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2012/02/25 14:35:17瀏覽1057|回應12|推薦73 | |
生命的綠意 The Greens of Life 南半球的二月 綠意盎然 Southern hemisphere in February is covered in reach vermillion 遙看山坡草地 一片嫩綠 Overlooking mountains and lawns, a vibrant green 和風傳達大自然泛綠的睿語 The gentle winds voice the spreading the wise words of the stretching verdant 生命的綠意也散發原本的純粹 green of life radiates the origin of purity 任花季喧囂紛攘 Let the flowers compete for vibrancy 生命的綠意仍默守一枝的寧靜 The green of life shall continue to guard a branch of tranquility 任歲月無情 Ruthless is age 生命的綠意仍熱心如初 The green of life shall remain passionate 任羈旅勞頓 Be journeys arduous 生命的綠意一如既往不歇不輟 The green of life continues to be restless 不強求似花的嬌豔 Seek not the beauty of flowers 卻擁有鮮活的翠綠 But possess the flourishing of sapphire 不強求飛花醉月的浮華 Pursue not vacant splendors and romance 卻擁有淡泊中的每日 But to pass each day with mundane purpose 不強求滄海桑田的遷移 Chase after not the great shifting of ages 卻冀盼泥中綠苗的成長 But expect the budding greens to sprout 尋覓永不凋零的綠意 This green is eternal 生命將擁有不老的心情 Life is forever young 我只以生命獨有的綠意 I possess but the green of life 去答覆對生活的謝意 In return as gratitude to life
( 在地生活|紐澳 ) |