heart Dry those bittersweet days Leave albums of pictures The original part has destroyed relentlessly The compositions of the Sun Dreams groomed by the moon They know not that they’re guests Yet savoring its aftertaste The year garnishes the heart once more Night keeps diary Dreams weigh thoughts In every season of life There are even fortunes It is our mood that swings One soft reminder The year and heart shall keep vigil Every thousand mile journey begins with a single step Every passage, no matter how short, needs a beginning With mature and sturdy strides
( 在地生活|紐澳 ) |