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2020/10/04 13:37:24瀏覽462|回應0|推薦12 | |
在網上聽說有家二手書店在今天結束營業,覺得心疼。 I heard on the Internet that a second-hand bookstore closed today, and I feel distressed. 從小,我是個很喜歡讀課外書的學生,雖然在學校的課業成績並不出色(也不算差),但閱讀習慣始終持續。 Since I was a child, I was a student who liked reading extracurricular books. Although my academic performance at school was not good (but not bad), my reading habit continued. 家父與家母也喜歡閱讀,而且興趣廣泛,除工作相關的書籍外,也有許多像是旅遊、健康養生、人文歷史、語言學習類的書籍。 My father and my mother also like to read and have a wide range of interests. In addition to work-related books, there are also many books such as travel, health and wellness, humanities and history, and language learning. 在每個禮拜營業一次的夜市裡面,總會有二手書攤,父親曾帶我到夜市舊書攤選購書籍,也曾帶我到舊書店。 In the night market that is open once a week, there are always second-hand book stalls. My father once took me to the second-hand book stall in the night market to buy books, and he also took me to the second-hand bookstore. 一開始我只是陪著父親去買他要的書,後來在我的請求之下,爸爸也幫我買了幾本;二手書除價格便宜以外,還有一種獨特書香,我個人是很喜歡的。 At first I just accompanied my father to buy the books he wanted. Later, at my request, my father also bought a few books for me; besides the cheap price, there is also a unique book fragrance that I personally like very much. 高中的時候,在網路上發現「舊書店地圖」,可以看到當時住家與學校附近有哪些舊書店。我騎著腳踏車或搭公車,到訪過其中數家。 When I was in high school, I found the "Used Bookstore Map" on the Internet to see which used bookstores were near my home and school. I have visited several of them by bicycle or bus. 儘管現在用網路購買書籍會方便得多,但我對舊書店是很有感情的。成年後,只要有時間,還是會跑書店,只是不一定會購買。 Although it is much more convenient to buy books online now, I have a lot of affection for the used bookstores. After adulthood, as long as I have time, I still go to the bookstore, but I might not buy it. 現在我已經很少買書了,主要的原因是,大部分需要的書籍,從圖書館都可以借到,而且也沒有迫切借閱的需求。我自己擁有的書籍,在閱讀過後,假如真的不需要,也會選擇轉贈或回收,以保有適當的空間,並且減輕在遷居時的負擔。 Now I rarely buy books. The main reason is that most of the books I need can be borrowed from the library, and there is no urgent need for borrowing. After reading the books that I own, if I really don’t need them, I will choose to donate them or recycle them to keep proper space and reduce the burden when moving. 現在經濟景氣真的不好,而且大多數人買書的頻率不高,即使要購買,也通常是透過網路。對於舊書店經營,假如我能提供一點淺見的話,可能會建議他們: The current economic climate is really bad, and most people do not buy books frequently. Even if they want to buy, it is usually through the Internet. Regarding the operation of used bookstores , if I can provide some simple suggestions, I might suggest them: 一、採取「複業經營」: 亦即書籍販售不能成為唯一收入,或許店內賣點輕食、飲品、文具用品、文創展覽票券等,可以增加收入; 1. Adopting "resumption of business": that is, book sales cannot be the only income. Perhaps the store selling light food, drinks, stationery, cultural and creative exhibition tickets, etc., can increase income; 二、庫存書籍適當轉贈或回收: 假如因為讀者需求不高,而一直無法售出的書籍,不妨轉贈圖書館、學校、公益團體,也可以在網路上尋找有意索書的網友,減少庫存、經營形象。如果真的送不出去,也要適當回收。 2. Appropriate donation or recycling of inventory books: If you have not been able to sell books due to low reader demand, you may wish to donate them to libraries, schools, and public welfare organizations. You can also find netizens who are interested in requesting books on the Internet to reduce inventory and management Image.If it really cannot be sent out, it should be recycled appropriately. 減少庫存,也是為了靈活運用空間,無論是增加經營項目,還是購進需求度更高的二手書籍,減少庫存應該都是必須的。 Reducing inventory is also for flexible use of space. Whether it is to increase business items or purchase second-hand books with higher demand, reducing inventory should be necessary. 三、網路銷售:在固定幾個網路販售平台上進行銷售。 3. Online sales: sell on several fixed online sales platforms. 四、主動銷售:可與偏鄉地區學校、民眾活動中心聯繫,主動開立適合書單,以專案優惠價提供給他們。 4. Active sales: You can contact schools and peoples activity centers in remote areas, and take the initiative to open a list of books suitable for reading and provide them with special discounted prices. 五、積極參與各種臨時市集: 雖然是有實體店面的店家,也可準備一些擺攤位用的書籍,參與各種臨時市集(如文創市集、大學園遊會),發名片、宣傳書單,讓大家更有機會與店家聯絡。 5. Actively participate in various temporary markets: Although it is a store with physical stores, you can also prepare some books for setting up stalls, participate in various temporary markets (such as cultural and creative markets, university garden fairs), and distribute business cards and promote the book list you have made, gives everyone more opportunities to contact the store. 六、提供額外服務: 例如為整個班級訂書、為學校募書、為網友尋找少見書籍、為網友捐書等等。 6. Provide additional services: such as ordering books for the entire class, raising books for schools, finding rare books for netizens, donating books for netizens, etc. 以上一點淺見,不知道可有實用之處?假如因此對任何人有參考價值的話,是值得高興的。 I don’t know if there is any practical point of the above-mentioned personal humble opinion? If it is of reference value to anyone, it is a pleasure and an honor for me. 翻譯工具:Google Translate(https://translate.google.com.tw/) |
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