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2012/02/19 12:39:10瀏覽954|回應9|推薦73 | |
是初春河上飄過的第一道煙波 It is the billowing wave of the first spring
是暮晚天際掠過的飛鴻 It is the wild swan that cleaves the night sky
是月光如水漫進庭院 It is the moonlight that seeps into the garden
是令人怦然心動的溫柔 It is a touching kindness
溫馨是一道風景 Warmth is a scenery 你若以一種閑逸的心情漫步其中 If you waltz through it at leisure
便也成了一道溫馨的風景 Then the landscape is warm
溫馨是種默契 Warmth is silent
說不出來 也不用說出 Cannot be described, and needs no word
一個默默的眼眸 a muted stare
就足以表達那份無言的溫馨 is all that is needed to express warmth
溫馨是種人情味 Warmth is an emotion
總在心中悄悄瀰漫開 Always spreading inside hearts
這份感動和開心 This touching joy
您可知否 You might know
那些雖一縱即逝 卻溼潤我眼眸的感念 Though after time, my maudlin eyes grow moist
那些縱然時間久遠 也不會淡忘的故事 Though long ago, the story remains unforgettable
漸漸凝成一份最美麗 最雋永的溫馨 Slowly it becomes the most beautiful, long lasting warmth
任歲月侵蝕 心境變遷 永不會漠視 永遠珍惜 Be it defiled by age, changed by hearts, it will never be neglected, forever to be treasured
( 在地生活|紐澳 ) |