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2006/06/01 19:54:15瀏覽1802|回應0|推薦4


A. 科技英語在修辭上的特點

1. 時態運用有限: 常用現在式、過去式、或現在完成式

2. 修辭手法較單調

3. 大量使用非謂語動詞 (non-finite verbs)

B. 科技英語在句法上的特點:

1.      複雜的長句較多

2.      廣泛使用被動語態句

3.      普遍使用形容詞作後置定語

: Non-mobile robots, capable of learning to perform an industrial task and then of being left to perform it tirelessly, are even now in use in industrial plants all over the world.

4.      動詞非謂語形式使用頻率高

: Today the computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.

5.      大量使用名詞和名詞詞組

: To apply computers can help to increase labor productivity.

      改為: The application of computers makes for a rise in labor productivity.

: It is doubtful how accurate the results are.

      改為: The accuracy of the results is doubtful. 


Electrical engineering may be classified as the art and science of developing, applying, and controlling the electrical and related phenomena of nature to make materials and power available and useful to mankind.


The earliest researchers into heat learned by experimenting with gases, watching how differences in temperature made them change.


For an object moving at a speed greater than that of sound it is best to make the forward end sharply pointed, for it has continually to pierce a wall of undisturbed air ahead of it.


( 知識學習語言 )
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