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2012/03/20 11:52:37瀏覽1667|回應11|推薦76 | |
今日 Today
靜靜地坐在時間的肩頭 Quietly perched upon Time’s shoulders
看一串串離去的背影湧動 Watching shadows leave in rows
駐守在今天的曠野 Guarding the fields of today
思緒漫步在昨日與明日 Thinking of yesterday and tomorrow
鮮嫩的陽光鋪展著一地的甜潤 The budding sun paves the ground with luster
溫柔的和風訴說著今日的光輝 Soft breezes tell of today’s brilliance
何忍心讓今日在手裡黯然失色 How does one let go of the presence in one’s hand
或許昨日的眷戀剛有了開頭就失去了結尾 Yesterday’s remembrance has begun anew and lost its ending
那麼就讓我們從新開始好嗎 Then should we not start again?
因為今日不是昨日昨日已走進歷史 For today is not yesterday; yesterday is history
或許憧憬明日有燦爛的朝霞無低垂的烏雲 Perhaps one admires the glittering sunrise of tomorrow, a cloudless day
那麼何不把今日的天空擦得晴朗 Why not bright the sky of today
給明天的黎明留一份絢麗的積累 Giving tomorrow’s twilight an extra addition of beauty
與其在過去和未來沉醉 Rather than indulge in the past or future
不如把今日的真實融入辛勤的汗水 One should immerse hard work into today
一生只有一個今日我們要認真對待 There is only one today, and we must treat it seriously
( 在地生活|紐澳 ) |