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2020/11/01 21:41:33瀏覽971|回應0|推薦25







In the eleventh year of Zhenguan, Minister Wei Zheng (the name of the official position he held at this time was called "特進") wrote to Emperor Taizong in a letter saying: "I have observed the emperors of the ages since ancient times. They accepted the will of Heaven to govern this country and accept efforts to preserve the system and culture established and passed down by the monarchs before him, cultivate the strength to finally grasp and make the powerful opponents of all parties succumb to himself, and reach the supreme ruling position in a country. These emperors,in the beginning, all hoped that his own virtues could be strong enough to match the great virtues of heaven and earth, and that he would be wise to shine on the world like the sun and the moon, taking himself as the foundation and the future generations as branches and leaves, hoping that the lifeblood of the country can be passed down for generations and endless. However, there are very few countries that can achieve good results according to the original ideals of the founding emperor. From history, we have seen that these dynasties are still going to be defeated, and they are one after another, there is no escape. What is the reason for this? I will explore it and sum up my experience. It is true that the monarchs of these countries have lost the rule of rule. The lessons left by the predecessors are not far away until now. It seems that we can give an example to talk about.






In the past in the Sui Dynasty(隋朝), Sui Wendi, the founding monarch of the Sui Dynasty, unified the country. He focused on training the country’s military power and governed the country for more than 30 years. This allowed the country’s culture to affect faraway places and served the distant country with culture and military,and he might those countries with cultural differences. But when Emperor of Sui was not careful, these hard-working businesses have become the property of others. Did the Emperor Yang of Sui hate that the country is well governed and the situation is stable? Is he deliberately not wanting to keep his country alive for a long time, and deliberately committing atrocities like Xia Jie to plunge himself into destruction? (I think thats not, but because:) He relied on his countrys wealth and strength at the time, and did not consider the disasters that might occur later.




Therefore, he regards the whole country as his own tool, indulges his various desires, exploits the various resources of the common people to support himself, (according to his own selfish desires) sends the children of the domestic common people to do various errands, and pursues various rare and rare things in the distance stuff. His palace buildings are very exquisite in carvings and gardening is very particular. (In order to satisfy his desires) ,the people are being sent to work almost all the time, and domestic and foreign wars have never stopped. The situation abroad is very dangerous, but in the country, people who suspicion and hate each other, the suspicion exists between monarchs and ministers, and the court and the people.In this time, the traitor who like to slander and hold evil thoughts will definitely get benefits, but the loyal and upright ministers have no way to save their life. The top and bottom of the country are blinded to each other, and the principles that should be emphasized between the emperor and the minister are all abandoned. The people will eventually become unbearable, and the country will be divided. The monarch eventually died in the hands of Piff, and his descendants also perished and became a joke in the world. (Recall the ideal of the founding monarch). Isn’t this tragedy and painful!






Emperor Gaozong, the founding monarch of the our Tang Dynasty and my emperor, you take this opportunity to save the people of the world from drowning, so that the chaotic situation of the world can be taken care of and corrected. In a very short period of time, you have stabilized the countries and peoples both near and far, and you have also defeated those ferocious and brutal people. Now, my emperor has lived in the palace buildings, pavilions and gardens that belonged to the Sui Dynasty; the rare treasures collected from everywhere in the Sui Dynasty are now in my emperor’s collection; the most beautiful women in our country are all accompanied by my emperors side; and even if some of the land under the sky is not our countrys territory, it is nothing but surrendered or subordinated to our country. If my emperor could observe the negligence and negligence of the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, and think of the key to our success at that time, remind youself to be cautious day after day, and be more cautious than the day before; although everything seems very beautiful, you will not condone youself be too comfortable;and you also appropriately abandon some clothing and architecture that exceed actual needs, and you often think of the dangers of being at a high place and are willing to stay at a low place. Then, I believes that my emperor can be as intelligent as the ancient holy king, you will have enlightenment (inspiration) power can also silently make all things work naturally, and you can eventually reach the state of ruling by doing nothing. This is the highest level of the kings virtue.






If you can keep your achievements from being destroyed, follow the reliable practices of the predecessors, eliminate some not very urgent or important matters, and minimize the key matters to be dealt with. In a beautiful and gorgeous building, there are several thatched huts, and among the stairs that were originally planned to be built with jade, some might be made of practical soil. Let the people who work for the royal family engage in labor in a relatively pleasant working atmosphere, and dont make them overwork and exhaust their strength. If the emperor can always think of the ease of living in a high position, and at the same time appreciate the hard work of those working for him below, so that billions of trillions of subjects will follow the emperor like the children to their parents, and make the countrys people admire their emperor sincerely, being willing to satisfy their emperors personality and hobbies,that is the second level of the monarchs virtue.






If the emperor fails to take into account the doctrine of the sacred mind, does not follow the path of good results carefully, forgets the hardships and difficulties of the founders when opening up the territory, and thinks that he can rely on the will of Heaven and do any things. Those frugal and respectful styles have been abandoned,and he pursuing luxurious enjoyment without distinction,so,the common people have no way of seeing the emperor’s holy virtues, but only hearing the instructions that the country needs the people to serve as labor. This is the lowest level of the emperor’s virtue.




This is like a person carrying firewood on his back to fight a fire, stirring the hot water in the hope that the water will stop boiling, and using "cruel" to replace "chaos". In fact, it is exactly the same way as chaos, and the degree of his failure is difficult to predict. Even if his children and grandchildren wish to keep their peace, but what hope do they have? When the emperor cannot get a positive evaluation in political affairs, the people will complain, and the peoples complaints will arouse the anger of heaven, which will lead to disasters, and disasters will inevitably produce disasters. Once domestic turmoil occurs, the emperor cant still make his life and good name comprehensive.




My wise emperor and emperor Gaozong, the founding monarch of the country, you followed the will of Heaven to eliminate the chaos which created by the last monarch of the previous dynasty. At this moment, I believes that Heaven will bless us to exist for hundreds of years (Seven hundred years), you can give the country and the principles of governing to your future generations, and hoping that they will inherit the countrys industry like branches and leaves. Since we know that a country is difficult to obtain but easy to lose, shouldnt you be cautious and often think about these principles?







( 知識學習語言 )
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