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2020/10/18 21:50:30瀏覽2431|回應0|推薦50 | |
試譯《論語‧公冶長》數則 Try to translate "The Analects of Confucius-Gongye Chang" ○子曰:「始吾於人也,聽其言而信其行;今吾於人也,聽其言而觀其行。」 孔子說:「最初,當我觀察一個人時,聽到他說的話,就相信他的行為(必也如同他說的);但是,現在,當我觀察一個人時,聽到他說的話,還要再觀察他的行為(看看是否能符合他說的話)。」 Confucius said: "In the beginning, when I observed a person and heard what he said, I believed his behavior (must be the same as what he said); but now, when I observe a person and hear what he said, I have to observe his behavior (see if it matches what he said). ○子曰:「巧言、令色、足恭,左丘明恥之,丘亦恥之。」 孔子說:「有些人話說得動聽、臉色可親可喜、注重禮節儀式已超過應有程度,但並非出於至誠或善意,對於這樣的人,左丘明認為他們可恥,而我同樣如此認為。」 Confucius said: "Some people have nice words, pleasant faces, and pay more attention to etiquette and rituals than they should, but they are not out of sincerity or goodwill. For such people, Zuo Qiu-ming thinks they are shameful, and I think so. " ○子曰:「已矣乎!吾未見能見其過而內自訟者也。」 孔子說:「唉,沒辦法了!我沒有見到明知道自己犯錯而能夠勇敢、果斷地自我批評與改正的人。」 Confucius said: "Oh, there is no way! I have not seen anyone who knows that he has made mistakes and can bravely and decisively criticize and correct himself." ○或曰:「雍也,仁而不佞。」子曰:「焉用佞?禦人以口給,屢憎於人。不知其仁,焉用佞?」 有的人說:「仲弓這個人可說是『仁』了,但可惜沒有好的口才。」孔子曰:「為什麼他需要有好的口才呢?靠著口才與別人辯論,經常會遭來別人的嫌惡。我不知道仲弓是否能稱得上『仁』,但他為什麼需要有好的口才呢?」 Some people said, "Zhong Gong can be said to be "benevolent", but unfortunately there is no good eloquence." Confucius said, "Why does he need to have good eloquence? Relying on eloquence to argue with others, often suffers other people’s disgust. I don’t know if Zhong Gong can be called "benevolent", but why does he need good eloquence?" 翻譯工具:Google翻譯 參考網址: 《論語‧公冶長》全文──中國哲學書電子化計劃 https://ctext.org/analects/gong-ye-chang/zh
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