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讀主計總處205號國情統計通報後感想 閱讀行政院主計總處第205號國情統計通報,迄108年底,臺灣中小企業中女性負責人占比為38.8%。 Reading the State Statistics Bulletin No. 205 of the General Accounting Office of the Executive Yuan, as of the end of 108, the proportion of women in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan was 38.8%. 閱讀這則通報的當下,筆者想到的是自己105年時參加某次戶外導覽課程,聽說新北市瑞芳區四角亭曾出現第一位女性礦業主;前幾天閱讀LiveABC出版的《CNN專訪名人成功之道:最激勵人心的英語課》,也讀到了政壇、財經社科、影視時尚、體育藝文等不同領域的女性知名人物故事。 At the moment of reading this bulletin, I thought of participating in a certain outdoor guided course in 2016. I heard that the first female mining owner appeared in Shang-tian-li, Si-jiao-ting, Rui-fang District, New Taipei City. Besides, I read LiveABC a few days ago. In the published "CNN Interview with Celebrities: The Most Inspiring English Lessons", I read the story of well-known female figures in various fields, such as politics, finance and social sciences, film and television fashion, and sports art. 像是德國總理梅克爾、美國第一夫人梅蘭妮雅‧川普、已逝英國王妃黛安娜、瑞典環保鬥士格蕾塔‧通貝里、英國動物學家珍‧古德、英國創作歌手愛黛兒、美國好來塢知名演員潔西卡‧艾巴、日本藝術家草間彌生,以及我現任總統蔡英文女士,都是該書中介紹到的女性知名人物。 Such as German Chancellor Merkel, American First Lady Melania Trump, the late British Princess Diana, the environmental fighter Greta Tumberg in Sweden, British zoologist Jane Goode, British creations Singer Adele, well-known Hollywood actor Jessica Alba, Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, and our current President Ms. Tsai Ing-wen are all well-known female figures introduced in this book. 筆者身為女性,自然很樂意見到有關女性企業家或知名人物的數據分析、故事報導。從許多層面來說,顯然地,現今女性在事業發展的表現,越來越能與男性同仁齊頭並進,站在比起傳統社會(例如50年前臺灣)更為公平的立足點上,以工作表現進行競賽。 As a woman, I am naturally happy to read the data analysis and story reporting about female entrepreneurs or well-known figures. From many perspectives, it is obvious that women’s performance in career development today is increasingly able to keep pace with their male counterparts, standing on a more equitable foothold than traditional society (such as Taiwan 50 years ago), based on work performance play a race. 但我們偶爾還是會聽到所謂「玻璃天花板」一類的名詞,所以也不能忽略,隱藏著的性別不平等仍然存在,也正是因為這些不平等實際上仍然存在,我們才需要透過性別政策與立法,更完善地保護弱勢性別。弱勢性別不絕對是女性,在女性占多數的工作場合,男性也可能成為弱勢;在強調威武雄猛的工作環境中,個性柔和的男性也可能是弱勢。 But we still hear the so-called "glass ceiling" from time to time, so we cannot ignore that hidden gender inequalities still exist, and it is precisely because these inequalities actually still exist, so we need to adopt gender policies and legislation, to protect the disadvantaged gender. The disadvantaged gender is not absolutely female. In workplaces where women are the majority, men may also be disadvantaged; in a work environment that emphasizes mighty power, men with soft personalities may also be disadvantaged. 我國目前為人熟知的性別立法,包括「性別三法」,也就是「性別平等教育法」、「性別工作平等法」及「性騷擾防治法」這三部法律。在大專院校中,各校通識課程幾乎都開有至少一兩門與性別相關的課程。大法官釋字第748號,因為直接涉及「家庭組成」觀念,在社會上引起非常廣泛的討論。至於性別政策,上從民意代表婦女保障名額,下至基層女性勞工的專屬假別(例如生理假),一直以來都是公部門的重視議題。 The currently well-known gender legislation in our country includes the "Three Gender Laws", that is, the "Gender Equality Education Law", the "Gender Work Equality Law" and the "Sexual Harassment Prevention Law". In colleges and universities, almost all general education courses have at least one or two gender-related courses. The Chief Justices Interpretation No. 748 directly involved the concept of "family composition", which caused extensive discussion in society. As for the gender policy, the public opinion represents the number of womens guarantee quotas, and down to the exclusive leave for female workers at the grassroots level (such as menstrual leave), which has always been a topic of public sector attention. 那麼,到底對於原本弱勢的性別,給予特別保護,是不是合理的做法呢?例如,以明文規範保障民意代表中一定比例是婦女。依據個人所學,這應該是所謂的「優惠性差別待遇」,其目的正是消弭過往的不公平,幫助從前的弱勢一方,站到比較公平的起跑點上,期望兩方或多方的競爭者,從今往後,可以單就工作表現或客觀績效,在職場或其他領域正向競爭、比較成就。 So, is it reasonable to give special protection to the originally disadvantaged gender? For example, a certain percentage of public opinion representatives are guaranteed by express regulations to be women. According to what I have learned, this should be the so-called "preferential differential treatment." Its purpose is to eliminate the unfairness of the past, to help the formerly disadvantaged party to stand at a fairer starting point, and to expect two or more competitors can compete positively and compare achievements in the workplace or other fields solely based on work or objective performance from now. 所以,只要過往確實存在很長時間的不平等,而這種不平等至今仍未完全消失,某種程度的「差別待遇」,可能還是有存在的必要。即使是民間企業,單就女性主管的比例來談,即使決策者明確約定給予女性員工特別保障,假如考量過往確實存在性別不公平,而且這種不公平至今仍其實存在的話,這種特別保障其實還是有必要的,而且正是促進實質公平的途徑。 Therefore, as long as inequality did exist for a long time in the past, and this inequality has not completely disappeared, a certain degree of "differential treatment" may still exist. Even if it is a private enterprise, just talk about the proportion of female supervisors, even if the decision-maker clearly agrees to give female employees special protection, if you consider that there has been gender inequity in the past, and this inequity still exists today, then, this special guarantee is still necessary, and it is the way to promote substantial fairness. 特別保障或優惠性差別待遇,畢竟是在考量過往曾有很長時間存在不平等、且該不平等至今仍未完全消失的情況下,才需要採取的途徑。理想上,一個真正平等的社會,「英雄」或「強人」不再需要特別標榜男女。我們會特別注意到「女企業家」、「女元首」、「女學者」、「女軍官」,就表示以現況來說,她們仍然是相對少數;假如將來女性在該領域的占比,已經高到與男性幾乎沒有分別時,自然我們就不會特別在意這位成就者的「性別」而只會專注在其成就本身。 Special guarantees or preferential differential treatment are, after all, a path that needs to be taken after considering that inequality has existed for a long time in the past and the inequality has not completely disappeared. Ideally, in a truly equal society, "heroes" or "strong men" no longer need to advertise men and women. We will pay special attention to "women entrepreneurs", "female heads of state", "female scholars", and "female military officers", which means that they are still a relatively small number in the current situation; When it is so high that it is almost indistinguishable from men, naturally we will not particularly care about the "gender" of this achiever, but will only focus on the achievement itself. 回到最初提到的國情統計通報第205號,臺灣目前中小企業家當中,女性占比不到四成。我想,時代再怎麼發展,職場環境再如何公平競爭,多數女性慈柔、重視親人與家庭生活的性情,仍然可能是她們在職場發展上為自己設下界線的原因。 Going back to the National Statistics Bulletin No. 205 mentioned at the beginning, women currently account for less than 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan. I think that no matter how the times develop and how fair the workplace environment is, the fact that most women are kind and respectful of relatives and family life may still be the reason why they set a boundary for themselves in the workplace. 時代移易,男性同樣會面臨到「當個人與家庭生活與工作不能兩相配合時,應優先以何者為重」的課題,而現代男性的選擇,同樣未必是以事業雄心為第一順位。此外,還有太多變數,所以未來女性在企業負責人或主管中所占的比例,是會增加還是會減少,目前很難有定論。 As the times change, men will also face the question of "when personal and family life and work cannot be matched, which one should be prioritized", and modern mens choice may not necessarily be based on career ambition. In addition, there are too many variables, so in the future, whether the proportion of women in corporate leaders or supervisors will increase or decrease is currently difficult to conclude. 但我個人的意見是,基於員工多元化、企業組織文化的豐富與穩健,無論是基層員工、中階主管還是部門負責人、決策階層,性別比例最好能夠均衡,除了性別以外,假如企業內部尚有員工跨越多種類型、特色,那麼,在這些類型、特色中儘量取得均衡,應該是對企業發展有幫助的。 But my personal opinion is that based on the diversity of employees, the rich and stable corporate organizational culture, whether it is grassroots employees, mid-level managers, department heads, or decision-making levels, the gender ratio should be balanced. In addition to gender, if the company’s internal have employees who span multiple types and characteristics, trying to achieve a balance among these types and characteristics should be helpful to the development of the enterprise. 俗話說,剛柔並濟,動靜適中,筆者談的倒不完全是性別的問題,而其實是一個群體要穩健前行,對於內部成員中的各種組成,都必須有尊重、寬容與照應的道理。 As the saying goes, both rigidity and softness, moderate movement and quietness, I am not talking about gender issues, but in fact, if a group want to move forward steadily, it must be a respectable, tolerant and responsive organization. 【翻譯工具】Google翻譯 http://translate.google.com.tw 【參考資料】1.行政院主計總處國情統計通報第205號 2.CNN互動英語年度特別企劃 :CNN專訪名人成功之道 最激勵人心的英語課 |
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