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2012/05/08 07:38:41瀏覽1487|回應5|推薦25 | |
6 我回到家,立刻上網搜尋 “Giant Revel 1 recall”,好嘛,這偉大的網路社會,好幾頁的結果搜回來。 看似全世界都知道了,只有我不知:華府的聯邦商品安全保護會在4月12日宣布招回一萬七千台有用某一型 Suntour前避震器的山車。 ( http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml12/12149.html) 告示中提到我的 Revel 1,就是三種牌子之一。 “車主應立刻停止騎用,以免受傷。” 特別提示:“消費者如果售賣,或企圖售賣召回產品,違反聯邦法。” 我的媽,怪不得他要我簽字呢! “違反聯邦法”,那是聯邦調查局的管轄範圍! 我明晚交車可得小心別被FBI盯上了。 我的自由聯想可是上了避震器地滿山跑:買車的是不是臥底的FBI啊? 考慮了幾分鐘,還打了個電話去老妻的辦公室conference call。 會後,我決定為了亞裔族人的名譽,我不能做投機/偷雞的事,立馬給買方去了個電話: 對不起,我不能瞞你,這車被recall了,我得修好才賣,不能害人,你要等也可,不等我了解。 以前都是短信溝通,第一次說上話,他有點中東口音,沒回應過來似的,過了幾秒鐘,才回說:了解。 我也懶得多說,take care, good bye,掛了。 過了幾分鐘,一短信進來。 大意是感謝我實話以告, I appreciate your honesty,我願意等。 那後,他來過幾次短信問status(進度),前天還來一短信說要出城,如果聯絡不上他,要我等他回來云云。 7 進度,是沒進度。 三週沒進度,還不知要等到何時。 鄰家小店(LBS)次日來電,要我把車送去等件修避震器。 可是一等就等了三個星期,到今天還在等Suntour的零件。 Suntour是台灣廠,這問題避震器卻是大陸產的(對此,我不自由聯想)。 我等了第一個星期後,實在有點生氣。 因為我進林子已經上癮,現在無車可用,只能騎騎買菜車(還另有一台hybrid bike),路上逛逛。 舊車沒賣,又捨不得花銀子買新車,沒車過不了癮,搞得鬱悶難當。 突然異想,我何不改行,換騎路車(road bike)? 路車無甚輪徑爭議。路車還有一好處,即風雨無阻, 不似山車天雨泥濘,公園trails 都關閉,以免破壞生態環境。而且,路車輕,適合我附近的山坡地形,老頭更可像“胳臂壯”(Lance Armstrong)一樣穿穿緊身衣,騷包一把。 我才開口說想買路車,老妻已經準備上法院辦離婚了,我只得閉口。 在漫長的等待中,我找到了巨人捷安特的email地址,去了一信催他,他也回信了,大意是:為你好才recall,免得你摔傷,許多車都修好了,安心等。別再找我,以後有事直接找Suntour 云云。(好個鋸箭法,洋人也懂,才能給台灣人打工!) 又過了一個星期,我再打LBS,店主開始躲我的電話,老闆娘說,問題挺大的,全國自行車零售協會都在吵,大家都沒零件。 我又寫信給這巨人 (Mike olbert | after sales tech lead | www.giant-bicycles.com | 805/267-4653 (w)) 我說:你騙我,我只找你及LBS負責,不找Suntour。 你沒法解決,告訴我你們那一個巨人行?我找他去。 同時,今天也查到Suntour的email,同信也發了過去(彰化),收信人也不知看得懂英文否? 拉拉雜雜寫了一堆,心理氣消了一點。 各位,誰認識自行車業的,巨人小人都可以,幫我把這文轉過去,謝謝。 附: 我4月30寫給巨人的: Hello, My Revel 1 has been recalled however waiting for parts for two weeks already in the local dealership. I am without a bike for two weeks. This is not right, people. Can you move your saddle and act speedily before I start compliant more laudily? Thanks, T J 他5/1即回: Good morning Mr. J First of all let me apologize that you have been without your bicycle for two weeks. I would like to think while it may have been inconvenient, it was safer than the alternative that may have occurred. Unfortunately, this recall was released and set in motion by the supplier of these suspension forks and they are handling the replacement and repair of the parts. Many of our retailers have reported that the have received repair parts, many of them have been repaired as well. Your dealer should have the parts soon and you should be back on your bike in no time. If you have further questions, please direct them to SR Suntour, the manufacturer of the fork on your bicycle. Consumer Contact: For additional information, please contact SR Suntour toll-free at (855) 205-2453 anytime, or visit the firm's website at www.srsuntour-cycling.com http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml12/12149.html Thank you mike colbert | after sales tech lead | www.giant-bicycles.com | 805/267-4653 (w) | 805/376-8095 (f) 我5/4再寫: Mr. Colbert, Another week went by without any progress on this issue. I was told that the delay is actually a national issue causing all dealers and many customers unhappy. Your reply was not telling the true picture. As far as I am concerned, you Gaint the manufacture, and Germantown Bikes, the dealer who sold me the Revel 1, are the ones that need to resolve the issue for me. I am calling your dealer, the Germantown Bikes, almost daily to keep the pressure on them. You seem not the right person for my complaint. Can you please give me the contact person within your company who can do something with this issue? Thanks, T 今日,5/7,仍無回音,巨人不太甩我這個小人。 |
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