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試譯《貞觀政要‧君道》第6段──太宗答魏徵手詔、守天下難易 【原文1】 太宗手詔答曰:「省頻抗表,誠極忠款,言窮切至。披覽忘倦,每達宵分。非公體國情深,啟沃義重,豈能示以良圖,匡其不及! 【白話翻譯1】 太宗皇帝親筆答覆魏徵說:「我將您的上書反覆閱讀多次,覺得您說得實在懇切,您在上書中,已經將所知道的道理都儘可能詳細表達出來。當我閱讀您的建言時,我總是忘了疲倦,也常常讀到深夜。正是因為您對國家懷抱深切的關懷,而且您抱著啟發、開導君主走向正路的使命感,所以您願意將這些良好的建言陳述出來,以求彌補和匡正君王施政的不足之處。 【英文翻譯1】 Emperor Taizong personally replied to Wei Zheng: "I have read your letter many times and feel that you are really sincere. In your letter, you have expressed what you know in as much detail as possible. When I read your advice, I always forget that I am tired, and I often read it until midnight. It is precisely because you have a deep concern for the country, and you have a sense of mission to inspire and enlighten the monarch on the right path, so you are willing to state these good suggestions in order to make up and correct the deficiencies of the monarchs governance. 【原文2】 朕聞晉武帝自平吳已後,務在驕奢,不復留心治政。何曾退朝謂其子劭曰:『吾每見主上不論經國遠圖,但說平生常語,此非貽厥子孫者,爾身猶可以免,』指諸孫曰:『此等必遇亂死。』及孫綏,果為淫刑所戮。 【白話翻譯2】 我曾聽說晉武帝司馬炎在平定東吳之後,追求驕奢的生活,不再將心思放在治國。他的大臣何曾在退朝之後,私下對自己的孩子何劭說:『我常常看到皇上不談論治理國家的遠大政策,只談些日常瑣事,這不是可以將國家傳給後代子孫的樣子;你們這一代還可以避免遭到禍亂,』手指著孫子們說:『他們這一代,一定會遇到動亂而無法生存。』等到何家的家業傳到何曾的孫子何綏時,何綏果然不幸被東海王司馬越以酷刑殺戮。 【英文翻譯2】 I once heard that Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, pursued a life of arrogance and luxury, and no longer focused on governing the country. His minister He Zeng(何曾)privately told his child He Shao(何劭) after retiring from the court,"I often see that the emperor does not talk about the ambitious policy of governing the country, but only talks about daily trivia. This is not the way that the country can be passed on to future generations; your generation can also avoid disasters," pointing at the grandchildren and said: "but their generation will definitely encounter turmoil and cannot survive." When the inheritance of the He family was passed down to He Zengs grandson, He Sui(何邵), He Sui was unfortunately killed by Sima Yue(司馬越), King of the East China Sea. 【原文3】 前史美之,以為明於先見。朕意不然,謂曾之不忠,其罪大矣。夫為人臣,當進思盡忠,退思補過,將順其美,匡救其惡,所以共為治也。曾位極臺司,名器崇重,當直辭正諫,論道佐時。今乃退有後言,進無廷諍,以為明智,不亦謬乎!危而不持,焉用彼相? 【白話翻譯3】 我讀以往的史書,看到史官讚美何曾,認為他很有先見之明。我卻不這樣想,我認為何曾不忠於主上的罪過太大了。當人臣下的人,有機會時就應該忠誠地表達意見與貢獻才能,即使沒有機會,至少也要設法彌補君王的過錯;一方面對使君主好的一面獲得發展,另一方面匡正他的過錯,這些都是為了輔佐君主將國家治理好(君臣共同治理好國家)必須要做的事情。何曾當時的官位已經到了臺司,地位與名望都十分崇高,他應該要有話直說,明白勸諫君主,討論治國的道理,輔佐君王採行與修正政令;而他在私下有這些意見,見到君主時卻不敢直言諫諍,史官們還稱許他是明智的人,這不是錯得離譜嗎!如果見到國家危難卻不能伸手扶持,國家又何必聘用這樣的重臣呢? 【英文翻譯3】 I read past history books and saw that the historian praised He Zeng and thought He was very foresighted. But I don’t think so. I think the sin of being unfaithful to the Lord is too great. Whenever a minister, he should faithfully express his opinions and contribute talents when he has the opportunity. Even if there is no chance, he must at least try to make up for the king’s faults; on the one hand, he should develop the good side of the monarch, and on the other hand he should correct his faults. These are the things that must be done in order to assist the monarch to govern the country well (the monarch and his ministers jointly govern the country). At the time, He Zeng’s official position had already reached the 臺司, and his status and reputation were very lofty. He should speak plainly, clearly advise the monarch, discuss the principles of governing the country, and assist the monarch in adopting and amending government orders; and he has these opinions in private, When he saw the monarch, he didnt dare to speak out. The historians also praised him as a wise man. Isnt this wrong? If he see that the country is in distress but cannot reach out for support, why should the country hire such a heavy minister? 【原文4】 公之所陳,朕聞過矣。當置之几案,事等弦、韋。必望收彼桑榆,期之歲暮,不使『康哉良哉』,獨美於往日,若魚若水,遂爽於當今。遲復嘉謀,犯而無隱。朕將虛襟靜志,敬佇德音。」 【白話翻譯4】 從您上書中的建言,我已經看到了自己在治國上的缺失。我將會將您的建言放在桌上,將它視為皮革或弓弦,像西門豹或董安那樣,藉著有形的外物自我提醒。(雖然目前有很多需要改過之處)希望能在未來收到好的效果,不讓『康哉良哉』一類歌頌君臣賢明而國政安寧的頌歌,只留在上古的時代;也希望君臣之間如同魚及水的關係,能夠透過我們今日的君臣相處而明白彰顯。我回覆較晚了,希望你繼續直言進諫,無須有所隱藏。我將虛心並靜心接受,恭敬等待你的好意見。」 【英文翻譯4】 From the suggestions in your letter, I have seen my lack of governance. I will put your suggestion on the table and treat it as leather or bowstring, like Simon Leopard (西門豹)or Dong An(董安), reminding myself through tangible objects. (Although there are many things that need to be changed at present) I hope that good results will be achieved in the future, and the ode to "Kang Zai Liang Zai" that extols the virtuous emperor and the state and the stability of the country will only remain in the ancient times; I also hope that the emperor and the minister have good relationship which like fish and water,and it can be clearly manifested today. I am late in replying, and I hope you will continue to speak up, without hiding anything. I will be humble and accept it quietly, and respectfully await your good advice. " 【原文5】 貞觀十五年,太宗謂侍臣曰:「守天下難易?」 侍中魏徵對曰:「甚難。」 太宗曰:「任賢能,受諫諍,即可。何謂為難?」 徵曰:「觀自古帝王,在於憂危之間,則任賢受諫。及至安樂,必懷寬怠,言事者惟令兢懼,日陵月替,以至危亡。聖人所以居安思危,正為此也。安而能懼,豈不為難?」 【白話翻譯5】 貞觀第十五年,唐太宗對他身邊的大臣說:「守天下是一件困難的事情呢?還是一件簡單的事情?」 魏徵回答他說:「很難」。 唐太宗問:「只要君主能任用賢能的人擔任部屬,接受部屬的直言進諫,就可以了。難在什麼地方呢?」 魏徵回答說:「我們觀察從古至今的帝王,他們在國家處於憂患危難的時刻,都很能夠任用賢能的人並接受直言勸諫。等到情勢安穩,趨向安樂,常常會鬆懈心情而有所怠慢,對於那些表達意見的人,只希望讓他們恐懼而停止發表意見,於是國家的政局一日比一日衰退,終究到了危難或滅亡。古代的聖人講『居安思危』正是為了避免如此。一個人要在安定的環境中還能常常提醒自己謹慎、戒懼,難道不是很困難嗎?」 【英文翻譯5】 In the fifteenth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to his ministers: "Is it difficult or simple to maintain the ruling power?" Wei Zheng replied: "Its difficult." Emperor Taizong asked: "As long as the monarch can appoint talented people as subordinates and accept the direct advice from subordinates, it is enough. Whats the difficulty?" Wei Zheng replied: "We observe the emperors from ancient times to the present. They are able to employ talented people and accept outspoken advice when the country is in distress. When the situation is stable and tends to be peaceful, they often relax and neglect. For those expressing opinions, they only want to make them fear and stop expressing their opinions. As a result, the country’s political situation declines day by day, and eventually reaches distress or perish. The ancient saints said "being prepared for danger in times of peace" just to avoid this. Isn’t it difficult to remind yourself of caution and fear in a stable environment?” 【翻譯工具】 Google翻譯 http://translate.google.com.tw/ 【參考資料】 一、貞觀政要全文─中國哲學書電子化計劃 https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=334107 二、古文賞讀:《太宗手詔答魏徵》(陸志仝整理,大紀元文化網) |
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