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2020/09/30 05:50:20瀏覽441|回應0|推薦17 | |
健康對事業的幫助 The Help of Health to Career 我們常常在新聞上聽到,某些事業成就斐然的人士,因為過分操勞而損及健康。 We often hear in the news that certain people who have achieved great success in their careers are harming their health because of overwork. 因此,近年來,也有許多人提倡工作之餘紓解壓力的必要性,或者透過調整、轉換工作等方式,使工作與生活能取得更好的平衡。 Therefore, in recent years, many people have also advocated the need to relieve stress after work, or through adjustments and changes in work to achieve a better work-life balance. 也有人提倡將工作本身視為藝術,感受到工作的意義與樂趣,並使工作與我們的人生目標一致,如此,投入工作本身也有助於健康。 Some people advocate that work itself is regarded as art, to feel the meaning and fun of work, and to make work consistent with our life goals. In this way, putting in work itself also helps us to be healthy. 而我思考的是,「健康的生活」本身固然就是我們的目標,同時,它應該也是我們工作或事業的助力。當我們更明白健康生活型態對工作或事業的幫助何在,就會正視並培養、維持良好的生活習慣。 What I am thinking is that a healthy life is our goal, and at the same time, it should also be a boost to work or career. When we understand better what a healthy lifestyle can help work or career, we will face it and cultivate and maintain good living habits. 那麼,健康對於工作的幫助究竟是什麼呢?淺見以為,當我們的身體與心靈都處於健康狀態時,能投入較多精神而使工作效率提升,能積極學習相關技能並改善工作方法,遇到挫折也能正向思考與處理。 So, what exactly does health help work? In my opinion, when our body and mind are in a healthy state, we can devote more energy to improve work efficiency, actively learn related skills and improve working methods, and can think and deal with setbacks positively. 同時,若我們身體與心靈都處於健康狀態,當我們需要紓解壓力的時候,我們會克制避免過度放縱,並且選擇良好或至少無傷健康的方法。那些可能暫時忘卻壓力,卻會傷害我們健康的紓壓方式,當我們保持理智時,自然就不會選擇它們,或這至少能避免沉溺其中。 At the same time, if our body and mind are in a healthy state, when we need to relieve stress, we will refrain from over-indulgence, and choose good or at least harmless methods. Those stress relief methods that may temporarily forget the stress, but will harm our health, when we stay sane, we naturally will not choose them, or at least this can avoid indulging in them. 所以,良好的生活型態,能促進我們的身體與心靈健康;反過來說也成立,當我們身體與心靈健康時,就能維持良好生活型態。 Therefore, a good life style can promote our physical and spiritual health; the other way round is also true, when our body and mind are healthy, we can maintain a good life style. 身心健康與生活習慣良好,並為每日工作及長期事業發展的後盾;而我們若能得到適合我們自己才情、性格與專長的工作,並且擁有良好的工作氣氛,對健康也有幫助,這就是所謂「正向循環」。 Good physical and mental health and good living habits, and backing up daily work and long-term career development; and if we can get a job that suits our own talents, character and expertise, and have a good working atmosphere, it will also help health, this is the so-called "Positive cycle".
( 知識學習|語言 ) |