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2012/02/05 01:18:08瀏覽5852|回應6|推薦66 | |
馬博士在美大放異彩緣於不久前她率領的天文科學團隊發現並證實了人類有史以來找到的最大黑洞,有太陽的一百億倍之大。關於黑洞請參考 黑洞 ─ 宇宙不讓你知道的秘密。
宇宙空間之為三維並無絕對非此不可的理由,弦論甚且推斷宇宙極不可能是三維,三維也者只是我們所知能感的範圍。早在百年前已有學者探討宇宙三維以外的其它可能真實樣貌(從卡魯薩‧克萊恩奇蹟到卡拉比‧丘流形 ─ 三度空間只是我們的錯覺﹝弦論五﹞)。
下圖中假想的二度平面上的“扁平人”無論如何無法理解原先在他們圍成圓圈中間好端端的一顆星球何以會忽然“不見”了,我們一看就知道為甚麼 — 因為扁平人無法探知他們的二度空間已經被黑洞重力強烈扭曲到“扯破”了,而這顆黑洞業已離開扁平宇宙他去。同理我們如果用“人海戰術”把一顆恆星圍得水洩不通,這顆恆星變成黑洞後還是照樣平空消失,扯破我們宇宙的三度空間他去。
這種離開宇宙而去的物體久而久之累積起來數量不無可能極多,畢竟只要質量大於太陽十幾二十倍的星體死亡之後“必定”形成黑洞(黑洞 ─ 宇宙不讓你知道的秘密)。太空中俱備這種“份量”的恆星多至不可勝數,此亦為人類已知之事。
我不懷疑這“額外引力”是為事實,我只懷疑這額外引力並非所謂宇宙“不眀物質”造成的,也就是說,我懷疑這些強大引力來自上述那層“濃霧” — 破宇宙之空他去的黑洞等在第四度空間對我們“遙引”。
換言之,沒有甚麼暗物質,有的僅僅是正常物質,只是我們看不見摸不著,因為它們已在宇宙外。在宇宙外是因為它們撕裂了空間,一如肥皂膜上的一顆小石子扯破肥皂膜掉出去,肥皂膜隨即迅速癒合;小石子還是小石子,只不過“不見了” — 對肥皂膜上的居民而言,他們那裡知道肥皂膜還有“外面”。撕裂空間是因為無限大的重力扭曲四度時空至後者無可承受 — 確是“時空中無可承受之重”。
I first heard of you as soon as you and your team found the largest black hole and the news spread swiftly. When I saw you on channel 26 "Talk Tonight" my wife and I instantly signed ourselves up as members of your fans, which I believe is growing by the day. We adore your son dearly when we saw him "conducting" in a video you provided. He is so cute and lively, instantly reminded us of our son when he was at the same age. Congratulations on such a high level of accomplishment in just about every aspect one can imagine. You are indeed the pride of my countrymen.
I have an important (to me) question to ask during your interview in the show, but unfortunately it wasn't live. I found your email address in Wikipedia so I decided to give it a try. I am a engineer, not a scientist, so my question may appear dumb, but it lingers for years in my mind and has bugged me for a long time.
I am wondering if and when a black hole implodes to its singularity, the latter itself actually tears up our 3-D space and got "dropped out" of the space of our universe. Using a 2-D membrane (analogy of a 2-D space) it is not difficult to imagine such occurrences. In such a case, the black hole can be thought of as being existent, only no longer in our 3-D space (and/or time for that matter), yet with its gravity felt throughout. I got this concept because in Bryan Greene's famous book (and TV program) "The Elegant Universe" he mentioned how in the string theory our space can be torn apart and re-healed by itself, he also described how he and others "proved" such a possibility, using the famous (and amazingly successful) Mirror Symmetry he invented.
So let's say the 3-D space can tear and heal, and black holes drop themselves out of our universe (in terms of both space and time), but their gravity persist, and that is conceivable if what string theory says is true -- that graviton is a ring/loop-shaped string with no ends, thus can't stick itself onto any brane. Some even conjectured that gravity is "shared" among branes. I won't get into that but here's what I imagined:
If heavy/high density objects such as black holes leave our spacetime/universe, they aren't really that "far away" but sort of gather near our brane (spacetime) and linger. Gradually more and more joined and they form a gravity halo like morning fog above a flat plain. If graviton (like the string theory describes) are truly shared and spread among all branes (spacetimes) and are free to move around (some even suggest that is why gravity is so weak), can't we imagine that it is precisely these halos plus their gravity that render the phenomenon of dark matter, your favorite subject? After all the only thing we know about dark matter is its gravity, and absolutely nothing else, isn't it?
To me this line of thought seems reasonable and logical, do you see any loopholes? Are there any research in this direction? Is the above even a viable conjecture? That, is my question.
In the show you mentioned how you use your time smartly and efficiently. I won't take up too much of your time, my question is long enough. Any answer from you will be greatly appreciated, it doesn't have to be technical. I just want to know how experts think, to what extent, and how they plan to attack the problem.
( 知識學習|科學百科 ) |